
Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

author:Talk about sports a little bit

Ten years ago, Chinese football legend Fan Zhiyi made sharp comments on Chinese football in an interview, which were quoted by the People's Daily to comment on the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan case". This not only shows Fan Zhiyi's deep insight into the current situation of Chinese football, but also reflects the long-standing problems of Chinese football.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

Marketization has brought huge financial and commercial opportunities to football, which has undoubtedly promoted the globalization and professionalization of football. However, this has also led to some negative effects, especially when the owners and financiers of the team see football as a monetary investment, and the competitiveness and sportsmanship of football are often marginalized.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

In an interview after the national football team lost 1-5 to Thailand in 2013, Fan Zhiyi expressed his disappointment with Chinese football in fierce words: "Chinese football face is gone, and if it goes down, it will lose to Vietnam, and the Thai team will lose to Vietnam and Myanmar, and no one will lose again." Ten years later, these words were used to describe the current state of Chinese football, showing Fan's deep understanding of Chinese football.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

In the tide of marketization, football clubs have become the arena of capital. Owners invest heavily in the expectation of a return through transfers, advertising, copyrights, etc. This profit-oriented mode of operation often ignores the competitive and sportsmanlike spirit of football itself. The team's results and the development of the players are sometimes no longer the club's top priorities.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"
Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

Football as a sport should be competitive and sportsmanlike at its core. The team should be committed to developing players, improving the game and promoting the development of football culture. However, under the influence of marketization, these core values are sometimes overlooked. Therefore, the football world needs to reflect on how to maintain the essence and spirit of football while pursuing commercial interests.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"
Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

The occurrence of the Li Tie Chen Xuyuan case has revealed the deep-seated problems of Chinese football management. From Fan Zhiyi's prophecy to the outbreak of the Li Tie Chen Xuyuan case, this series of events reflects the loopholes and flaws in China's football management system. This is not only a problem of individual figures, but also a place where the entire Chinese football system needs to be deeply reflected and reformed.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

Fan Zhiyi did not choose to become a coach after retiring, but transformed into the entertainment industry. At the same time, he still maintains his attention and criticism of Chinese football. Fan Zhiyi's transformation, and his continued focus on Chinese football, reflects the need for more self-reflection and reform in Chinese football. Chinese football needs more outspoken figures like Fan Zhiyi to promote the progress of Chinese football.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"
Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

Fan Zhiyi's prediction and criticism of Chinese football are not only a description of the current situation of Chinese football, but also a warning for the future development of Chinese football. From Fan Zhiyi's remarks to the occurrence of the Li Tie Chen Xuyuan case, all this points to the deep-seated problems in the management and development of Chinese football.

Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"
Fan Zhiyi's prophecy 10 years ago was quoted by the People's Daily to evaluate the "Li Tie Chen Xuyuan Case"

Chinese football needs to learn from these incidents and carry out necessary reforms and adjustments in order to achieve better development in the future. At the same time, the Chinese football community also needs more outspoken and insightful figures like Fan Zhiyi, whose voices are not only criticism, but also expectations and care for the future development of Chinese football.

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