
In winter, it is dry and on fire, eat these common "fire fruits" to dry and dissolve phlegm to survive the winter steadily

author:Dr. Su, Hepatobiliary Surgeon

As winter approaches, do you feel the challenge of changing the seasons? waking up in the morning with a sore throat, tight skin, and even feeling like your whole body is being blown through by a dry cold wind. Yes, this is the phenomenon of "drying and fire" that is unique to winter, which quietly affects our daily life and health.

In winter, it is dry and on fire, eat these common "fire fruits" to dry and dissolve phlegm to survive the winter steadily

Interpreting "fire" and "dryness": the invisible enemy of winter health

In winter, as temperatures drop and indoor heating increases, many people feel unwell, which is often described as "getting on fire" or "dryness". But what exactly do these terms mean? Understanding them is essential for maintaining winter health.

1. "On fire": It's not just canker sores

"Shanghuo" in TCM usually refers to excess heat in the body. This can manifest not only as mouth sores and sore throats, but also as symptoms such as constipation and dry skin. It is the body's response to internal imbalances, often related to diet, environmental changes, and lifestyle Xi.

2. "Dryness": a direct reflection of winter dryness

"Dryness" refers to a series of symptoms caused by the external dry climate, such as chapped skin, cough, dry throat, etc. It is a direct reflection of the effects of a dry winter environment on the human body.

In winter, it is dry and on fire, eat these common "fire fruits" to dry and dissolve phlegm to survive the winter steadily

3. Recognize symptoms: When to be vigilant

It is essential to understand the characteristics of these symptoms. When there is a phenomenon such as dry mouth, throat irritation, dry skin, etc., it should be considered whether it is "hot" or suffering from "dryness". Especially during the winter months, these symptoms are more common.

4. Cause analysis: multi-faceted impact

There are many causes of "fire" and "dryness". Irrational eating Xi habits (such as too much spicy and greasy food), life stress, and prolonged exposure to dry environments may lead to the occurrence of these two conditions.

5. Prevention and Conditioning: The Key

After understanding the concepts and causes of "heat" and "dryness", we can take preventive and regulatory measures. Adjusting diet, maintaining proper indoor humidity, drinking moderate water, and maintaining good Xi are all effective coping strategies.

Through the above analysis, we can better understand the "fire" and "dryness" in winter, and take corresponding prevention and conditioning measures to maintain good health.

In winter, it is dry and on fire, eat these common "fire fruits" to dry and dissolve phlegm to survive the winter steadily

Dietary Principles: Nature's Medicine, Simple and Effective

In traditional medicine, dietary therapy has always been regarded as an important means of treating and preventing diseases. At the heart of this philosophy is the regulation and maintenance of good health through the natural properties of food. In winter, due to the dry climate, the human body is prone to the symptoms of fire. In this context, choosing the right food, especially fruits, plays an important role in alleviating dryness and irritation.

1. The basic concept of dietary therapy

Diet emphasizes the "medicinal properties" of food, that is, the unique nutritional and therapeutic value of each food. When choosing food, we need to pay attention to its impact on the internal environment. For example, some fruits have the effect of clearing away heat and moisturizing the lungs, which is especially suitable for dry and hot conditions in winter.

2. Pick the right "fire fruit"

When choosing a fruit suitable for winter consumption, its properties and efficacy should be considered. Ideal for fruits that are cool and promote water balance in the body. For example, apples, pears and bananas are not only rich in water, but also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that can effectively nourish the body and relieve symptoms of fire.

In winter, it is dry and on fire, eat these common "fire fruits" to dry and dissolve phlegm to survive the winter steadily

3. The best way to eat fruit

When consuming these fruits, freshness and naturalness are key. Avoid over-processing, such as cooking or added sugars, to maintain their most original nutritional value. In addition, it is equally important to consume it in moderation, as excessive consumption may lead to indigestion or other health problems.

4. Combination of diet therapy and lifestyle

It is not enough to rely on dietary therapy alone. A healthy lifestyle, such as moderate exercise, getting enough sleep, and avoiding stress, is also essential. These Xi habits, combined with dietary therapy, can be more effective in promoting good health.

5. The importance of scientific support

Diet therapy should be based on scientific principles, taking into account individual differences and specific conditions. It is advisable to consult with a doctor or dietitian before implementing any dietary regimen to ensure that the method chosen is appropriate for the individual's health condition.

With this holistic and integrated approach, we are not only able to effectively combat dry and burning during the winter, but also promote overall health and well-being. Remember, simple, natural foods are often the most powerful "medicine".

In winter, it is dry and on fire, eat these common "fire fruits" to dry and dissolve phlegm to survive the winter steadily

Winter Health Artifact: Five 'Fire Fruits' and Their Amazing Effects

In winter, drying and ignition become common problems. Many people seek simple and effective solutions, and natural fruits are ideal for their unique health benefits. Here are five fruits that are widely believed to help "get off the fire" and what they do.

1. Apples: Natural lung moisturizers

Benefits: Apples are rich in water and natural sugars, which can effectively moisten the lungs and quench thirst. Its dietary fiber helps to clear the intestines and reduce body heat.

Science Backed by: Studies have shown that the antioxidants and vitamin C in apples can boost the immune system and help the body defend against minor illnesses caused by dryness.

2. Pear: The secret weapon of nourishing yin and reducing fire

Efficacy: Pears have an excellent moisturizing effect, especially suitable for nourishing yin and reducing fire. It can also help relieve sore throats and dry coughs.

Scientific basis: Pears contain a lot of water and trace elements, which can effectively regulate the body's internal heat and promote good health.

3. Grapefruit: A natural choice for clearing the lungs and reducing phlegm

Efficacy: Grapefruit not only helps to clear the lungs and dissolve phlegm, but also promotes digestion. Its low-sugar properties make it one of the ideal healthy fruits.

Scientific basis: Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber, which can enhance the body's immunity and support the health of the digestive system.

In winter, it is dry and on fire, eat these common "fire fruits" to dry and dissolve phlegm to survive the winter steadily

4. Bananas: Mild anti-inflammatory

Benefits: Bananas are a low-calorie and nutritious fruit. It can help moisten the intestines and laxative, and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

Science backing: The potassium and other minerals in bananas help regulate fluid balance and reduce the body's feeling of heat and dryness.

5. Guava (Pomegranate): A great helper for boosting immunity

Benefits: Guava is rich in water and antioxidants, which help to boost immunity and reduce inflammation in the body.

Science backing: The antioxidants in guava, such as phytochemicals and vitamin C, protect cells from free radical damage.

However, it is important to note that food therapy is not a complete substitute for medical treatment. If symptoms are severe or persistent, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. At the same time, a reasonable diet and healthy lifestyle Xi are also the key to maintaining good health.