
The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

author:Shukuri Musume

All kinds of seafood have always been a favorite ingredient on the table. I remember the first time I ate this seafood more than ten years ago, and its taste is really hard to forget. Later, I learned that it is known as the "best" in meat, the taste is crisp, tender, and nutritious, containing sufficient high-quality protein and calcium, and the bird shell meat is rich in a variety of amino acids, providing comprehensive nutrition for the body, and at the same time has the effect of moistening the lungs and nourishing essence and yin. This small seafood is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients.

The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

Bird shellfish, also known as "cockles", is a popular ingredient among seafood lovers. Its meat is delicate and refreshing, making it one of the best seafood. What's even more amazing is that the nutritional value of bird shellfish is much higher than that of ordinary meat, bird shell meat is rich in collagen, which helps to moisturize the skin and maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin. Below, I would like to share with you two delicious recipes for bird shells.

The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

Recommended Recipe 1: [Green Onion Oil Bird Shellfish]

If you want to enjoy the delicious taste of bird shellfish, try the simple and delicious bird shellfish with scallion oil. Here's how to make it:

Ingredients: Shellfish meat, shredded green onion, shredded ginger, coriander, shredded red pepper, cooking oil, steamed fish soy sauce, salt, sesame oil

Here's how:

1. Shell the shells of the birds bought in the market, and when you get home, cut the belly with scissors, remove the excrement, and put it in a basin. Add a little flour and water and scrub gently until the meat is washed white and mucus free.

The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

2. Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, add the shellfish, blanch for 10 seconds, and quickly remove into the cold water to cool. The blanching time of the bird shellfish is very important, once the blanching time is too long, the meat will become old, the taste will become more beautiful, and the fresh sweetness will also be lost.

The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

3. Prepare shredded green onions, shredded ginger, chopped coriander and shredded red pepper for later use. Drain the shellfish meat, put it on a plate, and place it with shredded green onions, shredded ginger, coriander, and dried red peppers.

The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

4. Add oil to the pot and cook until it smokes, pour hot oil on the shredded green onion and chili pepper to stimulate the fragrance, pour in the steamed fish soy sauce, salt and sesame oil, stir well and serve.

This scallion oil bird shellfish is not only good in color and flavor, but also rich in nutrients, which is not only a delicacy, but also a good product for health and nourishment.

The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

Recommended Recipe 2: [Wasabi Mixed with Shellfish]

If you prefer something a little more creative, try the wasabi toss.

Ingredients: Shellfish meat, mustard, light soy sauce, shredded green onion

Here's how:

1. Like the above method, clean the bird shells, blanch the cleaned birds in a pot under water, remove them to cool, drain and set aside.

2. Add an appropriate amount of wasabi to a bowl, add light soy sauce and stir until the mustard melts.

3. Put the shellfish meat on a plate, you can dip it in mustard juice or pour the mustard juice on top of the shellfish meat, add shredded green onions, stir well and serve.

The nutrition is 22 times that of pork! It can be called the "best" meat, delicious and nutritious, and the mouth is full of meat!

This mustard mixed with bird shells is not only spicy and appetizing, but also fully shows off the tender taste of bird shells, making it a unique and creative seafood dish.

Overall, as a nutritious seafood, bird shellfish is not only excellent in taste, but also a delicious dish. Through clever cooking methods, such as fried onion and mixed with mustard, the bird shellfish can bring out different flavors and meet various taste needs. Bring this delicious bird shellfish dish into your home and add a touch of sophistication and health to your table.

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