
How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

author:Milk bean dad talks about parenting

Hello everyone, I'm Daddy~

My friend complained to me that every year when the winter vacation is approaching, she has a sense of anxiety that she is "like a great enemy".

Speaking of reasons, it is all related to the "bear child" who is in elementary school at home.

As soon as the beast comes home, it jumps up and down, how happy the children are, how distressed the parents are, and the family is "made" so miserable that they can't control it at all.

Second, the winter vacation meets the Spring Festival, the children play happily, the winter vacation homework is close to the beginning of school every year, or empty, in the end, only a family of three can go into battle, light the lamp and boil the oil to make up the homework, the reputation is called "the whole family mobilization".

What's more, a friend said that her son's grades were average, and after a winter vacation, when school started, he completely became "blind", not only did he have poor Xi in learning, but he also forgot the knowledge he had learned before.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

In fact, many parents must have experienced this series of problems.

Primary school students are young, playful, self-discipline is relatively poor, when encountering the holiday this kind of relaxation time, it will naturally open up to play, if parents do not help their children plan their holiday life in advance, then children are not only easy to fall behind after the start of school, but also will have a long-term impact on children's Xi enthusiasm and learning Xi.

In a word, the holidays are very important for children, especially the "winter vacation", which is even more important for children's learning and Xi.


On the one hand, the winter vacation time has many challenges for children, due to the cold climate, people are easy to be sleepy, coupled with the Spring Festival lively, children are easy to be affected by the external environment, and they get carried away when they play.

Therefore, if you can cultivate children's good learning XiXi habits at this stage, then whether it is the cultivation of children's enthusiasm for learning Xi, or the exercise of children's self-discipline characteristics, it will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

On the other hand, after the winter vacation every year, there are some children who are less interested in learning Xi and can't keep up with the pace of the classroom, so if we can grasp the golden period of this "curve overtaking", we are bound to be able to pull the child on the Xi, so that the child's learning Xi state back on the right track.

I will share with you some of the arrangements and plans I make for my children during the winter vacation every year, especially for some children with poor Xi interests, lack of motivation, and average grades, which will have a very great effect.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

Arrangement 1: Grasp the foundation and complete the winter vacation homework on time

How important is winter vacation homework for children?

First, children can maintain the "XiXi learning habits" they have developed in school without the supervision of teachers.

Second, although there is a holiday, the knowledge Xi learned also needs to be refreshed, so winter vacation homework is also a way for children to systematically learn Xi and consolidate knowledge.

Third, through the completion of homework during the winter vacation, parents can know the specific status of their children in school Xi in a timely manner.

The most important thing is that the knowledge content of primary school is not so complicated and profound, as long as you can complete the winter vacation homework on time and accurately, basically after the start of school, you can quickly integrate into the Xi and life of the new semester.

However, as we all know, it is almost impossible for bear children to complete their winter vacation homework independently, so as a parent, we must help our children plan and arrange their winter vacation homework.

For example, how many winter vacation assignments are there, how many days to complete, and how much to complete each day. Help children do a good job of dismantling, so that they can better develop the habit of learning XiXi, and they will not be in a hurry to catch up with their homework when school is about to start.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

Arrangement 2: It is very important to stick to daily exercise

Today's children are really not as good as before.

Some time ago, I also saw a message on the Internet, there is a child who can fall asleep as long as he is in class or doing homework, and teachers and parents have tried many methods, but to no avail.

Later, I had no choice, so I took the child to the hospital, and it turned out that it was really not a problem with Xi attitude, but that the child's physical fitness was relatively poor, and it was difficult to concentrate for a long time.

This time, it can be regarded as finding the root of the problem.

Many parents don't understand, can learning Xi be so tiring?

In fact, whether Xi tired or not is very related to the child's personal energy and physical strength, and it is not what we adults feel.

Especially the higher the grade, the higher the requirements for the child's physical fitness, if you don't lay a good foundation when you are a child, then the later on, the child's concentration, energy and endurance will not be able to keep up, and it is normal to fall behind in the school Xi.

