
The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

author:Interesting research Uncle Qi

A rich man worth tens of millions was deceived by a widow with nothing left. What's even more incredible is that the daughter-in-law of the rich, the children of the rich, the accountant of the rich, the nanny of the rich, and the employees of the rich, all of whom are also the widow's subordinates. This outrageous case is a real-life parasite.

So who is this widow? How did she get the rich?

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Hello everyone, I'm Uncle Qi. Oregon is located in the northwestern part of the United States. It is bordered by California to the south and Washington State to the north. Oregon is an important technology and financial center in the United States. But at the same time, it has a well-developed forestry industry.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

In 1947, a young man named Raines was born into a forestry family. Both his grandfather and father planted trees for a living. By the time he was born, the family's forest farm had reached 500 hectares. That's 5 square kilometers.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Although Raines is a proper rich second generation, he does not have all the vices of the rich second generation. He drove an ordinary car, wore ordinary clothes, lived in an ordinary house, and lived an ordinary life. Due to Raines' withdrawn personality, he doesn't have many good friends. He didn't get married until he was in his 50s. Raines' greatest hobbies are tree planting and fortune telling.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

And he is especially fond of fortune telling. It doesn't matter if you're American, Chinese, or Indian. As long as it is linked to metaphysics and the paranormal, then Raines will be addicted to it. And that's his biggest weakness.

One evening in 2004, Raines went for a stroll around town when he had nothing to do. At this time, he suddenly saw a new psychic shop opened on the street. So, Raines walked in. The owner of this shop is named Rachel. She was 33 years old and had just moved to Oregon. When Raines first met Rachel, he thought. This big girl is quite eye-catching.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Let's talk again, okay. Rachel knows a lot. And a lot of comforting words came to Raines' heart at once. As a 57-year-old old bachelor, how could Raines bear such tenderness. So Reigns fell completely. Not physically, of course. It's a spiritual fall.

So for the next year, Raines talked to Rachel whenever he had time. Slowly, the two of them became confidantes who talked about everything. Raines is stupid, too. How much land there is in the family, how much money does the family have. He told Rachel all the information. And this Rachel is not as kind as she imagined. When she learned that Raines was a rich second generation, she started Raines' idea.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

One day, Rachel suddenly said to Raines that I had worked as an accountant for another company, and I was very good at investment management. Now there is a property that is very high-quality, and if you buy it, you earn it. When Raines heard these words, he did not hesitate in the slightest. He directly spent more than $900,000 to buy a house in the city. Through this deal, Rachel earned at least tens of thousands of intermediary fees.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Rachel is more certain that Raines is a big wrongdoer with a lot of money. So Rachel decided to take it a step further. Since Raines and his father both lived on a tree farm, Raines entrusted the house to Rachel to manage. Then, Rachel actually moved in on her own. And not only did he live by himself, she also let her boyfriend move in.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Rachel's boyfriend's name is Blancie. This Blancie is a scrap of wood that can't do anything. Although Brancy can't say it's good, but Rachel can't. So, Rachel sent Blancie directly to Raines' company. Of course, Raines certainly didn't know about their relationship.

At this point, Rachel just took advantage of it. So she kept thinking about how to get some real money out of Raines, and that's when an opportunity arose.

Two years after Raines and Rachel met. Raines' father suffered a sudden stroke and was then bedridden. Since Raines' mother had died, and Raines was the only child in the family, he had to take care of his father 24 hours a day. However, if Raines had taken care of his father, the forest farm would have been left unattended. Just as Raines was frustrated, Rachel suddenly said she was willing to help. Hey, you know this news is timely for Reigns.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

At this time, Rachel is the "Holy Daughter of Heaven", and she still exudes the brilliance of humanity. You say that you are all saints, and it is not too much to ask you for a monthly salary of $9,000. Well... Anyway, Reigns didn't think it was too much. In this way, Rachel closed the psychic shop and began to take care of Raines' father full-time.

