
Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

author:Taste the past and look at the present


"Ming God of War" Zhu Qizhen, this sentence seems to be exalting Zhu Qizhen, but in fact it is a word used by modern people to belittle him! Why is this?

It turned out that Zhu Qizhen listened to the villain's slanderous rumors, so he chose to drive the royal car to conquer and crusade against the Wara tribe, but Zhu Qizhen himself did not know any art of war and had no role on the battlefield, and finally made hundreds of thousands of troops defeated in the hands of the Wara tribe! And he, Zhu Qizhen, also became a hostage of the Wara tribe! The name "Ming God of War" Zhu Qizhen also came from this!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

After Zhu Qizhen was captured by Wara, the Ming Dynasty became a borderless country, and the entire Ming Dynasty became turbulent! At this time, a loyal minister stood up, and this person was Yu Qian!

He first solved the problem of the Ming Dynasty having no owner, put Zhu Qiyu on the throne, and then launched the Battle of Beijing, and resisted the attack of the Wara tribe! It was his power to turn the tide that the Ming Dynasty was able to survive!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

It was also at that time that Wara couldn't get any benefits from Daming, so they chose to release Zhu Qizhen back, and Zhu Qizhen was imprisoned by Zhu Qiyu for seven years after he came back, after all, no one was willing to give up his position as emperor!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Seven years later, Zhu Qiyu was sick and bedridden, and Zhu Qizhen launched a rebellion to seize the door! He took back his throne again, and Zhu Qiyu left the world soon after taking it back!

It was at that time that he did something that no one could have imagined, that is, he killed Yu Qian, the minister who saved Daming from water and fire! Everyone in the world knows that Yu Qian is a loyal subject, and it is precisely because of Yu Qian's intervention that he Zhu Qizhen can return safely, otherwise he is likely to die in the Wara tribe! But even so, Yu Qian was still killed by him! Not long after, Zhu Qizhen also unfortunately left the world at the age of Chinese New Year's Eve and seven!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

So the question is, from the above deeds, we can see that Zhu Qizhen did almost kill the Ming Dynasty, why is such a monarch still called Ming Jun in later generations?

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Background of the times

When Zhu Qizhen succeeded to the throne, he was only nine years old, and it was impossible for him to have any real power, and his age was really too young! At that time, the real power of the Ming Dynasty was on the empress dowager and the empress! Of course, only the big things were decided by them, and the small things were all decided by Zhu Qizhen! That is, when he was a child, he met someone who changed his life, and this person was Wang Zhen! He was Zhu Qizhen's personal eunuch!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Wang Zhen is very good at observing words and feelings, so he is deeply liked by Zhu Qizhen, because of Zhu Qizhen's like, so his Wang Zhen's position is promoted very quickly! At that time, Zhu Qizhen will discuss with Wang Zhen what he does, and Wang Zhen will always think of various ways to make himself the biggest beneficiary! In the following time, Wang Zhen tried his best to make himself climb higher, and finally became Zhu Qizhen's most trusted person. So at that time, Wang Zhen was particularly arrogant, except for the emperor and empresses, no one in the entire court dared to touch him, and there were even many people who sent him all kinds of gifts in order to appease Wang Zhen, they understood that as long as Wang Zhen said their good words in front of the emperor, they would definitely be promoted and rich!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Time passed little by little, Zhu Qizhen's age is getting older and older, in 1441 AD, Zhu Qizhen ushered in his own pro-government, and all rights returned to Zhu Qizhen's hands, at that time Wang Zhen was still his most trusted person, it was because of his trust in Wang Zhen that he fell into the whirlpool of public opinion!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Not long after Zhu Qizhen took power, a war broke out on the border of the Ming Dynasty, and the wanton invasion of the Wara tribe made the people in the border areas of the Ming Dynasty live a miserable life! It was at this time that Wang Zhen stood up and put forward a bad idea to Zhu Qizhen, and he suggested that Zhu Qizhen take the imperial expedition in person, so that the morale of the Ming Dynasty would definitely be boosted like never before! When the time comes, he can casually repel the Vara! What he didn't expect was that Zhu Qizhen really believed his words and really made the imperial expedition! It is true that with his joining, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have been promoted like never before, but he should not have brought Wang Zhen with him! When they came to the battlefield, Wang Zhen carried out all kinds of blind commands, and he was also a eunuch who stayed in the palace all the year round, how could he use the way of using troops?

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

The funny thing is that Zhu Qizhen still chose to listen to Wang Zhen's words at that time, instead of listening to those experienced ministers, under Wang Zhen's blind suggestion, the Wara tribe found an opportunity, and took advantage of this opportunity to break the Ming Dynasty apart in one fell swoop, this is the change of Tumubao!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

And Zhu Qizhen was captured by the Wara tribe and became a hostage at that time, and Wang Zhen, the culprit of this incident, also died in that war! Most of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty also died in this war, and it was because Zhu Qizhen listened to Wang Zhen's slander that the Ming Dynasty ushered in an unprecedented trough! When the news of Zhu Qizhen's capture came, the entire Ming Dynasty became turbulent, and most of the soldiers were killed and wounded, and the Ming Dynasty had become crumbling!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

At this critical moment, Yu Qian stood up, he came to clean up these messes, he personally pushed Zhu Qizhen's younger brother Zhu Qiyu to the throne, everyone should understand the truth that the country cannot be without a king for a day, and Yu Qian thinks that the most stable thing to stabilize the current situation is to elect an emperor, Zhu Qizhen's son Zhu Jianshen was only two years old at that time, and only Zhu Qiyu, the king of servants, is the most suitable, so whether Zhu Qiyu agrees or not, he can only put Zhu Qiyu on the throne!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

