
The elderly with social security cards should pay attention, no matter how busy they are, they should also look at it, and beware of losses

{"info":{"title":{"content":"老年人持有社保卡的要注意,再忙也要看看,当心损失","en":"The elderly with social security cards should pay attention, no matter how busy they are, they should also look at it, and beware of losses"},"description":{"content":"社保卡对于人们的生活十分重要,可以说现在社保卡几乎人人都有,已经成为身份证以外最重要的一张卡,但是很多人不知道的是,领到...","en":"Social security card is very important for people's lives, it can be said that now almost everyone has a social security card, has become the most important card in addition to the ID card, but many people don't know that the get..."}},"items":[]}