
It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

author:Zhang Xuejun, a cardiologist

Xiao Zhang's father is over 80 years old, but his body has always been quite tough, just a month ago, he had edema in both feet, Xiao Zhang wanted to take his father to the hospital for examination, but the old man insisted that foot edema is a normal phenomenon when he is older, and he does not need to go to the hospital.

After resting for a period of time, Xiao Zhang's father's feet were indeed not so swollen, but after a little activity, he had edema problems again, and even felt tired.

The electrocardiogram showed that the old man had sinus arrhythmia, complete right bundle branch block, T wave changes (VI-V3), the results of cardiac color ultrasound were not very optimistic, the old man's ascending aorta widened, aortic regurgitation (mild), pulmonary regurgitation (mild), left ventricular systolic function was normal, diastolic function was reduced, and finally Xiao Zhang's father was diagnosed with heart failure.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

In fact, not only Xiao Zhang's father, but also many people do not pay attention to some abnormalities in the feet, and feel that some manifestations of the feet are not necessarily related to physical abnormalities, but sometimes, this is not the case.

1. The doctor reminds you: These conditions on the feet are normal aging, don't be too anxious!

The feet are actually quite important existence, as the old saying goes: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step", without feet, everyone can not walk normally. However, the importance of the feet is much more than that, and in traditional Chinese medicine theory, the feet can reflect the health of the human body.

Our feet are the starting point of the three-legged yin meridian, and it is also the end of the three-legged yang meridian, an important starting point that runs through the upper and lower meridians, and there are as many as 66 acupuncture points on both feet.

So by observing the condition of the feet, you can learn about your own physical condition.

Of course, this does not mean that after everyone's feet are abnormal, it means that there is something wrong with their body, because in the process of aging, there will be certain changes in the feet, and some foot changes generally do not need to be anxious.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

For example, because the metabolism of the human body slows down, the internal moisture loss of the skin of the feet will also be serious, and the skin becomes inelastic, and eventually appears saggy, hardness, etc., so it is difficult to walk flexibly, and many elderly people walk slowly for this reason.

And many people don't know that the color of the feet of the elderly is not a healthy reddish color, this is because the blood circulation of the elderly is not very good, and the blood reaching the feet is reduced, and the phenomenon of white feet will occur. The above foot abnormalities are not a sign of illness, they are usually normal signs of aging, and generally do not need to be too worried.

Second, it is not the aging of the feet, but the sign of disease?

However, some foot abnormalities are not caused by aging, but because of some diseases, if you find that you have the following 4 phenomena in your feet, you should be careful.

1. Frequent cramps in the feet

Foot cramps are not new to many people, but if they occur frequently, everyone should pay attention, which is likely to be caused by calcium deficiency.

Calcium ions will reduce the excitability of the neuromuscles, and when calcium ions are deficient, the neuromuscles will become excited, and the musculoskeletal muscle cells will have abnormal phenomena in the expansion and contraction and diastolic activities, and the main manifestation is spasm.

At this time, everyone needs to improve their diet, consume more foods with higher calcium content, and supplement vitamin D in moderation, so as to promote the body's absorption of calcium, so that the frequency of foot cramps can be reduced, or even completely alleviated.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

2. The big toe is slightly sunken and has a spoon-like indentation

The big toe should usually be full and smooth, but if you notice that your big toe is sunken with spoon-like indentations and fatigue.

This phenomenon is often caused by the fact that there is not enough hemoglobin in the human body to transport oxygen, which means that the human body may already be in a state of anemia and needs to go to the hospital for examination in time to determine what causes the anemia.

Only in this way can you carry out appropriate treatment, in addition, you also need to eat more nutritious food, and you can also take nutritional supplements under the guidance of your doctor.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

3. The large joints of the feet become larger

At this time, you should go to the hospital in time to check whether your uric acid is normal, because when the human body ingests a large amount of high-purine food, it may cause high uric acid, and you may suffer from gout after a long time, and the enlargement of the bone joint is actually - gout stones.

People suffering from gout not only need to follow the doctor's instructions to take medicine, but also need to adjust their diet, do not continue to consume high-purine foods, and at the same time stop drinking, eat less irritating foods, and cooperate with the doctor's treatment.

4. The soles of the feet are painful or numb for no reason

Many people know that diabetics will have "three more and one less" manifestations, that is, polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, and weight loss. In fact, there is another manifestation of diabetes, which is to cause foot lesions, among which the more common is that the feet have pain or numbness for no reason, so when you find that you have this kind of manifestation, it is recommended to go to the hospital to check your blood sugar in time.

This is because when blood sugar rises, the nerves and blood vessels in the feet will be affected, so when walking, the pressure in the feet will increase, and there will also be friction, which may cause damage to the blood vessels in the feet, squeeze the nerves, and then lead to pain, numbness and other phenomena. If diabetes is confirmed, it is also necessary to take medication to control it in time, and at the same time control the diet.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

3. Raise "feet" first, winter is coming, try these health methods!

It is precisely because of some changes in the feet that can reflect everyone's physical condition, so we should pay attention to the maintenance of the feet in our daily life.

If you want to "take care of your feet", it is important to grasp these maintenance methods in winter:

1. Soak your feet in hot water every day

Hot water can promote blood circulation, allow the blood vessels in the feet to dilate properly, so that the whole person feels warm and comfortable, and can also improve the quality of sleep, so moderate foot soaking can also effectively reduce brain congestion, thereby relieving headaches.

When you soak your feet, you also need to pay attention to keeping the water temperature at about 40 degrees Celsius, and don't soak your feet for too long, 15 to 20 minutes each time.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

2. Massage your feet often

Massaging the feet before falling asleep in winter can improve metabolism, smooth qi and blood, effectively relieve fatigue, and make everyone's sleep quality better and full of energy. However, before massaging the feet, you need to rub your hands together, and the massage method is also very simple, just rub the soles of the feet repeatedly for 15 minutes.

3. Move your feet often

In this case, you can move your feet by stepping in place and moving your toes, so as to exercise your foot muscles and promote blood circulation, your feet will be warmed up, and the whole person will feel more comfortable.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings

4. Do a good job of keeping warm

In winter, there is often a feeling of cold, and if the warmth of the feet is done well, it may make the whole person feel warm.

In fact, it is very simple to do a good job of keeping your feet warm, as long as you choose the right cotton shoes, because such shoes can keep the blood circulation of the feet smooth, and they will not dissipate heat quickly, so that the feet can always be in a warm "environment". If the temperature is too low, you can also wear thick cotton socks and thick insoles on the soles, which are ideal.

All in all, the foot is an important part of the human body, and by observing its different changes, you can understand the health of your body and seek medical attention in time when you find abnormalities. Of course, if you can do a good job of foot care in your daily life, you can also make your body healthier, and even prevent the occurrence of some diseases.

It's not the aging of the feet, but the signs of disease? There are 4 abnormalities in the feet, or physical warnings


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[2] Shen Xi, "How to find the aging phenomenon of feet", Feet and Health Care, 1995-6-15

[3] Zhao Ying, "Feet are the "Barometer" of Health", Renren Health, 2015-7-15

[4] Gao Chunqi, "The Most Healthy Warm Feet in Cold Winter", Hunan Agriculture, 2013.2.1

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