
In the new season, Huang Zhong is still ranked first, and the second is unexpected

author:The home of King Glory Technology

It's been a while since the new season of Honor of Kings started, and this time the update canyon environment has been reshuffled. Directly affects the strength of a lot of heroes. Recently, the Glory of Kings S34 shooter gradient list has been released, and Huang Zhong is far ahead, ranking first. The second place is unexpectedly for many players, and he is Marco Polo.

In the new season, Huang Zhong is still ranked first, and the second is unexpected

Huang Zhong was able to rank first, and many people were not surprised. This shooter hero has excellent stats and skill mods. During the laning period, you can rely on landmines and passives to play a strong suppressive force on the line. And as a late-stage big core, the longer the time, the higher Huang Zhong's damage. In the later stage, stack the passive cannon, and the three cannons can take away a crispy skin. While it has high firepower and high range, the body is also very hard. Match him with a Cai Wenji Bull Demon, and when he opens a big move, Tandu is almost like a warrior, and the assassin can't get rid of it in a second. As long as he stabilizes the waves, Huang Zhong can directly end the game. Such Huang Zhong ranks first in the shooter gradient, which can be said to be well deserved.

In the new season, Huang Zhong is still ranked first, and the second is unexpected

But Marco Polo, a hero, was able to come in second place beyond many people's expectations. As a veteran shooter hero, Mark Polo is deeply loved by the majority of players with his nimble body and explosive damage. The usage rate has been low for a long time, which has led to polarization of word-of-mouth, and this hero is a typical hero with a high upper limit and a low lower limit, losing to operational heroes. The game is very powerful, and the dishes are also real dishes.

In the new season, Huang Zhong is still ranked first, and the second is unexpected

Marco Polo has always been criticized for his early combat ability. It is well known that at the same level in the laning period, Marco Polo could not beat any shooter. This is also related to his unique skill mechanism, his passive is that the faster the attack speed, the higher the damage, which is destined for Marco Polo to raise the attack speed as soon as possible in the early stage to have damage, and after the blood-sucking effect of this core equipment in the end of the world was cut, Mark Polo's endurance in the early stage was directly announced to be sent. He had to get through the torturous alignment period in order to win his strong period.

In the new season, Huang Zhong is still ranked first, and the second is unexpected

Having said all this, what is the reason for the rise of Marco Polo? In fact, it is the change of shoes in the new season of the king. The revised attack speed shoes are incomparably suitable for Marco Polo. After the revision, the attack speed retains the original effect of increasing attack speed, and adds the ability to regenerate health, which makes all shooters eat dividends, but there is no doubt that Marco Polo is the one with the most benefits.

In the new season, Huang Zhong is still ranked first, and the second is unexpected

The two attributes of attack speed and health return are incomparably compatible with Marco Polo, ensuring Marco Polo's endurance in the early stage, which can make him comfortably pass the lane period, and usher in the middle of the game - Mark Polo's power point faster, so it is a natural result that Mark Polo's gradient will rise in the shooter.

In the new season, Huang Zhong is still ranked first, and the second is unexpected

Summary: Marco Polo received the bonus of the attack speed shoes, and the shooter gradient rose to second.

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