
The Russian transport plane was shot down, revealing all kinds of strange things

author:Hai Zikan life

It is normal for each other to suffer casualties in war, but some casualties should not be caused, especially the killing of civilians and prisoners of war, which are war crimes in modern society.

In the Russian-Ukrainian war, innocent people on both sides have died in this war, while more innocent people have died on the Ukrainian side under the blows of various weapons of the other side. Just a few days ago, in retaliation for the attack of Ukrainian drones on rear oil depots and other facilities, the Russian army dispatched a large number of Tu-22 bombers to retaliate and bomb the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the launched missiles "all hit the established military targets." However, photos from the scene show that the attack killed at least five people and injured dozens more. The place where the missile hit was not a "military target", but a real residential building.

The Russian transport plane was shot down, revealing all kinds of strange things

Such tragedies have occurred twice this year, each time the Russian side claimed to have hit a military target, but the results on the ground were far from the same.

On January 24, a Russian Il-76 transport plane crashed in the Belgorod region of Russia. According to Russian sources, the transport plane was shot down by a missile launched by the Ukrainian army, and because Belgorod is close to this part of Ukraine, the Russian aircraft taking off will indeed be threatened by the Ukrainian air defense system.

However, what is controversial is the follow-up information from the Russian side, according to information released by RIA Novosti, the plane was transporting captured Ukrainian prisoners at that time. There were 65 Ukrainian prisoners on board, 3 guards, 6 crew members, and all 74 people have been killed.

The Russian transport plane was shot down, revealing all kinds of strange things

Kartapolov, a deputy to the Russian State Duma, claimed that the crashed Il-76 was accompanied by another Il-76 transport plane carrying 80 Ukrainian prisoners, which had flown elsewhere after the accident.

However, the Ukrainian side did not agree with this statement, and the Ukrainian General Staff responded that they did not know whether there were Ukrainian prisoners of war on the plane, and the Russian side did not inform the Ukrainian side about the plane. And according to the intelligence of the Ukrainian army, the downed Il-76 carried missiles for the S-300 air defense system, and there were no Ukrainian prisoners on it.

It is not news that these two shot down each other's planes, and the Ukrainian army shot down many Russian planes in a row not long ago, including the A-50 AWACS aircraft, which are their achievements. This time, the Russian side claimed that the downed plane was transporting Ukrainian prisoners for exchange, which is undoubtedly an attempt to create a crime of Ukraine indiscriminately attacking and killing its own personnel. Some analysts pointed out that according to information disclosed by the Russian side, the plane initially took off from Cairo and took off again after landing in Belgorod to go to other places.

The Russian transport plane was shot down, revealing all kinds of strange things

If it was an exchange of prisoners, according to the trajectory of the plane before the crash, it was moving away from Belgorod at that time. How can there be a reason to exchange captives and transport people farther and farther?

In addition, the Russian side claimed that there were 65 prisoners on a plane, but only 3 guards, which was obviously very unreasonable during the escort process. Is it because the Russian guards are too strong or are the Ukrainian prisoners tied together? These need to be clarified by the Russian side itself.

Moreover, the list of 65 people on the plane released by the Russian side has also been found to be problematic, and at least 17 of them have been exchanged in the previous prisoner exchange activities. Now that these people are all traceable and are not on the front line, but resting in the rear, what about the 17 people with the same name and surname on the list?

The Russian transport plane was shot down, revealing all kinds of strange things

There is obviously one party lying here, and as more information is revealed, the truth will be exposed to the public eye sooner. In the past, there were also mysterious bombing accidents in the Russian prisoner of war camp, when the Russian side insisted that it was caused by the Ukrainian army's Seahorse rocket artillery. But they have denied anyone access to the scene, and even United Nations personnel have been denied access to the site to collect evidence. And then there's the "mysterious" dam that happened last year, and so on.

The Russian transport plane was shot down, revealing all kinds of strange things

Russian media reported that Adam Kadyrov, the son of Chechen President Kadyrov, has been appointed mayor of Mariupol by the Donetsk puppet regime. The young man, who famously beat a Russian man who burned a scripture book last year, seems to have been a highlight of his career. Sure enough, these young leaders have been exercising since they were young, and they can't be envious.

Saying something bad news for someone, after many rounds of negotiations and waiting, the Turkish parliament finally passed the bill for Sweden to join NATO. After two years of hard work, Russia managed to achieve the "expansion" of NATO.

The Russian transport plane was shot down, revealing all kinds of strange things

After visiting Ukraine, Slovak Prime Minister Fiko softened his attitude and expressed support for Ukraine's accession to the European Union. In addition, he will not oppose the EU 500 euro aid bill for Ukraine, and will not block Ukraine's purchase of weapons from Slovakia. This caused a big turn in relation to his previous attitude, and someone's face could be very ugly.

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