However, it was at this time that Rachel's scam scheme officially began.

First of all, Rachel often asks for money in the name of the old man. Buy groceries today, buy medicine tomorrow, and go to the hospital the day after tomorrow. Either the toiletries are gone, or there are no clothes to wear. These miscellaneous things made Raines very big. So, he simply gave Rachel a credit card. Since Raines trusted Rachel so much, he never asked where the money was spent. Although Rachel can make some extra money, all this money is also fly meat.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Now that the old man is lying down, Rachel's next goal is the company's finances.

Once the goal was determined, Rachel began to brainwash Raines constantly. For example, Rachel often says, "Oh, you're really hard." Not only do you have to be busy with the forest farm, but you also have to manage other things. Seeing you working so hard, I blame my distress. You see, I'm also very good at finance, otherwise I'll help you take care of the company's financial problems. Rachel's wolf ambitions are obvious.

However, Raines eats this set. He literally quit his old job as an accountant and put the financial reins in Rachel's hands. With financial power, Rachel can let herself go. She will use various means to get the company's money out. Then there is the wanton profligacy, frequent access to various high-end places.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

But just as Rachel was excited, she suddenly noticed that Raines was a bit of an emo. She asked carefully, oh~ It turned out that Raines felt a little lonely. Then it's easy to say, wouldn't it be nice to introduce him to a daughter-in-law.

In 2007, 3 years after they met. One day, Raines had just returned from a business trip. As he walked out of the airport, a blonde followed. This girl was the first to speak, is your name Raines? When Raines heard this, he was stunned, and he said, yes, how do you know. Then the girl said, "My name is Mary, and I'm English." Because I have super psychic abilities, I not only know your name, but I also know your birthday and your job.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

This Raines hears psychics, that good fellow. He immediately became interested in Mary. After a brief exchange, the two agreed on a time for their next meeting. In this way, Raines and Mary met several times in succession. During this time, Mary told Raines that she was an accountant. If there is a need for business, she can help.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

And when Mary said this, Rachel suddenly told Raines that the company's financial problems were complicated right now, and it would be better if there was an assistant. Hey look, isn't that a coincidence? Mary is the accountant.

So Raines introduced Mary to Rachel. Then Mary became a financial assistant as a matter of course. But Mary is not a full-time assistant, and she has a regular job in California. So she can only come a few days a month.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Let me tell you, this plot design is really clever. It has paved the way for marriage and childbirth in the future. And at this time, Raines would never have thought of it. The chance encounter at the airport was planned by Rachel, and this so-called Mary is actually the child born to Rachel and her ex-husband. At that time, she was only 17 years old.

When the mother and son are ready, then the next scam is even more outrageous.

A few months after Mary and Raines met. This Mary suddenly said in a hurry, Brother Lei, I want to ask you for a favor. I need a U.S. green card right now, or I'll be deported. I like you a lot, too, or let's get married. On one side is the young and beautiful Mary, and on the other side is Raines, who is over sixty years old. This Raines didn't have any reason to refuse. So Raines agreed without hesitation.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Soon, the two signed the marriage papers. If nothing else, there will be an accident. This so-called marriage document was actually forged by Rachel. That is, Raines thought he was married. But legally, he was not married. And after getting married, it is impossible for Mary and Raines to live a real married life. They only see each other once or twice a month.

Maybe Rachel felt that even this still couldn't trap Reignes. So she came up with a clever plan to have a baby. But two people don't have a married life, so how can they have a life? Do IVF.

That's what Mary said to Raines at the time, you're quite old, and you can't estimate your ability anymore. Why don't we do IVF. Although these words are hurtful, Raines feels that there is some truth to them. So he gave the tadpole to Mary. Then within a few days, Mary became pregnant.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

For the next 10 months, Mary continued to work in California. Every once in a while, her belly would grow bigger. One day, ten months later, Mary appeared directly in front of Rains with a baby in her arms. When Raines saw the child, he couldn't have been more excited. He would never have dreamed that he would be able to have a child of his own at the age of 60. In the face of this pearl in the palm of his hand, Raines is particularly caring and caring.