Therefore, taking advantage of the winter vacation, the climate is relatively challenging, parents can work with their children to develop an exercise plan, and take their children to jog and skip rope every day when the temperature is more suitable, so as to improve their children's immunity and physical fitness.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

Arrangement 3: Chinese subjects, learn in advance

There was a sample survey on the Internet, and the researchers selected 1,000 children in grades 1 to 6 as the survey subjects, and found that the performance of this group of children began to fluctuate from the third grade, and the main reason for the fluctuation was the improvement or decline of language scores.

Many parents wonder why Chinese subjects have such a big impact on overall grades.

In fact, the reason is very simple, on the one hand, learning Xi is like building a house, linguistic Xi is the foundation, the foundation is not laid, the higher the up, the higher the probability of fluctuations.

It seems to be the most "hand-to-hand" subject among many subjects, but in fact, linguistic Xi involves a student's comprehensive ability such as reading comprehension and thinking logic.

On the other hand, the Xi of philology is not achieved overnight, it requires a long period of accumulation and training, and more importantly, with the increasing proportion of ancient poetry and classical Chinese in the language assessment, the difficulty of learning Chinese Xi is also several grades higher than before.

Especially in higher grades, the proportion of ancient poetry will be higher and higher, and the challenge to children's language and literature Xi will become greater and greater.

Therefore, in view of these characteristics of linguistic Xi, parents can use the winter vacation to make some morning reading plans for their children. Accumulate the sense of language of ancient poetry and lay the foundation for philological Xi.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

For example, when our milk bean was in elementary school, during the winter and summer vacations, I chose "100 Ancient Texts for Primary School Students Must Memorize" as a morning reading book for my children.

Elementary school students aged 6-12 must memorize small ancient texts ¥39 to buy

This set of small ancient texts, a total of 2 volumes, the content is synchronized with the primary school textbook, involving all the small ancient texts that primary school students need to Xi learn and memorize.

In addition, each small ancient text also sets up many columns such as audio reading, original text pronunciation, analysis and comprehension, etc., coupled with multiple collocations of pictures and interesting stories, which can instantly attract children's interest in reading, and can also be easily understood and recited.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

If we can help children read small ancient texts every morning during the winter vacation, it will have a great impact on the subsequent learning Xi, so why not?

Arrangement 4: Xi mathematics and practice thinking

Primary school, for children, is a stage where the difficulty of learning Xi is relatively simple, and the time is relatively abundant.

But at the same time, it is the golden stage for the development of children's various potentials and talents.

This is especially true in mathematics Xi.

The more children reach higher grades, the more difficult they are to learn math, and in this case, they naturally find math more difficult.

In fact, the difficulty of mathematics is the reason for the difficulty of mathematics on the one hand, and the reason on the other hand is that after the difficulty of mathematics increases, the child's thinking ability cannot keep up.

Therefore, for primary school students, it is not recommended that parents take advantage of the winter vacation to take their children to learn Xi new knowledge in advance, but focus on exercising their children's thinking ability in mathematics Xi.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

When my family was in primary school, I helped her improve her mathematical thinking ability through the book "Primary School Mathematical Thinking Training".

This is a set of special training books specifically for the cultivation of mathematical thinking in primary schools, which contains explanations of the corresponding knowledge points of each grade, and also creates a series of methods for mathematics Xi, so that children can think about topics and understand knowledge points through different perspectives and thinking.

How do primary school students spend the winter vacation? 4 suggestions for parents, after the start of school, it is difficult for children to think about not being excellent

We have been using this set of books since the second grade, and according to her, it is not so difficult to learn mathematics.

In fact, it is not that mathematics is simple, but that mathematical thinking is opened.

Therefore, if there are primary school students at home, they can choose according to the child's grade, especially for children who are more difficult in mathematics Xi, it is recommended to directly choose a full set of choices to help children improve their thinking ability and lay a solid foundation in mathematics in primary school.

Elementary Mathematical Thinking Training for Grades 1-6 ¥35 Purchase

In fact, every winter and summer vacation, there are some children who have achieved corner overtaking, and many parents may feel that these children who have improved their grades must have been deprived of a good childhood.

But in fact, those children who can achieve a counterattack in their grades may not rely on time to pile up, or it may be that parents use the time of winter and summer vacations to check and fill in the gaps, and help children develop good XiXi learning habits and enthusiasm, so in this way, how can they not improve?