
In 24 years, a new tool for exam preparation was built to efficiently plan high scores, and 4 subjects were easily passed

author:There is a lot of fun in construction

After all, from the perspective of this year's exam syllabus and textbooks, the changes in each subject are really big, if the zero-based candidates do not prepare for the exam in advance, it will be really too late, you can simply go through the textbooks before the Spring Festival, so that it will be easier to prepare for the exam later

In 24 years, a new tool for exam preparation was built to efficiently plan high scores, and 4 subjects were easily passed

24 years of a construction exam time set in September 7, 8 two days, Xiaobian was last year to clear four subjects, today Xiaobian as a simple summary of their own preparation experience, 3 hours a day + study plan, 5 months through four subjects, management 92, regulations 83, economics 89, practice 127

In 24 years, a new tool for exam preparation was built to efficiently plan high scores, and 4 subjects were easily passed
In 24 years, a new tool for exam preparation was built to efficiently plan high scores, and 4 subjects were easily passed

After the 24-year textbook overhaul, this year will be a relatively simple year for the exam, so candidates who want to get a certificate really don't miss this opportunity this year, Xiaobian has compiled a 24-year exam preparation tool based on their own exam preparation experience, and the major and difficult test points of each subject are marked out, and they are directly printed out and memorized, which is super practical

2024 is a test preparation tool

  • 24 years of study punch sheet: make a study plan and prepare for the exam in an orderly manner
  • 24 years of a Jianxue Ba notes: Written according to the outline of the textbook, condense the important and difficult points
  • 1000 questions in 24 years: high-frequency exam questions + test points over the years, consolidate knowledge points and fill in the gaps
  • A notebook of each subject: a targeted review of the major and difficult points
  • 1. Build shorthand formulas for each subject: keyword memory method to deepen memory
In 24 years, a new tool for exam preparation was built to efficiently plan high scores, and 4 subjects were easily passed
In 24 years, a new tool for exam preparation was built to efficiently plan high scores, and 4 subjects were easily passed

How to get: Comment below: One build, and then private message me: 28, you can get

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