
Apples and bananas stand aside, eat more of them in winter, clear your lungs and moisten your throat, and make them into small snacks, which are worth 10 times more

author:Shukuri Musume

In winter, the weather is cold and dry, which is the season when colds and coughs are common. At this time, eat more fresh seasonal fruits, which can not only moisten the lungs and reduce dryness, but also enhance immunity.

Apples and bananas stand aside, eat more of them in winter, clear your lungs and moisten your throat, and make them into small snacks, which are worth 10 times more

Kumquat, also known as golden jujube and kumquat, is one of the most popular seasonal fruits in winter! Although kumquat is small, it is a nutritious fruit with a fragrant taste and rich in vitamin C. It is small and delicate in appearance, but it contains a wealth of medicinal properties. In traditional Chinese medicine, kumquat is believed to have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, dissolving phlegm and relieving cough, moistening the lungs and throat. In addition to being eaten directly, kumquat can also be made into a small snack, which can be eaten and taken at any time, which is particularly convenient! Below, we will introduce two delicious kumquat snacks, so that you can enjoy the food while taking into account your health.

Apples and bananas stand aside, eat more of them in winter, clear your lungs and moisten your throat, and make them into small snacks, which are worth 10 times more

Recommended Recipe 1: Rock sugar kumquat

Rock sugar kumquat is a simple, sweet snack that satisfies the craving for a snack and helps relieve cough symptoms. Here's how it's made:

Ingredients: 500 grams of kumquat, a spoonful of salt, 100 grams of rock sugar, water, an appropriate amount of sugar or crushed licorice.

Apples and bananas stand aside, eat more of them in winter, clear your lungs and moisten your throat, and make them into small snacks, which are worth 10 times more


1. Rinse 500 grams of kumquat briefly, put it in a basin, add a spoonful of salt, pour in an appropriate amount of water, stir well, and soak for 20 minutes to remove impurities on the surface of kumquats.

2. Clean the soaked kumquats, drain the water, make 5-6 cuts evenly on the skin of the kumquat with a knife, and then press it with your hands to make it easier for the kumquat to absorb the flavor.

3. Put the processed kumquat into the pot, add a few pieces of rock sugar, pour in half a bowl of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and slowly boil until the soup thickens.

4. Stir with a spoon constantly so that a layer of rock sugar evenly hangs on the surface of the kumquat. Leave the heat to cool slightly and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of sugar or crushed licorice. After the rock sugar is completely solidified, put it in the crisper and take it as you go.

This rock sugar kumquat not only has a unique taste, but also has the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, making it a delicious and healthy snack.

Apples and bananas stand aside, eat more of them in winter, clear your lungs and moisten your throat, and make them into small snacks, which are worth 10 times more

Recommended recipe 2: Kumquat honey tea

Kumquat Honey Tea is another delicious product that nourishes the body and soothes coughs. Here's how to make it in detail:

Ingredients required: kumquat, sugar, lemon, honey

Here's how:

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of small kumquats, soak them in lightly salted water for 20 minutes, clean them, cut them into small pieces, put them in a basin, add an appropriate amount of sugar, stir well, cover with plastic wrap, seal and marinate overnight.

2. The next day, put the marinated kumquat into the pot, add the water that has not been used for the kumquat, boil over high heat, turn to low heat and slowly boil, when the kumquat boils out the pectin, turn off the heat, squeeze in an appropriate amount of lemon juice, and stir well.

3. After the kumquat cools to about 40 degrees, add an appropriate amount of honey and stir well. Put it in a water-free glass jar and eat it directly or take a few spoonfuls with warm water.

Apples and bananas stand aside, eat more of them in winter, clear your lungs and moisten your throat, and make them into small snacks, which are worth 10 times more

This kumquat honey tea not only tastes fresh and sweet, but also has the effect of moisturizing the lungs, clearing heat and detoxifying, which is ideal for throat care in autumn and winter.

Overall, these two kumquat snacks are not only easy to make, but also delicious, especially for injecting warmth into the body during the cold winter months. Try it at home to satisfy your taste buds and enjoy the health benefits of kumquats.

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