
Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

author:Home Recipe Food Diary

"Mom, why didn't you make radishes and beef at home this week?"

"I know you love to eat, but the Internet says that beef, radish and other foods are catalysts for nodules, so don't eat them!"

"You're making a big fuss, the doctors didn't tell you that beef can't be eaten, don't believe these rumors all day long!"

It turned out that Xiao Li was found to have thyroid nodules in the physical examination organized by the company last week, and his mother asked him to avoid eating according to the dietary precautions found on the Internet, and he didn't even eat his favorite beef, Xiao Li was very upset about this. Can people who have found nodules eat radishes, beef, and other foods?

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

1. More and more people are detected with nodules, what should I do if I have nodules?

Wang Shiyun, a physician from the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Sixth People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, pointed out that nodules refer to the abnormal proliferation of cells in organs, that is, "pimples" in a certain organ or tissue, which can be found through imaging or palpation. The causes of nodules vary depending on the site:

Pulmonary nodules may be associated with smoking, inhaled pollutants, lung inflammation, and tuberculosis;

Thyroid nodules can be associated with autoimmunity, high iodine intake, and genetic factors.

Breast nodules are one of the clinical manifestations of breast hyperplasia, breast pain generally occurs when mood changes and overwork, and prolonged pain will affect the quality of life.

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

Qi Liqiang, director of the Department of Breast Surgery of Shanxi Hospital, Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, believes that the detection rate of nodules is getting higher and higher at this stage, which is closely related to the pressure of people's lives and unhealthy lifestyles, as well as the enhancement of the public's awareness of physical examination and the improvement of examination level. As the accuracy of the examination improves, many nodules can be detected at very small ages.

Many people feel very scared when they find a nodule and think that they are linked to cancer. However, most of the nodules are benign, which only indicates that there may be health risks in the body, and regular follow-up is sufficient, so there is no need to worry too much.

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

Second, radishes, beef and pig offal are all "nodule catalysts"?

There are many rumors on the Internet that patients with nodules cannot eat beef, radishes, etc., are these claims true?

Myth 1: Radish is an "accelerator" for thyroid nodules

It is rumored that radish contains glucosinolate, which converts into thiocyanate when it enters the body, which can inhibit the production of thyroid hormones and eventually cause goiter.

In fact, many common vegetables in life, such as cabbage, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, contain glucosinolates, which can indeed be converted into thiocyanate. However, only when the thiocyanate content in the blood reaches 4.8~6.4mg/L will the thyroid gland's absorption of iodine be inhibited, which requires the continuous intake of vegetables with a high glucosinolate content of more than 1kg per day for several months, which is obviously not possible.

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food


Beef is a very protein-rich food, after eating, it will make the body have a thermal effect, and feel the whole person warm, so some people say that this shows that beef is a catalyst for nodules, and the more you eat, the more the body will collapse.

However, there is no scientific basis for this claim, and there is no evidence that eating beef promotes the growth of nodules and induces cancer. Since cancer itself is not an allergic disease, it does not conform to the theory that "hair matter" will cause allergies or aggravation of the course of the disease, so there is no need to worry about this.

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

Myth 3: Will pig offal accelerate the deterioration of nodules?

Pig offal is a combination of various pig offal, and it is rumored that pigs are rich in hormones in the liver, and excessive intake will lead to endocrine disorders and induce nodules. A large amount of clenbuterol remains in the pig's lungs, which may promote the development of nodules.

In fact, pork liver is a very nutritious food, which will not cause endocrine disorders, and can also play a good role in blood tonic. As for the problem of pig lungs, as long as the product is qualified, there will be no problem of a large amount of clenbuterol residue. However, the purine and fat content of pig offal is relatively high, and it cannot be eaten in large quantities every day, otherwise it is easy to lead to obesity.

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

Third, if you don't want the nodules to worsen, you really have to eat less of these foods

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that improper diet will lead to an imbalance in the spleen and stomach in the body, which in turn will allow phlegm to accumulate, which can easily cause qi stagnation, phlegm coagulation, blood stasis, and eventually nodules. For people with nodules, it is necessary to avoid food in daily life. Try to eat as little as possible of the following foods:

1. High-iodine food

Wang Fang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Oncology of Wangjing Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, reminded that patients suffering from thyroid nodules should pay attention to controlling the intake of iodized salt every day, and it is recommended to control it below 5g per day. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to eating less foods with high iodine content such as seaweed, kelp, hair cabbage, and sea cucumber.

2. High-fat foods

Li Dongmei, director of the breast department of Zhuhai Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that excessive fat intake can affect the endocrine of the ovaries, strengthen the stimulation of estrogen on breast epithelial cells, and cause breast lesions. Try to eat less or no high-fat foods such as cream, brain flowers, fritters, fried chicken, and barbecue.

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

3. Irritating foods

Ding Huizhen, chief physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine of the Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University, pointed out that chili peppers, chopped peppers, fried chicken, oil cakes, sauces and other foods are highly irritating, which can easily lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and indigestion. Caffeine and stimulant drinks such as strong tea, cola, etc., can stimulate the central nervous system and increase anxiety in patients with nodules.

4. High-salt foods

Ding Huizhen reminded that the intake of high-salt foods may lead to water retention in the body, increase the fluid load in the body, and is not conducive to the physical recovery of patients with nodules. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to reducing the intake of foods with high salt content such as pickles, cured meats, and salted duck eggs.

Beef is a "catalyst for nodules"? Repeatedly reminded: if you don't want to nodule, eat less than 4 kinds of food

Nodules are a very common disease in modern people, so there is no need to worry too much after the nodule is detected, but it is necessary to follow the doctor's instructions for active follow-up.

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