
Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

author:A quick look at history

At the moment when the ancient puppet style is prevalent, major film and television platforms have launched a large number of costume dramas, which have successfully attracted the attention of the audience. However, a historical drama "Chang'an under Heaven", which made people wait for a long time, had an unexpected situation on the day of broadcast and had to be temporarily withdrawn, and what is even more surprising is that this drama has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

What to expect before the broadcast

"Chang'an under Heaven" is a high-profile historical drama, and its full storyline, superb actors' performances and excellent director team have become the focus of many fans' expectations. The producer not only emphasized the depth of the plot, but also paid more attention to the selection of the cast and the professionalism of the director, making the whole drama extremely fascinating in anticipation.

After the release of the trailer of "Chang'an under Heaven", there was an unexpected withdrawal storm. The episode, which was originally scheduled to be broadcast on a certain day, was waited in a tense and expectant atmosphere, but received the news of the withdrawal at the last minute. This sudden incident hit like a cold wind, leaving all the long-awaited viewers feeling disappointed and confused.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

The producer did not disclose the reason in detail when announcing the decision to withdraw the file, which sparked widespread speculation and discussion. All of a sudden, rumors swung on social media about the reasons for the withdrawal, including production issues, cast changes, and sensitivities related to historical themes. Viewers were stunned by this unexpected decision, and expressed their concerns and doubts about the fate of the series.

The audience's attention and expectation

Although "Chang'an under Heaven" has undergone an unexpected withdrawal, this highly anticipated historical drama has not completely disappeared from the audience's sight. Instead, this unexpected event has sparked more viewers' attention and curiosity about the series. The audience seems to be more eager to understand the story behind it, and they are full of anticipation for the development of the plot.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

After the withdrawal, the official social media and comment section became the main place for the audience to express their emotions. Viewers left messages on the official platform from time to time, expressing their expectations, concerns, and doubts about the reason for the withdrawal. Various speculations and speculations sprung up in the comment section, creating a lively and complex atmosphere of discussion.

The producers were also aware of the audience's concerns and began to take a series of proactive communication and response measures. They issued a statement through their official account, thanking the audience and promising to explain the reason for the withdrawal as soon as possible. This kind of proactive communication effectively alleviated the audience's anxiety and gradually restored the audience's confidence in the series.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

The characters and background settings in the play

"Chang'an under Heaven" stands out for its complex and rich character settings and accurate background description, becoming a masterpiece that has reached a high level in terms of historical restoration and storyline. This drama focuses on the multi-dimensional character of the characters in character building, making each character present a thought-provoking and thought-provoking side.

Especially the protagonist Li Shimin, his image is not only a simple historical figure, but also a thoughtful and step-by-step strategist. The portrayal of him in the play highlights his ingenuity in the political arena and his determination to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. In the play, the audience can clearly see his inner struggle, as well as how to grow and cope with the great changes in history, which makes his image more three-dimensional and touching.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

In addition, the performances of the other characters are also impressive. The excellent acting skills of the supporting characters make the whole series full of life. The portrayal of historical figures is not only superficial, but also deeply depicted in details, so that the audience can deeply feel the emotions and fate of each character.

The outstanding performance of the leading actor Qin Junjie and other actors in "Chang'an under Heaven" has added a lot to the entire series. Qin Junjie, as the leading actor, performed vividly when he played the historic figure Li Shimin. He not only restored Li Shimin's wisdom and determination through superb acting skills, but also successfully captured the complex emotions in the heart of this historical figure. The audience can clearly see Li Shimin's intelligence in political struggles, as well as his entanglements in family and love, which makes his character more deep and three-dimensional.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

The artistic representation of the episode

As a historical drama, "Chang'an" is really outstanding in terms of art, and its production team's careful attention to detail can be said to have laid a solid foundation for the success of the series. From costumes to scenes, music to photo shoots, every link presents a high level of production.

The costume design in the play is unique. The clothing not only maintains the authenticity of history in style, but also shows the beauty of the era through exquisite fabrics and craftsmanship. The costumes, military uniforms, and court costumes worn by the actors aptly reflect the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty and the distinct layers of society. The fine treatment of the costumes not only makes the characters more lifelike, but also allows the audience to feel the unique atmosphere of the historical period.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

The set design of the series is equally breathtaking. The prosperity of Chang'an City, the magnificence of the palace, and the liveliness of the market, every scene has been carefully polished, striving to restore the social appearance of the Tang Dynasty. The production team carefully arranged each scene through the research of historical materials, making the audience feel as if they had traveled through time and experienced the unique charm of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty. This degree of care in historical restoration makes the whole series visually present one magnificent and beautiful picture after another.

Music plays a crucial role in the series, not only as a memory of the times, but also as an emotional guide. The music of "Chang'an under Heaven" is well-made, with both ancient instruments and modern musical elements to create a unique musical atmosphere. The music complements the plot, making the audience more immersed in the plot and deepening the sense of experience of history.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it

"The World Chang'an", which was originally scheduled to be launched in 2018, was temporarily shelved due to version adjustments and the arrangement of the launch time, which made the audience feel sorry. However, recent news suggests that the show's premiere will be in 2024, an announcement that has sparked widespread attention, anticipation, and speculation.

There may be a variety of factors behind the show's shelving and rescheduling, including adjustments from the producer, technical and visual improvements, and more. Viewers may be speculating whether the new premiere time represents a higher demand for the quality of the series, and whether there will be more surprises in front of the audience. This uncertainty has also increased viewers' curiosity and anticipation for the series.

Temporarily withdrawn on the day of the broadcast! It has been backlogged by CCTV for 6 years, and this 68-episode historical drama makes people wait for it


After watching the relevant introduction and comments of "Chang'an under Heaven", I am full of expectations for this drama. Despite the twists and turns before the broadcast, you can see the dedication of the production team and the solid performance of the actors from the reviews. I believe that this historical drama will be a rare visual and emotional feast. Looking forward to it finally meeting the audience in 2024, let us walk into that magnificent Sui and Tang dynasties and feel the charm of history. At this moment full of anticipation, let's look forward to the wonderful presentation of this 68-episode historical drama!

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