
Banana and honey water cannot cure constipation, and the best ones to use are prunes and dragon fruit rich in dietary fiber

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health science

When we talk about constipation, you might think of bananas or a glass of warm honey water. These are foods that have traditionally been thought to "smooth the bowels". But what if I told you that this is just a widely circulated misconception? In fact, for middle-aged and elderly friends who are looking for effective relief from constipation, the real helpers may not be these. So, what really works?

Banana and honey water cannot cure constipation, and the best ones to use are prunes and dragon fruit rich in dietary fiber

Revealed: Banana and honey water, is it really a savior for constipation?

Constipation is quite common in daily life, especially in middle-aged and elderly people. Many people think that eating bananas and drinking honey water can be effective in solving constipation problems, but is this really accurate?

First, let's take a look at bananas. Bananas are a nutritious fruit that contains nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, and B6. However, when it comes to its ability to relieve constipation, the picture is not so simple. In fact, the type of fiber in bananas determines its effect on constipation. Unripe bananas contain a lot of resistant starch, which is not easily digested and may worsen constipation problems. Ripe bananas, on the other hand, contain more soluble fiber, which helps with intestinal peristalsis, but the effect is limited.

Next, let's talk about honey water. Honey has long been known as a natural sweetener with a variety of health benefits, including its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Although honey contains some beneficial enzymes and antioxidants, there is not enough scientific evidence to support its effects on relieving constipation. Honey water may have a slight hydration effect and help soften stools, but it is not effective for severe constipation.

Banana and honey water cannot cure constipation, and the best ones to use are prunes and dragon fruit rich in dietary fiber

Prunes and dragon fruit: nature's "intestinal scavengers"

Prunes: a source of fiber, a natural remedy for constipation

Prunes, a rich source of dietary fiber in nature, have a significant effect on relieving constipation. Prunes contain about 7 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams, which is much more than many common fruits. Dietary fiber is not digested and absorbed in the intestines, which can effectively increase the volume and softness of stool, thereby promoting intestinal peristalsis and relieving constipation.

In addition to dietary fiber, the sobnose and phenolic compounds in prunes also contribute to gut health. Soblose promotes the growth of probiotics in the gut, while phenolic compounds have antioxidant effects and have a protective effect on intestinal cells. The synergy of these two ingredients makes prunes an ideal food not only for relieving constipation but also for overall gut health.

Banana and honey water cannot cure constipation, and the best ones to use are prunes and dragon fruit rich in dietary fiber

Dragon fruit: the "cleaner" of the intestines, easily solving the problem of constipation

Dragon fruit, loved for its unique appearance and sweet taste, should not be underestimated in its efficacy in relieving constipation. The water-soluble and insoluble dietary fiber rich in dragon fruit is the key to its fight against constipation. Soluble fiber absorbs water and forms colloids that soften stool, while insoluble fiber increases stool volume and speeds up its passage through the intestines.

The seeds in dragon fruit are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help lubricate the intestines. In addition, the antioxidants contained in dragon fruit, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, are able to reduce intestinal inflammation and further promote intestinal health.

How to use prunes and dragon fruit effectively

Prunes and dragon fruit are recommended as part of your daily diet. Prunes can be eaten as is, or made into dried fruits and jams. Dragon fruit is perfect for eating fresh or with other fruits in fruit salads. It is important to note that while these two fruits are beneficial for constipation, excessive consumption may cause diarrhea, so it is recommended to consume them in moderation and in conjunction with a balanced diet.

By introducing prunes and dragon fruit, two fruits rich in dietary fiber, middle-aged and elderly people can more effectively manage and prevent constipation, while enjoying delicious taste while maintaining intestinal health.

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