
It took 30 years to find out that there is a big difference between removing seeds and not removing seeds, and it turns out that it has always been used incorrectly

author:Enjoy the green dry tone of the mountain

Among the rich seasonings of Chinese cuisine, grass fruit is undoubtedly an indispensable spice. This fruit, which has a unique aroma, is often used to add a special flavor to a variety of dishes. However, what you may not know is that there is a big difference between seedless and seedless grass fruits. Over the course of 30 years of use, I've found myself using the wrong approach on this issue.

It took 30 years to find out that there is a big difference between removing seeds and not removing seeds, and it turns out that it has always been used incorrectly

Grass fruit, a spice widely used in cooking, not only helps to relieve greasyness, but also adjusts the intensity of the aroma and provides better room for other spices to be revealed. This is what we often call the fixing effect. Not only that, but the grass fruit also enhances the fusion of fat and aromas, making it more rounded. The deodorizing effect of grass fruit makes us easy to deal with some ingredients with strong odors.

It took 30 years to find out that there is a big difference between removing seeds and not removing seeds, and it turns out that it has always been used incorrectly

In cooking, grass fruit is often used with spices such as angelica, cardamom, and citrus aurantium to achieve different effects. The aroma of grass fruit is strong, and this aroma can be perfectly integrated with the aroma of the meat itself when stewing beef, lamb and other ingredients. At the same time, the grass fruit itself also has a certain deodorizing effect, which makes the meat ingredients more prominent in their own flavor on the basis of maintaining their deliciousness.

And when the grass fruit is used with Angelica dalian, this deodorization effect is more obvious. The fragrance of Angelica Angelica is relatively fresh, and the combination with the rich aroma of grass and fruit not only enhances the overall aroma layering, but also makes the two spices perfectly complement each other when stewing beef and mutton.

The combination of grass fruit and grass is more subtle. The grass nut itself has the effect of promoting the separation of flesh and bones, and this effect is even more pronounced when it is combined with grass fruit.

When dealing with spicy and heavy oil sauces, the combination of grass fruit and citrus aurantium can reconcile the dryness.

It took 30 years to find out that there is a big difference between removing seeds and not removing seeds, and it turns out that it has always been used incorrectly

There are actually many detailed considerations for the removal of seeds from grass fruits. Generally speaking, we are all used to pat the seeds to remove their bitter taste. In the production of spicy brine, if the amount of grass fruit is large, we can break it and remove the seeds to create a rich fat aroma. When boiling fish, the grass fruit is usually beaten into a fine powder for use, which also needs to be seeded first, and then processed for later use.

However, whether or not to remove seeds is not set in stone. The consideration of removing seeds and removing seeds should be decided according to the characteristics of the ingredients themselves. If the ingredients are greasy and have a strong odor, then it may be more appropriate to use the whole broken seeds, while if the ingredients are not heavy and less greasy, or if you want to accentuate the fresh flavor, then the seeds are more appropriate.

It took 30 years to find out that there is a big difference between removing seeds and not removing seeds, and it turns out that it has always been used incorrectly

Over the years, I have come to realize that the use of grass fruit is not just a simple addition. Every detail of it, whether it is seeded or unseeded, is packed with deep culinary wisdom and skill. Every time used correctly, it can add a unique taste and charm to the dish.

This seemingly ordinary spice actually contains endless changes and possibilities. It's not just a spice in our cooking, it's a way for us to express our food culture. So, the next time you use grass fruit in your cooking, you might as well put a little more thought into it and feel every surprise and change it brings you.

It took 30 years to find out that there is a big difference between removing seeds and not removing seeds, and it turns out that it has always been used incorrectly

In the world of food, spices are the finishing touch. If you're confused about the choice and application, don't worry, let us know in the comments and we'll answer your questions with 30 years of experience. On the road of seasoning, we are willing to be your guiding light and make your cooking skills to the next level.

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