After Zhu Qiyu became the emperor, the situation in the Ming Dynasty began to warm up, and then Yu Qian began to lead troops to block the invasion of Wara, which is the famous defense of Beijing in history, at that time no one believed that Yu Qian could withstand it, but he Yu Qian was against the sky, not only successfully blocked the invasion of Warat, but also drove them out of Beijing! It can be seen how powerful Yu Qian was at that time!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

A year later, the Ming Dynasty once again regained its former glory, and at that time the Ming Dynasty found that it was useless for them to take the emperor! So they let Zhu Qizhen back! After a year, Zhu Qizhen finally returned to the arms of the Ming Dynasty again! It's just that at that time, he was no longer the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and his identity with his younger brother directly came to a big rotation! He became a courtier! And his younger brother also imprisoned him!

It turned out that at that time, Zhu Qiyu didn't want to return the throne he had won, he was afraid that his brother would threaten his throne, so he imprisoned him! In this way, Zhu Qizhen lived a life of captivity again! For the next seven years, Zhu Qizhen was imprisoned by his younger brother!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

In 1457 A.D., Zhu Qiyu's health failed, he was seriously ill in bed! At this time, Zhu Qizhen found an opportunity, he personally took back his former throne, so Zhu Qizhen became the emperor again, and he was also the only person in the history of the Ming Dynasty who had been the emperor twice! After that, he was the emperor for eight years, and when he succeeded to the throne again, he killed Yu Qian, the great hero who saved the Ming Dynasty!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Some people think that the loss of Zhu Qizhen's throne was caused by him Yu Qian, and Zhu Qizhen himself was a cautious person, so it was not surprising that he killed Yu Qian at that time! While some people who didn't understand thought that Yu Qian had obviously saved Yaoyao's falling Daming, and he, Zhu Qizhen, should not get rid of him! In short, all parties had a reason, Zhu Qizhen did indeed do this, and it is unknown what kind of idea he had!

Eight years later, in 1464 AD, Zhu Qizhen died of illness at the age of Chinese New Year's Eve! After his death, he was posthumously named the temple "Emperor Yingzong" by later generations! I think everyone can see from the above experience that he Zhu Qizhen was not a wise monarch, so why was he called "Emperor Yingzong" by later generations? Let's continue to look down.

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Release the Jianshu

Zhu Qizhen was imprisoned by his younger brother for seven years, and during these seven years, what he felt the most was loneliness, followed by discomfort, how could he be comfortable looking at the same things all day long? Fortunately, he later found an opportunity to turn the tables and launched a rebellion to seize the throne again! In this way, he was freed from the pain of captivity!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

After he came out, he remembered a person, and this person was Zhu Wengui! He was Zhu Yunwen's second son, and when Zhu Di launched the "Jingyan Change," he did not get rid of him, but imprisoned him, and he was still alive at that time, and he had been imprisoned for more than 50 years! Thinking that he was about to collapse after being imprisoned for seven years, how uncomfortable should Zhu Wengui be? So he released Zhu Wengui!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

He did this completely out of his own good intentions, he wanted to help Zhu Wengui, but it backfired, Zhu Wengui has been imprisoned for so many years, and he has long lost his basic rationality as a human being! Therefore, he unfortunately left the world not long after he was released, of course, this is also what Zhu Qizhen does not want to see, but there is no way, this is how things happened! There is no way to return to the sky! This is one of the good things that Zhu Qizhen has done, but it has become a good thing to do with good intentions!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Abolish the burial system

Abolishing the funeral system was the second good thing he Zhu Qizhen did! First of all, we must first understand what the funeral system is, and the funeral system is to let those concubines who did not give birth to heirs become funeral goods! This cruel system was abolished during the Qin Shi Huang period, and Zhu Yuanzhang once again let this system reappear in the world during the Ming Dynasty! There were a lot of people in his harem back then, and there were many people who did not give birth to children for him, so those concubines were finally buried together with Zhu Yuanzhang!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

During the period of his death, Zhu Qizhen deeply felt the cruelty of this system, so he announced to the world the abolition of the funeral system on his parting side! The news of this news directly made his status in the eyes of everyone be greatly improved, and it may be because of this reason that what he did before would be forgiven by everyone! After all, in this way, a large number of people can not suffer this unjustified disaster!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?

Many people may think that Zhu Qizhen just did these things, and he is not worthy of being wise? That's right, I also think the same way! The reason why Zhu Qizhen was posthumously named "Ming Yingzong" by later generations was all because of his son Zhu Jianshen's intervention, and he thought that his father did a lot of unbelievable things in his early years, but fortunately he changed it in his later years, and he also rebelled against Zhu Yuanzhang and abolished the funeral system privately, so Zhu Qizhen's name was personally intervened by him! Therefore, Zhu Qizhen will have "Ming Yingzong" This temple number!

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?


Although Zhu Qizhen did a lot of mediocre things in his early years, he also did some good deeds that benefited the country and the people in his later years, which belongs to the offset of merit and demerit! Therefore, his son Zhu Jianshen will award him the temple name of "Ming Yingzong", which may be a recognition of Zhu Qizhen's prodigal son's return.

Zhu Qizhen almost lost the country, and killed Yu Qian in vain, why can he still be posthumously honored as a wise king?


"Ming History"

"Records of Ming Yingzong"

"Ming Shilu"

"The Legend of Ming Yingzong"

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