
Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

author:Headlines debunked rumors

An article circulating on the Internet went viral, saying that "an Australian director concluded through self-experimentation that he drank yogurt every day and got fatty liver for two weeks." "Yogurt" quickly became the center of hot discussion, and many netizens said that "drinking yogurt for so many years is a lonely drink."

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

But is this conclusion true?

The variety of "yogurts" on the market is dazzling: yogurt, sour milk, fermented milk, yogurt milk, yogurt, yogurt... Are they all the same?

"Yogurt promotes digestion and improves constipation?" "Is there any difference between drinking yogurt and drinking Coke?" There are so many right and wrong about yogurt, which is right or wrong?

After reading this article, I believe that you must have a new cognition and judgment ability in choosing yogurt.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="6" yogurt > is actually a daily word</h1>

Yogurt can be found everywhere in our daily life, refrigerated in supermarkets, at room temperature, different flavors, a variety of varieties, but also deeply loved by consumers.

However, from a professional point of view, the name "yogurt" will not be used, consumers called "yogurt" is closer to the national GB19302-2010 "National Standard for Food Safety Fermented Milk" in the "yogurt", that is, raw cattle (sheep) milk or milk powder as raw materials, sterilized, inoculated with Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Lactobacillus dei Bulgarian subspecies) fermentation products.

But then we use the well-known life term "yogurt" as a general term.

Milk becomes "yogurt", the whole process is actually mainly the fermentation of the flora to decompose the lactose in the milk into lactic acid, so that the milk acidity gradually increases, in which the protein is gradually precipitated.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

The conclusion that "yogurt is good for health" is indeed based on modern science from different countries and different regions, such as improving the symptoms of lactose intolerance, which is because the proteins and fats in milk are hydrolyzed to varying degrees and converted into polypeptides, amino acids, etc. that are beneficial to human health, and lactose is also decomposed into lactic acid, thus making this dairy product easier to be digested and absorbed, alleviating lactose intolerance.

However, the health benefits are based on certain basic conditions. Follow the rumors to learn more about the story behind yogurt.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="12" > you must have heard these rumors about yogurt</h1>

01 "Drinking yogurt after a meal helps with digestion?"


Many people think that drinking yogurt after meals can degreasing and promote digestion, in fact, eating and drinking yogurt after meals will increase the burden on the stomach, increase the risk of extra energy and obesity.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

From the perspective of the human digestive system, digestion requires regular gastrointestinal movements and digestive enzymes to transform the ingested macromolecular substances into small molecule substances that are soluble in water. Adequate dietary fiber and vitamin B1 can effectively promote gastrointestinal movement, and yogurt itself does not contain dietary fiber or digestive enzymes, and its vitamin B1 content is not abundant, so it cannot be digested by eating it.

In addition, yogurt is a food with a strong sense of fullness, and it usually contains sugar, so drinking yogurt after a long-term meal may cause you to gain weight.

02 "Too many yogurt additives are harmful to the human body, especially thickeners?"

There are many people who say that the thickness of different products of yogurt varies greatly, and that thick is definitely additives that are harmful to the body.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

First of all, it is rumored that yogurt becomes viscous from flowing liquid milk and thickeners have nothing to do with it: during the fermentation process, the pH of the milk decreases, the acidity increases, the casein in the milk agglutines and precipitates, and the hydrophobic groups between protein molecules begin to play a role, so that the milk begins to thicken.

The viscosity of yogurt is affected by the content of protein, fat, lactose and so on in the milk. In general, the total content of these nutrients in milk is about 10%, and the resulting yogurt is often not viscous enough, so the taste will be improved by edible thickeners.

Commonly used edible thickeners are pectin, gelatin, xanthan gum, carrageenan, etc., which are non-toxic and harmless to the human body. Moreover, there are also provisions on adding doses in national food safety regulations, so you can eat with confidence.

In addition, another saying "the stronger the yogurt, the higher the nutritional value" is not self-destructive, the degree of thick and solidified yogurt, mainly related to the processing process, and the nutritional value has little to do with it, that is to say, the consistency is not the standard that determines the quality of yogurt.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

03 "One cup of yogurt = two cans of Coke?"

A big flicker about mathematical equations.

The reason for this statement is mainly based on the fact that when comparing the nutrition facts list, it is indeed found that the sugar content and calories per 100 grams of yogurt exceed that of cola.

However, from the point of view of nutritional value, this equation does not hold at all.

