
Commemorating the beginning and end of Marco Polo's "Yuan Shi Translation and Supplement".

author:The Paper

The first item in the Chinese Marco Polo bibliography listed by Mr. Yuan Tongli is the "Records of Chinese and Western Stories" during the Tongzhi period, and the British Chinese is making the "Yingtang Resident" Mei Huili published on it the "Yuan Dynasty Westerners Entering China", introducing Marco Polo's deeds and consulting his relics in China. The second article is "During the Guangxu period, Hong Jun wrote "Yuan Shi Translation Verification Supplement", which has quoted Marco's travels".

Hong Jun's mission to Europe to write the book "Yuan Shi Translation and Supplement" is a very shocking event in the history of modern Chinese historiography, to borrow the words of Mr. Tang Degang, it is an unprecedented and important "transformation", and Chinese historiography has since embarked on the road of world historiography. When we commemorate Marco Polo today, we must not forget that it was Hong Jun who paved the way for Marco Polo to be added to China's "official history" in a frank manner. Therefore, it is necessary to write some words to look back at the academic revolution started by Hong Jun more than 100 years ago.

Hong Jun's early death is not complete

Hong Jun was an important figure in the academic history of the late Qing Dynasty, and Cai Guanluo's "Biography of Seven Hundred Celebrities of the Qing Dynasty" (Volume 1) has a biography of Hong Jun. Cai Guanluo (1890-1955), a native of Zhuji, Zhejiang, a disciple of Master Hongyi, graduated from Tokyo Imperial University in Japan, taught in many provincial middle schools in Zhejiang, and later joined the Shanghai World Book Company as an editor.

In view of the shortcomings of "the dignity and humility of prestige", "the private words of one surname", "the absence of prominent officials without details", "the lack of methods and the absence of records", and "the disobedience of loyal ministers and the overflow of evil and beauty", Cai Guanluo compiled and published the three-volume "Biography of Seven Hundred Famous People of the Qing Dynasty" in 1936, which was full of content and plain, and benefited Ze to study and examine the parallel traces of academic figures in the Qing Dynasty.

Hong Jun, whose name is Wenqing, was born in Wuxian County, Jiangsu Province in 1839, and was awarded the Hanlin Academy for revision in the seventh year of Tongzhi (1868). In 1870, he was appointed governor of Hubei and returned to Beijing in 1871. In 1875 (the first year of Guangxu), he made up the hall and served as the examiner of the Tianxiang test. In 1876, he served as an examiner for the Shaanxi Township Examination, and in 1877, he added four ranks.

In 1880, he was appointed as a meritorious officer and an examiner for the Shandong Township Examination, and was promoted to speak. In 1881, he was transferred to study, admired Jiangxi Xuezheng, promoted to the right Chunfang right concubine, rotated the left concubine, and was promoted to the bachelor of the Hanlin Academy. In 1884, he was promoted to the Zhan Shifu Zhan Shi, promoted to the cabinet bachelor, and concurrently held the rank of chamberlain of the Ministry of Rites. In 1885, Ding's mother was worried, and in 1886 it was restored.

In 1887 (the thirteenth year of Guangxu), Jian sent envoys to Russia, Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands to supplement the cabinet bachelor and the rank of waiter of the Ministry of Rites. In 1890 (the sixteenth year of Guangxu), he was promoted to the left squire of the military department. In October of the same year, he was sent to the Prime Minister's Affairs Yamen.

In 1892 (the eighteenth year of Guangxu), due to the boundary between Pamir and Russia, Emperor Guangxu issued the Prime Minister Yamen to discuss Pamirtu. Hong Junshu said: "Since the Pa incident last year, the minister's yamen immediately searched the map of the inner government, the unification of the chronicles, etc., and the situation in the mountains and rivers of Padi was dangerous, and they were all in detail. I have to rely on the map of Britain and Russia, and refer to each other's references. Xinjiang did not have any personnel who were proficient in surveying and mapping, and because they were afraid of Russian soldiers, they could not go to the re-survey. The governor sent two pictures successively, both of which were not accurate. In the last winter, Li Hongzhang, the minister of Beiyang, translated and sent several kinds of English pictures. The envoy Xu Jingcheng collected more than 10 kinds of pictures from Britain, Russia, France and Germany, studied them in detail, and made them into a map, which was also sent in December. ”

In August 1893 (the 19th year of Guangxu), Hong Jun died at the age of 54. Cai Guanluo's book said that in 1877, Hong Jun "compiled more than half of the book of Emperor Mu Zongyi's actual records, and served as a compiler and repairer before obtaining the decree." Emperor Mu Zongyi is the Tongzhi Emperor Zaichun, the existing "Emperor Mu Zongyi Records", 1986 Zhonghua Book Company edition, the manuscript is not completed, the author is "anonymous". The book should have been compiled by Hong Jun, and it seems that it should be signed in the name of Hong Jun.

