
The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

author:Glass years

Alpacas were "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists?


Recently, a funny incident happened in a zoo in Beijing, an alpaca was complained by the audience because of its frequent spit on surrounding tourists, and the safety officer had no choice but to carry out a "friendly consultation" with it. Looking at his eyes after the negotiation, he seemed to be still unconvinced.

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

As soon as the news came out, it immediately aroused heated discussions among a large number of netizens, some netizens ridiculed, let it see the fate of the Siberian leopard, kill the leopard and set an example of the alpaca, and some netizens ridiculed, everyone spat at the alpaca, but it didn't spit anymore?

It's a bit broken

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

Then he will have nothing to eat

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

Safety Officer: You don't want to eat at the next meal, do you?

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

Can you withdraw this picture of the old watch and send it to me

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

It looked unconvinced

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

What 2301? Cuff up!

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

Its eyes looked unconvinced

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

I believed it too

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

I'm stunned

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

You can talk as much as you speak, why are you pinching my neck? Look at my long neck?

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

Second, I'll see what's going on

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

You see, you look at its last look

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

This is an alpaca not an alpaca, look at the face, this face is long

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

The difference between obeying and not accepting is a knife

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

I see, haha

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

Haha laughed to death

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

Amur Leopard: Don't be confused, it's not wrong to go with the organization

Alpaca: If the keeper picks me up again, then I will be angry with the locals here

Alpaca: You sixth, you wait, I'll spit on you when the guests go back

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

If you like me, click on it + comment, I wish you a happy family and a lot of money.

The alpaca was "interviewed" for frequently spitting on tourists, but I died laughing in the comment section

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