Usually, a cup of old yogurt is about 120 to 140 grams, but a can of Coke is 330 grams, so drinking a can of Coke is still more sugar than drinking a cup of yogurt;

In addition to sugar, yogurt also has other nutrients such as protein and calcium, but the composition of cola is mainly sugar.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

However, there is one point worth paying attention to: the sugar content of ordinary yogurt is indeed not low, which is the main "fat factor". Through the "carbohydrate" item in the nutrition facts list of yogurt, you can determine how much sugar is contained in it.

For example, in the picture below, minus the lactose from milk (the carb content of sugar-free yogurt is about 5%), this yogurt is 7.5 grams of added sugar per 100ml. According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", the daily intake of added sugar is not more than 25 grams, so drinking a box of 200ml of yogurt every day, and then eating other sugary foods, the daily intake of added sugar can easily exceed 25 grams.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

Source: Scientific Debunking Platform

In the "Australian Director's Self-Experiment" that appeared at the beginning of the article, the basic daily intake of added sugar is 160 grams, and the daily high sugar intake can not lead to physical problems? With unscientific experiments, the conclusion that "drinking yogurt every day to get fatty liver" is just a concept change.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="35" yogurt > is not selected correctly, it is not healthy</h1>

After reading the above content, do you think it is important to choose yogurt scientifically? First, let's take a look at the yogurt products that are commonly found on the market.

So what is the difference between different categories of "yogurt products"? Look at the comparison chart below and you will understand.


Product category

Fermented strains


Fermentation of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Fermented milk

Any fungus can be, unlimited

<col style="width: 85px;">

<col style="width: 234px;">

<col style="width: 114px;">

<col style="width: 218px;">

raw material

Protein requirements

Whether to add something


Milk or milk powder content over 80%

≥ 2.3%

Food additives, nutritional enhancers, fruits and vegetables or grains can be added


Use only pure milk (cow's or goat's milk) or milk powder (goat's milk powder or milk powder)

≥ 2.9%


To sum up: all yogurt can be called "fermented milk", but only those fermented with these two bacteria are called "yogurt"; as long as there is the word "flavor", there will be food additives or nutrients and other substances added.

When choosing yogurt, be sure to look at the nutrition facts list.

"Theoretically good yogurt" is pure milk or raw milk fermentation, no added sugar and other ingredients, but this yogurt is relatively poor flavor, many consumers can not accept such a flavor, so few manufacturers will produce.

Therefore, one of the keys to choosing yogurt is: less sugar + high nutrition.

From the ingredient list, it is low in carbohydrates and high in protein. Try to choose the first place in the ingredient list is raw milk, and the first place in the ingredient list of many lactic acid bacteria drinks is water, which is only a milk drink, not yogurt. For weight loss people, be sure to choose less sugar or sugar-free yogurt, otherwise it is easy to consume too much sugar and gain weight.

Drink yogurt every day to get fatty liver? Are yogurt drinking good health or are you paying iq tax? Yogurt is actually a life phrase These rumors about yogurt you must have heard yogurt is not the right choice, just as unhealthy

Surely someone will ask the debunker: "Which is better, the usual temperature and low temperature yogurt?" Is ambient yogurt not nutritious? ”

In fact, there is no difference in the protein, calcium and other nutrients contained in the two types of yogurt, and the biggest difference is whether it contains live lactic acid bacteria.

First of all, the conclusion that "ambient yogurt has no nutrition" is untrue, and the World Dairy Joint Commission said that the metabolic substances produced during the fermentation process of yogurt have unique nutritional value, which is the core of the nutritional value of yogurt, and does not depend on whether lactic acid bacteria continue to exist after fermentation is completed.

Ambient yogurt kills all bacteria through "pasteurized heat treatment", which is convenient for storage and transportation, and is a good choice for the elderly, children and other people with weak gastrointestinal function. Consumers who are more concerned about the composition of live bacteria can choose low-temperature yogurt, and there is actually no better way to say the two.


[1] "Rumors: Drinking Yogurt After Meals to Help Digestion", Popular Science China.

[2] Is yogurt thickening because of the addition of thickeners? "Science Popularization China.

[3] How is yogurt "refined" in popular science |? "Science Popularization China.

[4] "How to drink?" Talk about the right and wrong of yogurt", China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform.

[5] "Drinking yogurt is good for health is a scam?" Rumor Logic "Qingqi",Beijing Youth Daily.

[6] Consumption Tips on Fermented Milk, Shenzhen Municipal Commission of Market and Quality Supervision and Administration.

[7] "Is milk good or yogurt good?" You may have been mistaken all along," Dr. Lilac.

[8] Is it necessarily healthy to drink yogurt? Beware of paying the IQ tax," Dr. Lilac.

[9] "Is ambient yogurt really not nutritious", Popular Science China.

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