Hong Jun died prematurely, and "Yuan Shi Translation Supplement" is his posthumous work, which is extant in engraving, a total of 30 volumes, divided into 5 volumes. There is a preface by Lu Runzhen, written in October 1897 (the twenty-third year of Guangxu), and the year of issuance is not indicated. According to Mr. Yuan Tongli's book list, the book was engraved and published in the 26th year of Guangxu (1900).

In October 1902 (Meiji 35), the Japanese Bungudo Shoten published a lead edition with about 500 pages. Edited by the Japanese historian Na Ke Tongshi, according to the original appearance of Lu Runzhen's preface.

Commemorating the beginning and end of Marco Polo's "Yuan Shi Translation and Supplement".

Hong Jun's "Yuan History Translation Supplement" Lu Runzhen preface engraved edition, published in October of the 23rd year of Guangxu (1897). Source: Courtesy of the author

Commemorating the beginning and end of Marco Polo's "Yuan Shi Translation and Supplement".

Hong Jun's "Yuan Shi Translation Supplement", edited by Na Ke Tongshi, Japanese Bunqiudo Bookstore, Meiji 35 (1902) October lead edition. Source: Courtesy of the author

Lu Runqi and Shen Zengzhi published posthumous works for Hong Jun

Cai Guanluo's "Biography of Seven Hundred Celebrities of the Qing Dynasty" (Volume 1) has a biography of Lu Runzhen. Lu Runitchi, the word Fengshi, born in 1841, Jiangsu Yuanhe (Suzhou) people, Tongzhi thirteen years (1874) a Jinshi (champion), successively served as Shandong Xuezheng, Guozi Priest Wine, Ministry of Works, Ministry of Officials, official to Taibao, Dongge University Scholar, Tirenge University Scholar. After Xinhai, he stayed in the Qing Palace, awarded the Taibao, died in the fourth year of the Republic of China (1915), at the age of 75, and was given the nickname Wenduan. Lu Runitch is known for his upright officials and good calligraphy.

Lu Runqi was an important minister in the late Qing Dynasty, and admired Lu Zhen, a scholar of Hanlin in the Tang Dynasty, and Li Chang "The foundation of chaos is tied to the hearts of the people", "The rule of chaos is by people, not in the mandate of heaven", "The right to build a country is important and light" and other political concepts. Zeng Jin said: "There are very few students who study abroad and return from their studies in industry, and they use what they have not learned, and the most of them are only one subject of law and politics." The differences between legal and political countries are based on their own customs and customs. Today's life has not taken deep roots, the ancient sages have not recited Xi, the moral customs are unknown, and they attack people's skins and talk about reform. He added: "The established rules cannot be followed, and the new law must be implemented at its discretion." If we do not study the history of the country and think that it will be flexible, it will be suffocating and difficult to do, and there will be the harm of intensifying. ”

In the first year of Xuantong, Lu Runitch urged to preserve the post of Taiwan admonition, believing that "the official position of the speaker is to fight the evil spirit", and "the administrative adjudication is determined after the fact, and the official is raised in advance." If the court wants to open its eyes and ears, the court cannot be judged. ”

Lu Runqi's "Yuan Shi Translation Supplemental Preface" details the beginning and end of the book, and recalls Hong Jun's ambition and conduct. The preface says: "The dynasty of China's unification since ancient times has the widest territory than the Yuan Dynasty, and the prosperity of the Yuan Dynasty's martial arts is no better than the Western Regions." In the fourteenth year of the reign of Genghis Khan, Taizu began to discuss the personal expedition and the westward expedition, which was completed in the eighteenth year. The southwest is as far as the Indus, and the northwest is as far as the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, Russia. At that time, the kings were ordered to have Jochi, Chagatai, etc., and then there were Batu and Hülegü, etc., and the ministers had Jebe, Subutai, etc., all of whom were brave and prepared, and they were fierce and unstoppable, so they had to plough the court and sweep the holes, and they were invincible. During this period, the correspondence documents were all in Mongolian and native languages, and the records of the historians were omitted. When the queen of Hulegu was in Hezan, he ordered his minister Rasht to compile and revise the book "The Complete History of Mongolia", which was all in Persian and not practiced in China. ”

