
[5.15 Work with the people to protect you] Xishui police have carried out solid publicity on the prevention of economic crimes, and guarded the people's "money bags"

author:Ping An Huanggang

"Give away health care products for free, and invest money to buy products can get high rebates...... We must be vigilant against these methods to avoid being deceived. On May 12, the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Xishui County Public Security Bureau carried out a publicity campaign to prevent economic crimes in the People's Square of Xishui County.

In order to improve the ability of the masses to identify and prevent economic crimes, protect the "money bags" of the masses, and more effectively serve the high-quality economic development of the jurisdiction. On the occasion of the 15th National Public Security Organs' Publicity Day for Combating and Preventing Economic Crimes, the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Xishui County Public Security Bureau and 13 police stations in the joint jurisdiction have carried out various forms and rich content publicity activities to guide the masses and enterprise employees to take the initiative to prevent risks and consciously stay away from economic crimes.

Publicize into the enterprise and weave a strong business "protective net"

"Do you all know what are economic crimes involving the public? How to effectively prevent economic crimes involving the public? ”

[5.15 Work with the people to protect you] Xishui police have carried out solid publicity on the prevention of economic crimes, and guarded the people's "money bags"

The people's police went deep into enterprises to carry out publicity on the prevention of economic crimes through discussions and exchanges

In the process of publicizing the enterprise, the people's police have a detailed understanding of the current situation of the enterprise's operation through discussions and exchanges, distribution of publicity materials, etc., ask the needs of the enterprise, help the enterprise solve the practical difficulties encountered, and solicit the opinions and suggestions of the entrepreneur on the public security organ.

At the same time, according to the professional characteristics of enterprise employees, combined with real cases in real life, the form of case interpretation is adopted to popularize the types, characteristics and harms of common economic crimes involving the public to the person in charge of the enterprise and employees, explain the prevention tips, and remind everyone to enhance their awareness of prevention and beware of being deceived.

Through this visit and publicity activities, the awareness of the rule of law and safety precautions of enterprises and employees has been further improved, a good business environment has been created, and the healthy development of enterprises has been effectively escorted.

Propaganda into the community to guard the "money bags" of the masses

"What you fancy is his high interest, he is aiming at your principal, refusing pyramid schemes, refusing high financial management, and illegal fund-raising!"

"Uncle and aunt, people often ask you to scan the code, and after scanning it, they will give you two packs of tissues or a small gift, this may be a scam, don't easily believe in the 'free lunch'."

[5.15 Work with the people to protect you] Xishui police have carried out solid publicity on the prevention of economic crimes, and guarded the people's "money bags"

The people's auxiliary police carried out rule of law publicity in the community leisure square

In the process of community publicity, the police of the police station combined with the actual work, in supermarkets, farmers' markets, bazaars, community leisure squares and other densely populated areas, through the setting up of publicity display boards, distribution of publicity materials, on-site Q&A, etc., to carry out a wide range of publicity activities such as prevention of economic crimes, anti-fraud and anti-fraud, safety knowledge, etc., to guide residents to increase vigilance and enhance their awareness of prevention.

Through face-to-face communication and point-to-point publicity, the typical cases around us will be transformed into "real words" and "big vernacular" that the masses can understand and remember, so that the masses can more directly obtain knowledge and information on the prevention of economic crimes, anti-fraud and anti-fraud, security precautions, etc., and strive to enhance the public's awareness of prevention.

Propaganda into the campus to build a "safety wall" of the school

"Students, have you ever lent your phone cards and bank cards to others?" "What if someone borrows a bank card from you?"

In the process of campus publicity, the police combined with the typical cases in the case, used lively and vivid language, and exposed the performance characteristics and practical harms of crimes such as illegal fundraising and credit card fraud through case explanations, and guided teachers and students to achieve "one check and three no-one reports", verify with parents, teachers, and the police, do not be gullible, do not disclose, do not transfer, and report to the police in a timely manner.

[5.15 Work with the people to protect you] Xishui police have carried out solid publicity on the prevention of economic crimes, and guarded the people's "money bags"

The people's police went deep into the campus to carry out publicity on the rule of law

At the same time, young students are especially reminded to protect their personal information, strictly prohibit selling, lending, and leasing bank cards and online virtual accounts, etc., and warn students not to lend their bank cards, mobile phone cards, and online virtual accounts because they are greedy for small gains, so as not to become accomplices of criminals.

In this activity, a total of more than 5,000 copies of publicity materials were distributed, which further improved the enthusiasm and initiative of teachers and students to participate in the fight against and prevent economic crimes, so that teachers and students understood the nature and harm of economic crimes, and built a safety wall to prevent campus economic crimes.

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