
Put a safety lock on the residents' "money bags"! The Economic Investigation Brigade gave publicity lectures to the community

author:Ba Tianxia

In order to improve the awareness of community residents on the prevention of economic crimes involving the public, recently, the Economic Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of the Development Zone went into the community to carry out a special lecture on "Preventing Economic Crimes Involving the Public and Protecting the Property Safety of the People".

Put a safety lock on the residents' "money bags"! The Economic Investigation Brigade gave publicity lectures to the community

At the event site, the police introduced in detail the characteristics, harms and identification methods of economic crimes involving the public through vivid cases, reminding community residents that such crimes often use high returns, false projects and other means to deceive investors, which ultimately lead to huge financial losses, and also explained how to distinguish between legitimate investment and illegal fundraising, and how to avoid falling into traps.

Put a safety lock on the residents' "money bags"! The Economic Investigation Brigade gave publicity lectures to the community

Through the distribution of publicity materials and the establishment of information desks, we interacted with community residents and answered their questions about economic crimes. The people present said that the lecture gave them a deeper understanding of economic crimes involving the public, and they will be more vigilant in the future to stay away from illegal fundraising, fraud and other criminal behaviors.

Put a safety lock on the residents' "money bags"! The Economic Investigation Brigade gave publicity lectures to the community

The purpose of this lecture is to enhance the awareness of the rule of law among community residents, improve the ability to prevent economic crimes, escort the property safety of the majority of residents, fully maintain the social and economic order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people.

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