
Scam the elderly, scammers renovate their tricks, the elderly can't guard against it, who will protect the old man's money bags

author:Teacher Wang, who loves life and talks about education


It is not easy for the elderly to live, so they save money and leave a little pension money. Also targeted by some hateful liars.

I don't know since when, scammers, these garbage people, specialize in deceiving the elderly.

It may be that the elderly are kind-hearted, have poor sense of discrimination, and are easily deceived. Scammers can easily take advantage of the human weaknesses of the elderly and commit fraud.

Scam the elderly, scammers renovate their tricks, the elderly can't guard against it, who will protect the old man's money bags

After dinner last night, a few of our neighbors were chatting on the side of the road. A neighbor told us about his old mother's deception.

Here's how it happened, the day before yesterday, his mother was home alone, and then a middle-aged man wearing a mask came. The man smoked a cigarette. When I walked into the yard, I shouted "aunt" affectionately at the old man.

"Aunt, do you still know me? I am your nephew, called Minmin."

The old man looked at the middle-aged man with a confused expression, and the middle-aged man took a puff of cigarette and exhaled thick smoke. Then he said, "I am from ✘✘ Zhuang (this is the village name of the old man's mother's village), I have been playing in your house since I was a child, and you often give me hooked dates to eat." ”

"I came here today to run errands, the electric car broke down, repaired on the road, the fare needs more than 300, I didn't get enough money, you lend me 200 yuan, I will pay you back in a few days." ”

When the old man heard that it was his mother's family, he felt very close and hot-headed, so he handed him the only 180 yuan in the family.

The middle-aged man took the money and said, "Aunt, you are old, take good care of your body." It's not easy for you to get some money, I'll send it to you when I get back. ”

Say it, and the middle-aged man is gone.

Scam the elderly, scammers renovate their tricks, the elderly can't guard against it, who will protect the old man's money bags

As soon as the man left, the old man came to his senses. Is this guy my mother's family? So I called my brother and asked for it. The phone was connected, and after listening to the old man's story, the old man's younger brother said, "Sister, you may have been deceived." We don't have a nephew named "Min" at the door!

At this moment, the old man was frightened, and he had met a liar. Hurry up and look for the middle-aged man on the road outside. It's a pity that the middle-aged man has no shadow.

The old man regretted not falling, and hurriedly called his son, wanting him to chase the liar. After the son arrived, he also went to the place where the car was repaired to find the middle-aged man. I found a few places to repair the car, and the car repairer said that he had not seen such a person!

Now that I think about it, the man was a liar, wearing a mask and smoking a cigarette. It is estimated that the cigarette is Ecstasy. The smoke emitted can control the human brain in an instant. Let you listen to him.

The son was afraid that something would happen to the old man, so he gave her 200 yuan to comfort her, and her anger calmed down.

After listening to the neighbor's eldest brother, several other people began to talk about it. One person said that there are too many such scammers.

A few years ago, I was returning from a part-time job on a train and met a young man at the train station. He called me "uncle" and said that he was a neighbor of my father-in-law's house. The money was stolen by thieves. He wanted to lend me some money and give me a cigarette.

He also affectionately lit a cigarette for me. I smoked a cigarette and didn't think much of it. gave him more than 600 yuan in his wallet. After he left, I came to my senses. I felt cheated by a scammer, and when I went to find that person again, I couldn't find it. Looks like that smoke is an ecstasy!

Scam the elderly, scammers renovate their tricks, the elderly can't guard against it, who will protect the old man's money bags

Hearing his narration, an old man next to him, according to his generation, should have called my uncle. He is less than 80 years old. He said I'd been in the crosshairs with such liars.

That year, I lived at my son's house in the county town. I had nothing to do to walk on the street, and I met a person who said that he came to the county seat, the car broke down, and the money for repairing the car was not enough, so he borrowed 100 yuan from me. He said it was from my wife's mother's family. There wasn't much money, so I lent it to him.

Afterwards, my wife also said that there was no such person in her mother's family. Alas, forget it, spend money to buy lessons.

After listening to the stories of a few people, it seems that there are too many liars, and they are really pervasive. Let the elderly be overwhelmed!

How can the elderly not be deceived, I feel, first of all, don't have the heart to take advantage. Don't be greedy for small gains, so as not to suffer big losses.

Don't trust others easily, and in such a situation, you should first ask your family to verify and see if this person is real?

Don't keep cash at home, or take it with you. There is no money around, and he can't cheat if he wants to.

It is hoped that the elderly will be more vigilant in the future, especially the scammers who are constantly scamming and scammering.

Friends, what kind of scammers have you encountered in your life, leave a message in the comment area to discuss, so that more people can see it, and avoid everyone being deceived again.

Hello everyone, I am Mr. Wang, who loves life and education, thank you for your attention and support!

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