
Sharing on the detailed process of registering an auction company to handle the cultural relics auction business license

author:Beijing Chengyun Enterprise Management

Auction companies are divided into ordinary auction companies and cultural relics auction companies, which literally means that ordinary auction companies can carry out the auction of all items except cultural relics, including real estate, non-performing assets, second-hand cars, modern artworks, etc., but cannot carry out the auction of cultural toys and antiques. The cultural relics auction company can carry out the auction business including all the items of cultural relics, so the following will tell you in detail about the detailed process of the auction company and the cultural relics auction company from registration to qualification.

Requirements and conditions for the registration of auction companies

Sharing on the detailed process of registering an auction company to handle the cultural relics auction business license

1. Requirements for ordinary auction companies:

(1) The registered capital of the auction company must be more than 1 million, which can be subscribed;

(2) The main body of the company shall hire an auctioneer, and the auctioneer shall have a record of 9 auctions in 3 years;

(3) The company must have a physical business address and auction venue.

2. Application process for auction license:

(1) After the business license is registered, the auctioneer will be transferred;

(2) Prepare the auctioneer's certificate, ID card, practice registration card, China Auction Association change opinion form, and transfer application form;

(3) After the above materials are prepared, submit them to the Commerce Bureau for review, and receive the auction business license after passing the review;

3. Requirements for the business license of cultural relics auction:

(1) On the basis of the personnel of the ordinary auction company, the cultural relics auction company also needs to hire 5 more cultural and museum experts, and provide the experts' professional title certificates, retirement certificates, retirement unit seal documents, retirement unit opinions, employment contracts and other materials;

(2) The registered capital of the cultural relics auction company should be more than 10 million, and it is necessary to pay in and issue a capital verification report;

(3) Auction business license issued by the Commercial Commission;

(4) There should be actual business premises, auction sites and cultural relics storage sites;

Sharing on the detailed process of registering an auction company to handle the cultural relics auction business license

Auction Company Registration Process and Cycle

1, Nuclear name:

(1) Time: 1 working day.

(2) Operation: Submit an online application for name verification after determining the company's name, legal person, shareholders, supervisors, registered capital, capital contribution ratio, and business scope.

(3) Result: The name verification is passed, and the name needs to be re-verified if it fails.

2. Submitted materials:

(1) Time: 3 working days.

(2) Operation: After the name verification is passed, confirm the basic information of the company and submit the certificate of registered address materials.

(3) Result: Receipt of the notice of approval of establishment registration.

3. Obtaining a license:

(1) Time: On the same day.

(2) Result: Obtain a business license.

4. Engraving:

(1) Operation: With the business license, go to the engraving point to handle: the company's official seal, financial seal, contract chapter, legal representative chapter, invoice chapter; At this point, a company registration is completed.

Sharing on the detailed process of registering an auction company to handle the cultural relics auction business license

Summary: Ordinary auction companies should pay attention to the registered capital of more than 1 million, and the auctioneer hired must be an old auctioneer, and the auctioneer must have a record of 9 auctions in 3 years. In the process of handling the cultural relics auction license, the ordinary auction business license must be handled first, and the registered capital must be more than 10 million yuan to be paid, and 5 cultural and museum experts must be retired experts and senior titles.

If the above conditions can not be met in the process, our company can assist in meeting the handling, our company has a wealth of management and channels, ordinary auction companies to get the certificate in 15 days. I hope the above knowledge of how to register an auction company will be helpful to you!

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