
Chicken buttocks are poisonous and can cause cancer? Taiwan calls it "Qili Xiang", can it be eaten?

author:Jiangsu Bone Song

Chicken tail, this mysterious ingredient that provokes extreme reactions, like durian, some people are obsessed with its unique taste and want to enjoy it at every meal, while others avoid it and lose their appetite at the first sight. In many areas, it is Xi to discard the tail of the chicken, considering it to be the most unclean part of the chicken. However, there are many places where it is regarded as delicacy, and various dishes are prepared using various cooking methods such as steaming, grilling, and boiling. In mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong are particularly adept at using chicken tails to make dishes. In Taiwan's night market, people call it Qili Xiang, the roasted chicken tail is oily and attractive, and when you bite into it, the skin is crispy and the meat is tender, full of aroma. Each region has its own unique food culture, and everyone has their own little preferences. Interestingly, in a variety show, actress Chen Qiaoen admitted that she loves all kinds of animal offal, and even took pig brains, duck heads, duck intestines, etc. for breakfast. For the chicken tail, she praised it, describing it as "crispy and delicious", and her unique taste can be described as unique.

Chicken buttocks are poisonous and can cause cancer? Taiwan calls it "Qili Xiang", can it be eaten?

Can you eat chicken butts?

There is a special snack in Taiwan Province called "Qili Xiang", which is actually made from chicken rumps. Chicken rumps purchased in supermarkets are generally safe and edible, but if they are slaughtered at home, it is best to avoid chicken rumps. Chicken rump contains two glands, the caudal fat gland and the supraluminal sac, which pose a risk of food poisoning. Although these glands can theoretically be eaten after removal, there are two problems: first, these glands may not be completely removed, and second, the nutritional value of chicken rumps is not high. In addition, chicken rump is the end of the intestine, and if it is not cleaned thoroughly, there is a risk of intestinal infection. Therefore, while chicken rump is edible, it is not recommended for health reasons.

Chicken buttocks are poisonous and can cause cancer? Taiwan calls it "Qili Xiang", can it be eaten?

Are chicken butts really poisonous?

Chicken tips, often seen as a delicacy, actually have potential health risks. Located at the tail of the chicken, this area is triangular in shape and is loved by diners due to its muscular size and tender texture. But at the same time, the health risks of chicken tips have also attracted widespread discussion and attention.

Scientific studies have shown that chicken tips contain potentially harmful substances that originate mainly from two lymphoid tissues in this area: the caudal fat gland and the supraluminal sac. These two glands are lymphatic structures in chickens that often contain bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause diseases in humans, including cancer.

Chicken buttocks are poisonous and can cause cancer? Taiwan calls it "Qili Xiang", can it be eaten?

The tail fat gland is located on the dorsal side of the tip of the chicken, and its main function is to secrete fat, and the chicken will use it to comb the feathers and play a role in protecting the feathers. However, these fats, if not properly processed, can contaminate the chicken and increase the health risks associated with human consumption. In addition, the supraluminal sac acts as a "warehouse" for storing bacteria and viruses, increasing the risk of chicken tips as food.

Due to the high amount of fat in chicken tips, excessive intake may also lead to health problems such as elevated cholesterol. Therefore, although chicken tips may be pleasing in terms of taste, it is recommended to reduce them from a health perspective. Especially in the case of improper handling of chicken tips, the harmful substances in it can directly enter the human body, and long-term accumulation can lead to serious health problems. While enjoying food, we should pay more attention to the health and safety of food.

Chicken buttocks are poisonous and can cause cancer? Taiwan calls it "Qili Xiang", can it be eaten?

Is there a risk of carcinogenesis in chicken heads, and can it be eaten?

Chicken head is considered a delicacy in many regions and is commonly found in a variety of dishes and barbecues. But at the same time, there is a theory that chicken heads contain harmful substances that can lead to poisoning. This view stems from concerns about the harmful substances that chickens may ingest when pecking, which are thought to be likely to accumulate in chicken heads.

Chicken buttocks are poisonous and can cause cancer? Taiwan calls it "Qili Xiang", can it be eaten?

However, upon scientific research, this concern proved unfounded. The researchers compared chickens of different ages and found that chicken heads did not contain toxins that are harmful to humans. In addition, studies on the content of heavy metals in chicken heads have also shown that there is no significant difference in the content compared with other parts of the chicken, and the distribution is quite uniform.

Chicken buttocks are poisonous and can cause cancer? Taiwan calls it "Qili Xiang", can it be eaten?

Therefore, it is safe to consume chicken heads from a health point of view. However, it should be noted that chicken head is also a food with high nutritional value, especially the rich cholesterol content in it. Excessive consumption may increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to control the consumption in moderation, especially for people with related health problems, and consider limiting or avoiding the consumption of chicken heads.

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