
Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

author:Puppy Uji

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the four most important of all Li Shimin's sons, because Li Chengqian, Li Tai, and Li Zhi are all the sons of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, that is, "sons-in-law", and Li Ke, although he was born to his wife (concubine) Yang, but his heart and ability are quite Li Shimin's style, which makes Li Shimin very attentive to him.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

Just talking about the personal ability of these four people, without considering other factors, such as background and descendants, look at what they have done, and then look at the evaluation given to them at that time, you can estimate who is the most suitable to be the prince.

Li Chengqian, when he was young, was quite talented in governing the world, but in the later period, he was obsessed with beauty and misbehaved. As Li Shimin's eldest son, Li Chengqian has had high hopes for the commander-in-chief since he was born. Li Shimin regarded Li Chengqian as a prince and intended to temper his political ability. When Du Ruhui was seriously ill, Li Shimin sent Li Chengqian to offer condolences. When Li Yuan died of illness, Li Chengqian temporarily took charge of the government and handled state affairs in an orderly manner. At this time, Li Chengqian had already shown his ability to go through the country. However, after Li Chengqian suffered from foot disease, his temperament changed greatly and he began to raise male pets. After this male pet was killed by Li Shimin, Li Chengqian erected a monument for him and often cried for him. When the division commander reproached Li Chengqian, he also sent assassins to assassinate him. Li Chengqian is obsessed with beauty and narrow-mindedness, so he is no longer suitable to be a prince.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

Li Tai is talented and has the heart of the emperor, but he does not have the imperial city. Li Tainai is the second son of the eldest grandson empress, he has been smart since he was a child, so he is favored by Li Shimin. Although he has made great achievements in literature and art, he really has no scheming. Li Chengqian had just been deposed because of forcing the palace, and Li Tai couldn't wait to ask Li Shimin for the crown prince. Li Tai promised that a hundred years later, he would kill his son and let his imperial brother Li Zhi succeed him. But this lie of killing his son and passing on his brother was quickly exposed by Chu Suiliang, and Li Shimin also knew that this matter was impossible, so he did not let him get his wish. Li Tai has the heart to compete for the throne, but he doesn't know that Taoguang is obscure and there is no imperial city.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

Li Ke is good at Chana Yayan, has political practice, and has the demeanor of a wise gentleman. Although Li Ke is not the most favored prince, he was once praised by Li Shimin as "Yingguo like me". Li Ke once loved to hunt and destroyed farmland, and was impeached by the Imperial History Institute and dismissed. But Li Ke did not hold a grudge, but was very in awe of outspoken courtiers like Quan Wanji, and was willing to take a look. In addition, Li Ke once went out of Songzhou, selected talents and talents, and governed Songzhou very well. As far as these two points are concerned, Li Ke does have the qualifications to inherit the unification. Li Shimin also considered letting him succeed to the throne, but the eldest grandson Wuji supported his nephew Li Zhi, and the matter was finally abandoned.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

Li Zhi, generous and benevolent, quite talented, is a gentleman of success, but has no enterprising heart and is too indecisive. After Li Zhi succeeded to the throne, although he created the "rule of Yonghui", it was only a continuation of the political and economic system formulated by Li Shimin. The only time he was arbitrary was in the matter of establishing Wu Zetian, and other than that, he was quite indecisive in his actions. Li Zhi was affected by his dizziness and dizziness, and Wu Zetian slowly controlled the court. After Li Zhi noticed this, he had the heart to abolish the queen, but Wu Zetian knew about it. Wu Zetian cried and made Li Zhi retract his heart, and even Shangguan Yi, who made the edict for him, was also punished. Benevolence is undoubtedly an important reason for the support of the human monarch, but too much benevolence leads to indecision and indecision, which is a taboo for the monarch.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

Of course, Li Zhi, don't be deceived by the history books, what do you say about "benevolence and cowardice", this is a black-bellied master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Judging from the political achievements alone, the territory of the Tang Empire in the Li Zhi era was almost expanded to the extreme, the vast land of the Western Regions was collected in the west, the power was expanded to the three stans in Central Asia, and the north went north to destroy Baekje and Goguryeo, fulfilling the dream of several generations of emperors starting from Emperor Yang Jian of Sui Wen.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

From within the imperial court, he eradicated the Guanlong military group, an interest group that manipulated the rise and fall of several dynasties, suppressed the power of the Shandong Shi clan, a thousand-year-old family, and put the imperial power above the various major lord families.

In terms of talents, they got rid of the dependence on the children of the scholars, and really carried forward the imperial examinations that began in the period of Emperor Wen of Sui, so that the scholars of the poor family really got the opportunity to be born.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

Just looking at these achievements, he deserves the title of the emperor, and it is rare that he governs a big country like a small fresh, not only did what the previous emperors wanted to do but did not do, but also those who are good at fighting have no outstanding merits.

The same thing, the death of Emperor Yang Guanggan of the Sui Dynasty, Li Shimin was also struggling, and in the end he had to swallow the bitter fruit of "Clan Chronicles", but as a result, the weak young man who made Li Shimin feel at ease before his death did it.

Li Chengqian, Li Tai, Li Ke, and Li Zhi are the most suitable candidates to be the crown prince in terms of ability?

This is by no means what a confused, benevolent, weak and incompetent king can do, and it is far-fetched to attribute all the credit to Wu Zetian, so if Li Shimin's three sons ascend the throne, it is impossible to do more than Li Zhi.

To sum up, among Li Shimin's sons, the ones who are suitable to be princes are Li Tai and Li Zhi. The most capable is undoubtedly Li Zhi. His ability to achieve martial arts is by no means just good luck, but a profound embodiment of his wisdom.

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