
The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

author:Clever little saffron AKM


The Spring Festival Gala is the most popular TV program during the Spring Festival every year, and it is also the common memory of hundreds of millions of viewers. On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, there are many excellent actors and programs, which bring us joy and touch. Among them, the most anticipated and loved is Zhao Benshan's sketches.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Zhao Benshan is one of the best sketch actors on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, each of his works can arouse laughter and applause from all over the country, and every appearance of his can become the highlight and topic of the Spring Festival Gala.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

However, since 2015, Zhao Benshan has never appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, which makes many people feel sorry and regretful. Why did Zhao Benshan leave the Spring Festival Gala? What made him make such a decision? Who forced Zhao Benshan away? These questions have always troubled many people.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Today, we are going to unravel this mystery and tell you the truth.

1. Some people speculate that Fan Wei or Song Dandan forced Zhao Benshan away, but this is just nonsense

After Zhao Benshan left the Spring Festival Gala, many people began to speculate about his reasons, and many people began to blame his opponents. Among them, the two most frequently mentioned are Fan Wei and Song Dandan. Fan Wei and Song Dandan are also frequent guests on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and leaders in the sketch industry.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Their works are also loved and appreciated by the audience. Some people believe that Fan Wei and Song Dandan are Zhao Benshan's rivals, and they may use their connections and influence to squeeze out and suppress Zhao Benshan, so that he can't show his talent in the Spring Festival Gala. Some people even said that Fan Wei and Song Dandan are Zhao Benshan's enemies, and they may deliberately create some scandals and negativity, destroy Zhao Benshan's image and reputation, and make him have to withdraw from the Spring Festival Gala stage.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

However, these claims are unfounded and unsubstantiated. Fan Wei and Song Dandan, and Zhao Benshan, are actually peers and friends, not enemies and enemies. There is good cooperation and communication between them, as well as mutual respect and appreciation.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Their works are not competing for each other, but complementing each other. Their styles are not the same, but they have their own characteristics. They are not competing for anything in the Spring Festival Gala, but to bring more joy and excitement to the audience. They have never had any contradictions and conflicts, nor have they ever been excluded or suppressed, nor have they ever created or sabotage.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

They also expressed regret and blessings for Zhao Benshan's departure, and hoped that he could return to the Spring Festival Gala stage as soon as possible. Therefore, it is completely unreasonable to say that Fan Wei and Song Dandan are the real murderers who forced Zhao Benshan away, and it is also unfair and disrespectful to them.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Second, in fact, director Ha Wen set a new review standard for Zhao Benshan's works, and Zhao Benshan's works did not pass the review

So, what is the real reason why Zhao Benshan left the Spring Festival Gala? In fact, the answer is very simple, that is, his work did not pass the review. The review here does not refer to the review of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, but to the review of the director team of the Spring Festival Gala. The director team of the Spring Festival Gala is composed of some high-level executives and experts from CCTV, who are responsible for screening and reviewing the programs of the Spring Festival Gala every year, deciding which programs can be on the Spring Festival Gala and which programs cannot be on the Spring Festival Gala.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Their review criteria are formulated and adjusted according to the theme and direction of the Spring Festival Gala every year, as well as the preferences and needs of the audience. Their audit process is very rigorous and professional, as well as very fair and impartial.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

In 2015, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala was Ha Wen, a director with rich experience and high prestige, as well as a director with a unique vision and innovative thinking. She hopes to inject new blood into the Spring Festival Gala, give comedy works educational significance, and make the Spring Festival Gala not only an entertainment platform, but also a platform for spreading positive energy.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

She set a new review standard for the programs of the Spring Festival Gala, requiring the program not only to have laughter, but also to have highlights, not only to be interesting, but also to have depth, not only to be close to life, but also to reflect the times. She also put forward higher requirements for Zhao Benshan's works, requiring his works not only to make the audience happy and relaxed, but also to make the audience think and inspire, not only to show the characters' personalities, but also to show the current social situation, not only to be humorous, but also to have positive guidance.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

She believes that although Zhao Benshan's works are very talented in comedy, they lack a sense of social responsibility and cannot conform to the new concept and direction of the Spring Festival Gala. Therefore, she rejected Zhao Benshan's work, so that he could not perform at the Spring Festival Gala.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

3. There was a difference in the concept of Ha Wen and Zhao Benshan, which led to Zhao Benshan's withdrawal from the Spring Festival Gala stage

Character and charm. He believes that his philosophy is to make the audience happy and relaxed, to bring joy and smiles to the audience, and to reflect and solve the problems and difficulties in life in a comedic way. He believes that Harvin's request is to distort and change his works, to make his works lose their true colors and souls, to make his works dull and boring, and to make his works go against the essence and spirit of comedy.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