"In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, Song Lian and others revised the "History of the Yuan", Yanjing books were collected in the south, read for a year and it was completed, and there were many omissions and dispersions, and the archaeologists regretted it. Jiading Qian Daxin saw the translation of "The Secret History of the Yuan Dynasty" and thought that the deeds of Taizu Genghis Khan should be compromised in this book. Li Wentian of Shunde obtained the Mongolian "Secret History", and revised it from his book, and wrote "Notes on the Secret History of the Yuan", but it is only based on the records of the Middle Earth families, and the history of Rasht is not examined. ”

Commemorating the beginning and end of Marco Polo's "Yuan Shi Translation and Supplement".

Li Wentian, Notes on the Secret History of the Yuan Dynasty, 15 volumes, lithograph of Wenruilou, Shanghai, 1903. Source: Courtesy of the author

"In 1889, Hong Jun was ordered to send an envoy to Russia, Germany, and Hoo, and stayed there for three years. Zhou Zhibo visited, and after the book was written, the beginning and end of the Western Regions in the early Yuan Dynasty was the beginning and end of the army, and it was Li Ran's great preparation. At the beginning of Hong Jun's arrival in Russia, the book of Rasht, and those who accompanied the tongue who were unable to translate Persian were dumbfounded. Hong Jun thought that if he had obtained this book, he should make it appear in the world, and he should not lose it as my body. So they bought and asked for the book of Duosan, and then got the books of Bellezin and the Mourning Barbarians, and there was a clue to follow, and the translations were made according to their own sounds, and the names of people, places, and tribes were changed and different, and there were inconsistencies, but the Russian people who reinquired and the envoys of various countries in Russia, such as Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, Persia, etc., Xi their voices, listened to their discussions, and then translated them into the Chinese language. The manuscript went through three changes, which took more than two years, and the book was written, and the name was "Yuan Shi Translation Supplement". Those who testify to the mistakes of history are also those who make up for the mistakes of history. However, several of these volumes were scattered and not finalized. ”

When Hong Jun returned to China in 1890, he was "appointed as the prime minister and minister of state affairs. And in the middle of the night, the breeding is tireless. "In the autumn of 1893, Hong Jun was ill and dramatic. Before his death, he handed over the first draft and unfinished manuscript to his son Langzhong Hongluo of the Ministry of Engineering for preservation, and entrusted the transcribed manuscript to Lu Runqi and Shen Zengzhi, and said: "After several years of exhaustion in this book, my son made it for me." ”

In the first day (1895), Lu Runitch was ordered to take the Jiangxi test, and on the way back, he heard that Hong Luo had died, and "urgently inquired about the manuscript that had been saved, but it was lost and could not be recovered." Lu Runitch mentioned that Hong Jun is his predecessor and Hong Luo is his son-in-law. When Hong Jun was stationed in Russia, he sent his manuscript to Lu Runqi, and consulted with him on the translation of Taizu Ji, the appendix of the Northwest Region, the supplementary biography of the Western Regions of Shidi, and the supplementary biography of Murayi. Hong Jun "is especially comfortable and noble, Luo can also write, hoping that he will inherit his family learning". However, Hong Jun and Hong Luo's father and son have passed away one after another, which is regrettable.

In the second year, Lu Run's mother was sick and returned home, and his mother died immediately. So he took out Hong Junqing's book, rechecked the number, repeatedly sent a letter to Shen Zengzhi, agreed on the style, and delivered it for engraving.

Lu Runitch said in the preface that the book is still incomplete, "the several volumes that have not yet been finalized are no longer searchable, and if there are suspicious words between them, they will not be corrected with the first draft." "However, there is the prosperity of martial arts in the Western Regions of the Yuan Dynasty, and the excellence of the ancients, looking at this book, we can also know the omissions and mistakes of the official history, which can not be calculated. That is, the translation of the secret history and the notes made by Li Shilang, which are still limited to hearing and seeing. Then its work of collecting and examining the book will not be able to talk about the same year!"

Lu Runqi and Shen Zengzhi were both well-educated and well-educated momentarians, and they concluded that Hong Jun's book, though incomplete, was by no means comparable to that of ordinary commentators.


Su Jingxiang is a special writer for "The Paper".

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