
Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

author:The gastronomic culture of the sea

Tomorrow's winter 59, as the saying goes: 3949 walk on the ice, 5969 along the river to see the willows! At this time, the weather conditions have gradually warmed from the previous severe cold and low temperature, just as the agricultural proverb says: 5969 along the river to see the willows! This sentence accurately describes that after the 59th solar term, due to the warming and rising temperature, the willow trees by the river have begun to sprout. After all, in half a month, it will be the "beginning of spring" solar term. So it's not hard to understand why willows sprout. So during the alternation of winter and spring, what should we pay attention to in diet and health?

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

Winter 59 health: drink 3 soups

1) Egg soup with spinach

Spinach and egg soup is a common soup dish in our home cooking, it can not only supplement vitamins, but also eat it can also nourish yin and nourish our body, balance the body after the beginning of spring, due to the symptoms of fire due to yang energy.

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

Spinach egg soup cooking steps:

1: Cut off the roots of the spinach, clean it, then put it on a cutting board and cut it into long pieces for later use. Beat 2 eggs into a bowl and beat into egg mixture.

2: Pour water into the pot and bring to a boil, add the spinach and cook, then use chopsticks to evenly pour in the egg liquid to quickly form egg drops, and finally add an appropriate amount of edible salt to taste and serve.

2) Kelp tofu soup

Kelp tofu soup is also a healthy dish that we often eat in our lives, and eating it in winter and spring can not only supplement potassium, calcium, selenium and minerals, but also supplement protein and reduce the cholesterol content of our body. It is a health soup dish in winter and spring.

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

Cooking steps for kelp tofu soup:

1: Prepare an appropriate amount of kelp bought from the supermarket, a piece of tofu, rinse the kelp knot with water for later use, and cut the tofu into small cubes.

2: Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add the kelp and tofu cubes after the water boils, add an appropriate amount of edible salt and simmer for 30 minutes to make the kelp mature and soft, and finally add an appropriate amount of MSG to taste and improve the freshness 15 minutes before boiling, and then simmer for a while to serve.

3) Crucian carp soup with ginger

Ginger crucian carp soup is different, this is a very nourishing dish that can play a role after eating: warming the body, improving the body's immunity, supplementing calcium and potassium, preventing osteoporosis and wind chill and cold in winter and spring.

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

Ginger crucian carp soup cooking steps:

1: Rinse the two crucian carp bought from the market, scrape off the scales, take out the guts and gills of the fish, and then rinse the belly of the fish with water to ensure that there is no blood left.

2: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pot, after the oil is boiled, add the green onion and stir-fry until fragrant, fry the crucian carp on both sides, fry until the fish is mature on both sides, then add boiling water, edible salt, and ginger slices cut in advance, simmer for 30 minutes, until the stewed soup is mature, add an appropriate amount of MSG to taste and improve the freshness, and simmer for a while to serve.

Winter 59 health: eat 3 fruits

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

1: Orange

Orange is one of the seasonal fruits in winter, and regular consumption in winter can replenish the "potassium" element and vitamin C needed by the human body, thereby improving the body's immunity and preventing colds.

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

2: Apple

Apples are also one of the seasonal fruits of winter, apples are known as one of the healthiest foods in the world, and it is also known as: the king of fruits. There are many benefits of eating apples, such as laxative, improving body immunity, weight loss, beauty and so on.

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

3: Walnut

Walnut is the winter dried fruit, the most worth eating, winter health is mainly to tonify the kidney, and walnut happens to be the best ingredient for the kidney, in addition to eating walnuts can also prevent geriatric diseases, increase brain memory, moisturize the intestines and other effects.

Winter 59 health: avoid doing 3 things

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

1: Eat raw and cold food

Although the temperature has risen in winter and spring, the body's digestive function has not fully recovered. Especially after the yang pass, most people have a weak spleen and stomach, so you should still pay attention to your diet, do not eat raw and cold food, which can easily lead to stomach cold and diarrhea.

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

2: No home at night

Although the weather has become warmer in winter, the days are still short and the dark days are long. The end of the year is approaching, and this is also a period of high incidence of theft and robbery, so the most taboo is: not returning home at night, it is easy for bad things to happen.

Winter May and September is approaching, and health care needs: drink 3 soups, eat 3 fruits, do 3 things, and spend the winter safely and comfortably

3: Overwork

In winter and spring, although the body's yang energy has begun to grow, the yang energy at this time is still weak, and there are still low temperature weather outdoors, so whether it is outdoor physical work or indoor mental work, you should not let your body be too tired, you should rest more, and avoid physical damage caused by staying up late and overwork.

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