
32 Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea - Grab food in the prisoner of war camp

author:Trace history, learn history
32 Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea - Grab food in the prisoner of war camp
32 Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea - Grab food in the prisoner of war camp
32 Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea - Grab food in the prisoner of war camp

Some of the eyes began to shoot wolf light, and a company commander surnamed Wang shook his body and grabbed the barbed wire, crying and demanding to go out, he was going to see the American governor······

"Woo woo, woo woo," Yang Guohua felt like a small motor was screaming in his ears twenty-four hours a day, he remembered that on the fourth day, his throat was dumb, and after that, when he heard the gunshot, his body would not react.

The eyes of the POWs began to search around. Why can't we find anything to eat in this place? The swamp-like rice fields are wet and smelly of the earth. Hunger and weakness had crushed the tall machine gunner. He swayed, horribly thin, every part of his body shaking as if it had fallen apart. On his face twisted by hunger, there was a dead color. He only felt dizzy, and his eyes were full of ants. He had no strength to move, and whenever the Americans carried the half-barreled gasoline into the camp, and hundreds of prisoners of war pounced on it like wolves to grab food, he could only crawl limply outside the human circle, stretching out his arms far away, and begging to unfold his tattered military hat.

At first, the poor little half-barrel of wheat husk rice was distributed in line, and because of the small number of people, there was a little extra bite in the front, and the one in the back was hungry. Americans just feed the rice bucket and throw it away like a pig, and never ask about hunger again. Finally, a heart-wrenching scene broke out of grabbing food like hungry dogs fighting for food.

The rice buckets, which had been overturned by countless competing hands, were piled up in circles, pounced upon, pressed down, fell to the ground and twisted into a ball, trampling and cursing each other. Soaring green tendons, bloodshot eyeballs, crying and screaming, shouting and scolding, shoes flying, hats flying.

A lame wounded, like a wounded leopard, fiercely lunged at the pile; a prisoner of war with both legs amputated sat on the ground with his buttocks propped up and forth on the ground, jumping and moving, biting his tin bowl in his mouth; a handful of grains of rice covered with dirt were stubbornly clenched by the hands of a pair of rough Chinese soldiers; the man who had already snatched a grain of rice suddenly turned himself into an extremely selfish old man, quickly hiding aside, alertly curling his shoulders and neck, burying his head, and swallowing alone; those who had been fighting for a long time and getting nothing, crying empty-handed; old men who knew they were powerlessThe weak and the crippled silently hide from the fighting, picking up the vegetable skins and rice grains that have fallen to the ground and have long been trampled into the dirt through the cracks of men.

Yang Kexiang said that at that time, I often fainted because I was weak and sick, and I could not grab food. Lin Mocong grabbed him, poured him his small half bowl of rice, and begged him not to grab it again. The person who had sincerely applied to join the party with him actually laughed, and he quickly finished Lin Mocong's portion, and said, "I'm sorry, you gave it voluntarily, and my stomach is still hungry!"

On these misshapen, disgusting faces is cast a shadow of dull bestiality. For young intellectuals and student-turned-soldiers like Lin Mocong, they feel saddened and humiliated by such acts of their compatriots.

A grinning prisoner of war flattered the American troops standing guard, "Old beauty, old beauty, give me a biscuit," gesturing to his stomach and extending his dirty hand······

Several prisoners of war were begging for cigarette butts in the sentry's mouth, and the American soldier held his head high in disdain and mischievously threw the cigarette butt into the boiling crowd in another violent scramble······

The sense of shame is gone. When the South Korean soldiers, under the command of the US governor, smashed the hands that were holding the rice buckets and the stubborn and enterprising backbones with the butts of their guns, we could find that the most terrible of the seven passions and six desires of mankind was being unleashed endlessly.

A tall, thin, bearded man who made his slightly longer face clearer and asked to see the barbed wire fence and coldly asked the American manager, "Why don't you have enough rice?"

The American governor arrogantly said: "This is a rationed supply, and every prisoner of war can be fed." ”

"Why are so many people grabbing food?"

"You Eastern barbarian peoples eat too much!"

Blood rushed to the cheeks of the long-haired young man. Insult. His heart was twitching and bleeding. Throughout his life, he grew up in a privileged and special environment. I have enjoyed the glory of the Chinese style, and I have also tasted the wealth of the "foreign milk and bread" style. For the first time in his simple and complicated twenty-seven years of life, he felt how deep the humiliation of one people over another could be. He forced himself to turn around, and he closed his eyes.

A little soldier who squatted quietly on the side, like counting rice grains, enjoyed the small half bowl of rice, the bowl of rice was sent by the volunteers when they went abroad, and he was reluctant to throw it away when he broke through all the way. Although he ate carefully one bite at a time, his heart was very nervous, and he shrugged his shoulders high to protect the green porcelain bowl. At this moment an American came up to him and pointed to his bowl and said something, and the child hid the bowl in his arms in horror, and trembled, and the American laughed without malice, but the little soldier opened his eyes and wept in fright······

The large machine-gun shooter, who had clutched his hat in his hand, had bent down and begun to search the dirt floor, trembling from time to time because of weakness, from the hunger that had welled up in his body. He really wanted to pounce on this dark, wet land, eat it so much, fill his empty stomach. And then ——, and then go and fight to the death with the American devils. Even when he died, he wanted to eat something and chew something. His ten fingers grasped the earth tightly, like claws, and as the amount of dirt under his hands increased, a pit appeared, and he dug desperately, and little by little water seeped out of the pit, so much water, he took a mouthful of muddy water in the palm of his hand, and drank it, and his stomach suddenly felt cool, and the burning sensation was relieved. He dug the pit like crazy, and hunger had caused him some kind of brilliant hallucination. His fingers dug and dug quickly, and a deep pit appeared under the barbed wire.

Faintly, he heard an American soldier shouting;

And he continued to dig and dig, and to dig out a great deal of water;

Faintly, I heard someone pulling the bolt,

He continued to dig, dig, his eyes twinkling with excitement;

He didn't hear or feel the gunshot, he only felt a tightness in his chest, he was stunned, his ten fingers were spasming, and the muddy water in the pit was suddenly stirred by a bright red and bright red spray of "water". He muttered something, and struggled to hold the water, he was hungry, he wanted to eat something, he took the water into his mouth, and his lips chewed happily, it was hot and thick millet porridge, which was slowly sliding from his mouth into the shriveled esophagus, contentedly filling his stomach that had been tormented for so long. Satiety, the pleasure signal from his stomach formed a tiny twitch between the parts of his body, full, happy, he really wanted to scream, it seemed that it was not life but painful hunger that was far away from him.

He was charged with attempting to escape by digging a pit under barbed wire.

The hat fell, and he fell silently by the puddle······