
How do patients with cardiovascular disease survive the blizzard season?

author:Cardiovascular soup doctor

Recently, heavy snowfall in many places across the country, accompanied by a significant drop in temperature, has shown an upward trend in the number of patients with cardiovascular diseases in hospitals, including uncontrollable hypertension, aggravation of heart failure, and a significant increase in acute myocardial infarction.

How do patients with cardiovascular disease survive the blizzard season?

In the blizzard season, how can we better survive cardiovascular disease? Doctors recommend that you pay attention to your daily routine and exercise 4 times.

First, watch out for a low-salt, low-fat diet. This season, eat a light diet and replenish more calories, vitamins and protein to provide the body with energy that is easier to digest and absorb. A high-salt diet can increase blood volume, cause an increase in blood pressure, and patients with heart failure will increase the burden on the heart and induce acute exacerbations of heart failure. High-fat foods can increase blood lipid levels, increase blood viscosity, and cause myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other vascular diseases.

How do patients with cardiovascular disease survive the blizzard season?

Pay attention to increasing the number of blood pressure and blood glucose monitoring. In cold weather, blood vessels constrict, sympathetic nerve excitability is enhanced, resulting in a rise in blood pressure, less exercise in winter, low energy consumption, and blood sugar in diabetic patients is prone to instability, therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to monitoring the level of blood pressure and blood sugar, and adjust the drug in time if it is unstable.

Keep warm and cold. Cold stimulation will increase myocardial oxygen consumption, aggravate myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary heart disease, and even induce coronary spasm and plaque rupture, increasing the risk of acute myocardial infarction.

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Pay attention to signs of exacerbations. Friends with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should pay attention to the signs of aggravation. If there is a sudden increase in blood pressure, more than 180mmHg, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, etc., and even limb movement disorders, it should be considered that hypertension has caused acute lesions of cerebrovascular diseases.

How do patients with cardiovascular disease survive the blizzard season?

If there is sudden chest tightness, chest pain, precordial pressure, and the feeling of being pressed by stones, which persists for more than 30 minutes, there is a greater possibility of acute myocardial infarction.

If there is wheezing with activity, difficulty breathing, accompanied by being awakened at night, worsening cough, swollen legs, etc., it is a sign of worsening heart failure.

Winter exercise is also very important, but there are 4 points not to do when exercising for friends with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases:

Don't exercise too soon. Early morning is the high incidence period of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, the temperature is very low in the morning, there will be a sudden increase in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, exercise will aggravate the burden on the heart, leading to myocardial infarction, stroke. Statistics show that during the day, 6-9 a.m. is the peak time for heart attacks, so it is best to avoid this time of day and exercise at 4-6 p.m.

Don't exercise on an empty stomach. Some people who exercise in the morning want to eat something before doing it to prevent hypoglycemia.

Don't do strenuous exercise. In blizzard weather, the pores of the human body are in a state of contraction, and strenuous exercise will lead to excessive sweating, easy to catch colds, and strenuous exercise will also increase the burden on the heart. It is recommended to choose gentler forms of exercise such as walking, physical activity, and tai chi.

How do patients with cardiovascular disease survive the blizzard season?

Do not exercise in hazy weather. Air quality is poor in hazy weather, and the inhalation of particulate matter is harmful to cardiovascular and respiratory health. #心血管疾病患者如何做好健康防护#

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