
Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

author:Seven Mile River release

"Seventy-two Candidate Explanations of the Lunar Order": "On the December Festival, the cold at the beginning of the month is still small, so the clouds, and the moon and a half are big. ”。

Xiaohan|Not afraid of the cold and finally welcoming the warmth of spring.

The cold air accumulates for a long time and is cold, and the small cold is the meaning that the weather is cold but has not yet reached the extreme, and it is the same as the big cold, the small heat, the big heat and the heat, all of which are solar terms that indicate the change of temperature and warmth. The characteristic of the Xiaohan solar term is that it is cold, but it is not yet cold to the extreme.

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

Folk proverb: "When the little cold is in 239, the sky is cold and the ground is frozen to shiver", which shows the degree of coldness of the Xiaohan solar term. In the cold season, most parts of China have entered a severe cold period, the soil is frozen, the rivers are frozen, and the cold air from the north continues to move south, and the weather is cold, which is called "counting nine cold days".

After the little cold, the weather is getting colder day by day, and we should pay attention to the work of keeping warm. Wear more when you go out, even if you spend a short time outdoors, and be careful to wear a mask, hat, and gloves. If you have frozen shoulder, arthritis and other diseases, then you should also pay attention to protect the affected area and do not let the affected area get cold.

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy


What kind of tea to drink during the Xiaohan solar term

Xiaohan, the cold at the beginning of the month is still small, so it is called "Xiaohan", and from this day onwards it enters the coldest season of the year.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that cold is yin and evil, and it is easy to hurt the body's yang energy. In winter, all things are collected, and health preservation should conform to the trend of collecting in the natural world, collecting yin essence, and moistening the five organs.

Poetry: On a cold night, guests come to tea as wine, and the bamboo stove soup is boiling red. Usually the same as the moon in front of the window, there are plum blossoms that are different.

This solar term is suitable for tea: black tea is better for about three years, single bush and rock tea are also available in the next year, and black tea for more than five years is a good drink for calming the mind after dinner.

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

1. Tangerine peel Liubao tea


After Xiaohan, drinking tea should warm the stomach, strengthen the spleen and eliminate stagnation, and strictly prevent cold evil, and aged black tea has become the first choice. You can stuff a pot of tangerine peel Liubao tea every day to warm your spleen and stomach, and you can clean up your intestines.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that Liubao tea "dispels dampness, regulates the stomach, cures diseases and drives dysentery". In addition to the well-known effects of libido and oil desolation, heat and dampness, and blood pressure reduction, Liubao tea also has the unique effect of old tangerine peel, and the two complement each other. Qi regulation, detoxification, phlegm and dampness, spleen and stomach can be all done. Its tea is mild, especially suitable for drinking in the harsh winter.

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

2. Black tea warms the body and heart


In the cold winter, drink a cup of hot black tea to warm up your body and heart.

Black tea is warm and has the effect of warming the body. This is because black tea is rich in polyphenolic compounds, which can warm up the body in a variety of ways. Tea polyphenols are natural antioxidants that can play a good role in antioxidants.

After the small cold, the climate in all parts of China will enter the coldest stage, and the human body is prone to problems such as lack of qi and blood, and black tea can warm the body's yang energy. Therefore, drinking black tea in winter can warm up the body and enhance resistance.

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

3. Tangerine peel warms the body and mind when it is ripe


The climate has three extremes: "yin, cold, and stagnation". Tea lovers have also turned their goal of drinking tea to warm up and ward off the cold. When it comes to warming up the body and driving away the cold, the effect of ripe pu is undoubtedly very good, in the cold winter season, even if the cold wind outside the window is biting, a few sips of cooked tea are swallowed, and soon the whole body becomes warm.

In the cold winter season, the body feels hot, which naturally plays a role in warming the body and driving away the cold. While warming people to ward off the cold, it also has the effect of digestion and beauty.

Drinking with aged tangerine peel and cooked pu has a better taste and better health care effect.

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

4. Boiled old white tea to withstand the cold winter


Boiling tea is a very good choice to resist the cold winter, which not only has a good health effect, but also warms the body.

In the cold winter, boiling old white tea with dried longan, red dates, and tangerine peel will present different health effects. Old white tea with longan to drive away cold and beautify the face and nourish blood; old white tea with red dates to warm the stomach and replenish qi; old white tea with old tangerine peel to dispel dampness, reduce fire and strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Whether the old white tea is brewed or boiled, it is very suitable for drinking in winter. Drinking white tea can prevent colds, warm up the body and keep out the cold, help digestion, lose fat and lose weight. In winter, the climate is dry, and people like to eat greasy and spicy food, which may bring constipation, dry mouth and even sores on the mouth and tongue.

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

5. Osmanthus black tea warms the heart and relieves depression


In winter, everything withers, and it is easy to have a depressed mood and a sense of desolation, and bad emotions can cause a series of physical reactions and even lead to illness.

At this time, drinking a cup of osmanthus black tea suddenly feels relaxed and happy, which can not only stabilize the mood but also relieve depression.

Osmanthus and black tea complement each other, like a pair of fairy couples, fragrant and soft, mellow and sweet.

Osmanthus is warm, the fragrance is fresh and charming, which makes people feel comfortable and calm. It has the effect of relieving cough and phlegm, maintaining health and moisturizing the lungs, relieving dry mouth, flatulence, gastrointestinal discomfort, moisturizing and whitening the skin, removing toxins in the body, and strengthening the heart muscle.

Source: Xianqitang

Xiaohan solar term | Drinking tea in this way is more healthy

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