He believes that Harvin's approach is misleading and sabotaging the Spring Festival Gala, making the Spring Festival Gala lose the audience's love and support, and making the Spring Festival Gala meaningless and worthless.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

The ideas of Ha Wen and Zhao Benshan have differences and conflicts, which led to Zhao Benshan's withdrawal from the Spring Festival Gala stage. Zhao Benshan felt that he had no space and opportunity to play in the Spring Festival Gala, and he had no respect and recognition, he was unwilling to perform in the Spring Festival Gala, nor was he willing to compromise and give in to the Spring Festival Gala. He chose to leave the Spring Festival Gala, retaining his style and pride, as well as his audience and fans.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

He believes that his works do not need the platform of the Spring Festival Gala, they can also be loved and appreciated by the audience, and can also convey his thoughts and emotions.

Fourth, after Zhao Benshan left the Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival Gala became less popular, and it also lost some characteristics and charm

After Zhao Benshan left the Spring Festival Gala, on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, there was one less comedy master, one less joke guarantee, one less bright spot manufacturing, and one less topic to cause. The program of the Spring Festival Gala, although there are still many excellent actors and works, does not have Zhao Benshan's unique style and charm, does not have Zhao Benshan's power to be close to life and reflect the times, and does not have Zhao Benshan's magic that makes the audience laugh and move to tears.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Although the audience of the Spring Festival Gala still has many loyal fans and supporters, they do not have the enthusiasm and expectation of Zhao Benshan, the interaction and participation of Zhao Benshan, and the resonance and recognition of Zhao Benshan.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Although the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala still have a high level and ranking, they do not have the stability and guarantee of Zhao Benshan, the growth and breakthrough of Zhao Benshan, and the influence and spread of Zhao Benshan.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

After Zhao Benshan left the Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival Gala became less popular and lost some of its characteristics and charm. Many people began to lose interest and confidence in the Spring Festival Gala, and they also began to question and criticize the Spring Festival Gala.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Many people believe that the quality of the Spring Festival Gala has declined, and there is no innovation and breakthrough, and there is no ability to attract and retain audiences. Many people think that the director team of the Spring Festival Gala is too conservative and rigid, and there is no openness and tolerance, and there is no mentality of respecting and understanding the audience.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Many people believe that there are deviations and misunderstandings in the concept and direction of the Spring Festival Gala, and there is no awareness of adapting to and reflecting the times, and there is no responsibility to transmit and promote positive energy.

Fifth, whether Zhao Benshan will return to the Spring Festival Gala is still an unknown, and it is also an expectation

It has been six years since Zhao Benshan left the Spring Festival Gala, and in the past six years, he has not disappeared from the audience's field of vision, nor has he given up his comedy career. He is still on his own stage, continuing to create and perform, bringing a lot of new works and surprises to the audience.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

He is still on his own platform, continuing to cultivate and launch, bringing a lot of new actors and stars to the audience. He is still in his field, continuing to explore and innovate, bringing a lot of new styles and forms to the audience. His works are still loved and appreciated by the audience, and they still have high ratings and word of mouth.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

His influence has not weakened or faded, and he still has a strong appeal and dissemination.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Whether Zhao Benshan will return to the Spring Festival Gala is still an unknown and an expectation. Many people hope that he can return to the Spring Festival Gala and bring us his classics and wonders on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala again, bring us his joy and touch, and bring us his thoughts and inspiration. Many people hope that he can reach a reconciliation and compromise with the director team of the Spring Festival Gala, find a common concept and direction, and find a suitable platform and opportunity.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

Many people hope that he can rebuild a trust and closeness with the audience of the Spring Festival Gala, find a resonance and identity, and find a belonging and family.


Zhao Benshan is a master of comedy and a legend of the Spring Festival Gala. His departure made the Spring Festival Gala lose a color and light, and also made the audience lose an expectation and surprise. His return may still have some hope and possibility, or maybe it is only a little distant and slim. In any case, he is an entertainer worthy of our respect and appreciation, and he is a person who deserves our support and blessings.

The real culprit behind Zhao Benshan's departure from the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not Song Dandan, let alone Fan Wei

His story is not a tragedy, nor a comedy, but a true story, a story of his own. As bystanders, we should not judge and blame, nor speculate and speculate, but should respect and understand, appreciate and learn from Xi, and bless and encourage.

Today's topic:

What do you think of the story of Zhao Benshan and the Spring Festival Gala?

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