And as for the company, he doesn't care at all. So he simply handed over the company directly to Rachel. Seeing the child grow up day by day, Raines likes this. But here's the twist. The child was not born to Mary at all, he was born to Rachel's other daughter. At that time, Mary's big belly was also a model made of foam. However, all of this Raines certainly did not know.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Just when he was still immersed in the full love of his father, Rachel's family was completely happy.

They traveled to France, Italy, Morocco in first class. They live in five-star hotels and eat in Michelin-starred restaurants. All kinds of famous watch bags, that buy is more than 100,000 dollars. In addition to this, they also bought luxury cars and mansions. At the craziest time, they bought two cars in one day. A Ferrari, a Bentley. Rachel's family loved it so much.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

During this time, Raines' father tragically died. And with the death of the old man, Rains has really become the commander of the light pole. At this time, Rachel had already made almost all of the company's money. So, she started the idea of a forest farm.

After the old man died, Rachel told Raines. The old man owed a lot of taxes during his lifetime, and now the company's money is not much, but you don't have to worry too much, we can pay off the taxes by selling the forest farm. At that time, Raines's thoughts were on his children and his deceased father. Therefore, he signed and stamped in a daze.

In this way, the 500-hectare tree farm was sold for more than $12 million. At this point, Raines' fortune was almost completely emptied.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

And Rachel, who has money, began to squander again. At that time, Rachel bought at least 10 properties, and she bought luxury watches and cars one after another. Speaking of which, some of you may be curious. Although Raines is more honest, he is not so stupid. He is indeed not stupid Renes, but there are many people who can't lie to him. You see, his daughter-in-law Mary lied to him, employee Blancie lied to him, financial Rachel lied to him, and the other employees of the company had long been bought by Rachel. And Raines doesn't have any relatives around him, so he really trusts Mary and Rachel very much.

It's like "Truman's world", and it's hard for anyone in it to perceive the problem. It may also be hard to imagine that the scam of Rachel and others lasted for a total of 10 years. If it weren't for the IRD's intervention, the scam might have continued.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

In 2014, the tenth year that Raines and Rachel met. A police officer saw Rachel speeding past in a Ferrari. At that time, the police officer was a little curious. Because this town is all about planting trees for a living, there are no luxury cars on the street at all. So the officer told his colleagues about it. This colleague also thought it strange when he heard it.

So, they contacted the tax office. This tax office checks, good guys. In total, Rachel transferred more than $15 million from Raines. At that time, Raines's entire fortune was only $200,000. When the tax office saw this number, they were really scared stupid.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

So the police immediately launched an investigation into Rachel. Soon, she was all recruited. Then Mary and Blancy were also arrested by the police. In the end, Rachel was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Mary and Blancy were sentenced to three years and one and a half years in prison, respectively. In addition to this, the three men also need to pay Raines $30 million in compensation.

When this incident was exposed. In addition to lamenting the outrageous, everyone was curious about what happened to Reigns. To say that Raines is really kind. Even if he has been deceived for 10 years, even if the child is not his own, he does not hate Rachel and others. He didn't even feel like a victim.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

That's what Raines said in this way, they left me with very good memories and we did a lot of things together. Although Mary is not my wife, I have always treated her as a real person. The kid isn't mine, but I still like him a lot.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Could it be that Raines already knew what Rachel was doing? Maybe Raines was really too lonely. For more than 50 years before he met Rachel, he had few friends. And after meeting Rachel, his life is noticeably richer. Perhaps Raines prefers stable companionship over money.

The bloody rich fraud case: the daughter-in-law was fake, the child was borrowed, and he was defrauded of tens of millions of dollars in 10 years

Uncle Qi, thank you for your likes and attention, we will see you in the next issue

*This article is an original article and may not be reproduced without permission

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