
Don't talk nonsense, just tell you 3 flavor medicines, get rid of insomnia, and sleep enough for 8 hours a day

author:Huang Yan, an expert in insomnia encephalopathy

If you have difficulty falling asleep for more than three consecutive days, lying in bed tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, even if you fall asleep, it is easy to wake up, or wake up early, you may still dream a lot, and wake up the next day feeling very tired and unenergetic, then you are likely to have insomnia!

Recently, there are more and more people with insomnia, and today I will share three insomnia prescriptions with only 3 flavors, which are very simple, and you can try them if you need to.

The first party




Qi and yin are insufficient, restless at night, the tongue is red and scarce, and the pulse is fine.


The sour jujube kernels in the recipe greatly nourish the blood of the heart and liver, which can help us nourish the heart and blood, nourish the heart and yin; wheat winter, can nourish the yin and nourish the lungs and clear the heart, it can nourish the heart and yin at the same time, it can also clear the heart and heat; the schisandra berries are astringent and astringent, invigorating the qi and invigorating the body, nourishing the kidney and calming the heart, and can replenish the heart qi, collect the heart and mind, and nourish the heart yin. The combination of three herbs can help you replenish qi and nourish yin, calm the nerves. Insomnia can be solved.

Don't talk nonsense, just tell you 3 flavor medicines, get rid of insomnia, and sleep enough for 8 hours a day

The second party


25g of sour jujube kernels, 12g of raw land, 5g of schisandra.


The heart and kidneys are not connected, the water and fire are out of balance, the five hearts are irritable, it is difficult to sleep at night, the tongue is red, and the pulse strings are fine.


It can help you balance the fire of the heart and the fire of the kidneys.

Don't talk nonsense, just tell you 3 flavor medicines, get rid of insomnia, and sleep enough for 8 hours a day

The third party


25g of sour jujube kernels, 9g of banxia, 5g of schisandra.


Lack of heart qi, phlegm and heat internal disturbance, insomnia and palpitations, dry and sticky mouth, white and greasy tongue, and smooth pulse.


It can nourish the heart, dissolve phlegm and dispel dampness.

The above three recipes are all based on sour jujube kernels as the main ingredient, with different Chinese herbal medicines to regulate the body. However, be sure to consult a doctor before taking the drug, and do not use it blindly by yourself to avoid adverse reactions.

Don't talk nonsense, just tell you 3 flavor medicines, get rid of insomnia, and sleep enough for 8 hours a day

Syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine is the essence, if the syndrome differentiation is correct, the medication will be symptomatic, and the solution to the symptom will have an immediate effect.

I have been practicing medicine for more than 40 years, and what I am good at is the differentiation of insomnia. If you also have insomnia, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, etc., just leave the words "need help", and I will help you when I see it

#Insomnia##Improve insomnia##Can't sleep##Dreaming##Waking up early##没精神#