
Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry

author:LJJ in 2019

Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry that this was a story about Lu Liping. Her son is 35 years old, but he rarely shows up. Whenever he appears in public, it tends to be embarrassing and unsettling. His eyes are strange and his expression is exaggerated, which makes people feel that his mental state is not normal. Lu Liping's son has no formal job and no friends. His presence left the mother feeling helpless and hopeless.

Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry

Lu Liping is a single mother, and her son has been a little different since he was a child. He is always a beat slower than other children and always seems a little sluggish. Although his IQ test scores were okay, he was always unknown in school and did not have much interaction with other children. Lu Liping once took him to the doctor, but the doctor said that he was just an ordinary "chronic child" who needed more exercise and training. Lu Liping worked and raised her son at the same time, and she tried her best to understand and meet his needs, but she always felt powerless.

Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry

Lu Liping's son has become more reticent as he grows up. His daily life is monotonous, and he hardly goes out except for the occasional trip to the supermarket to buy necessities. He had no friends and no hobbies. His mental condition began to worry his mother. She tried to get him to socialize, but each time she failed. In the end, Lu Liping had to give up and put all her energy on work, in order to be able to pay for her son's living expenses and medical expenses.

Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry

However, one day, while quietly reading at home, Lu Liping received an anonymous phone call. The voice on the other end of the line told her that her son had been assaulted in the supermarket. When Lu Liping arrived at the scene, her son was already hiding in a corner, staring at the air with strange eyes. Lu Liping saw a scar on his face, and her heart almost cracked. She decided to take him to the doctor again, and this time, she insisted that the doctor give a definitive diagnosis.

Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry

After many examinations and tests, the doctor finally told Lu Liping that her son had autism. This diagnosis shocked and relieved Lu Liping. Shocked because she never thought her son's problem would be so serious, relieved because she could at least know how she should help him. The doctor advised Lu Liping to take her son for professional treatment and training. In the process of treatment, Lu Liping also received a lot of advice on how to get along with autistic people. She began to be more actively involved in her son's life, trying to connect and communicate with him. Although progress has been slow, their relationship has become more and more intimate.

Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry

Over time, Lu Liping's son gradually adapted to the treatment and training, and his performance gradually improved. He learned how to communicate with others and learned to live independently. Lu Liping has also become more confident and strong. She began to pay more attention to her life, attend social events, and make new friends. She found that the connection she had made with her son had also helped her better understand how to get along with others. This story teaches us not to be helpless when we are struggling. Although Lu Liping felt helpless and hopeless for a while, she eventually found a solution to the problem. It is important that we are brave enough to face our problems and seek professional help. When we take our problems seriously, we also become stronger and more confident.

Lu Liping's 35-year-old son made a rare appearance: his eyes were weird, his expression was exaggerated, and his mental condition caused netizens to worry

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