
Has the logic of liquor investment changed?

author:Return to common sense life

Friends, good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

Today happens to be the 30th day of insisting on updating Sanniang's miscellaneous talks.

I thought it would be a difficult task, but I didn't expect it to be completed.

So sometimes it's okay to push yourself.

Today let's talk about whether the logic of investing in liquor has changed?

According to several data shared in Brother Lei's "Interesting Liquor Consumption Research Report Sharing", let's take a look at whether the investment logic of liquor has changed.

With the post-80s and post-90s people beginning to dominate the workplace, they began to have a new view of the wine table culture.

The younger the group, the fewer people who think that in business negotiation, business development, and customer maintenance, they must choose to negotiate business at the wine table.

Has the logic of liquor investment changed?

Moreover, from the distribution of the core lows of business negotiation and customer "clapping", it is believed that only 20% of them are in entertainment venues such as wine tables and KTVs.

Has the logic of liquor investment changed?

At the same time, in the choice of drinking, the proportion of drinking liquor is not the highest. Among them, beer drinking is the highest, 40%. 31% drank liquor.

Low-alcohol tide drinks and slightly drunk series became popular.

Has the logic of liquor investment changed?

Then, let's take a look at what the survey sample looks like for this data. Because the results of the survey have a certain relationship with the sample of the survey.

Looking at the sample of the survey, the distribution of cities is still relatively wide, although the distribution of men and women is not half of the same, but it is also in line with the reality, and there are fewer female business owners in the workplace.

The only lack of data is that these are all small, medium and micro businesses, and there is a lack of data from large state-owned enterprises.

Has the logic of liquor investment changed?

Let's think about it.

If the data is true, that is, in business activities, the frequency of drinking has decreased, and the business activity scene of drinking has decreased, has the logic of our investment in liquor changed?

Is this question also related to the 12-year restriction on the consumption of the three publics, the reduction of official drinking, and the logic of investing in liquor?

At that time, Moutai proposed after restricting the consumption of the three publics that the four liquors remained unchanged.

That is, liquor as a carrier of Chinese emotional communication has not changed;

As one of the cultural symbols of the Chinese nation, it has not changed;

As a Chinese preference for consumer goods has not changed;

The traditional customs and cultural habits of Chinese people consuming liquor have not changed;

So are these four constants changing now? Obviously, the four constants are unchanged and there is no change.

It may be that the drinking scene has changed. From official drinking to business drinking, to drinking with friends and relatives to drinking at a gathering to drinking at home or at home, etc.

We have a preference for baijiu, and the demand for better baijiu is unchanged.

As long as the communication between people is still there, then the best carrier of warm emotional communication in baijiu will definitely remain the same.

As a product of thousands of years, wine is just like my previous review of the development of Chinese wine and the prohibition of wine in various dynasties in "Singing to Wine, Geometry of Life".

Wine is unstoppable, and people's yearning for a better life needs wine as a lubricant.

WineAs Huang Yongyu said, wine is a special way of life. It's pervasive. Sorrow wants it, joy wants it, loneliness wants it, the group wants it, the weather is good, the wind, frost, rain and snow also want it, love wants it, lost love wants it, birth wants it, death also wants it, the wicked want it, the good people want it, the officials want it, the people can't do without it, the educated want it, and the old and the rough also love it.

When wine becomes a way of life, the need is constant. It's just the scene that's changed. If you are not in this scene, you will inevitably move to another scene.

Drinking good wine is people's pursuit.

Of course, it would be better if wine companies could create more drinking scenes, expand more demand, and be more suitable for the tastes of young people.

Well, that's all for today, thank you friends for your patience in reading. As soon as the sun arches, you will meet a better self.