

author:The sixth looks at the sports world

Li Tie repented, Chen Xuyuan persuaded him to retire unsuccessfully: the national football team's anti-corruption was revealed

Recently, CCTV's anti-corruption feature film "Continue to Make Efforts to Promote in Depth" exposed the picture of former national football coach Li Tie confessing in front of the camera, he expressed great regret and promised to take the right path steadily. Previously, Li Tie was prosecuted by the Hubei procuratorate on suspicion of accepting bribes, offering bribes and other crimes. This news has aroused widespread attention, and people have paid attention to the development of this anti-corruption incident in the national football team.

According to reports, Chen Xuyuan once persuaded Li Tie to return the 48 million annual salary and signing fee of Wuhan Yangtze River, but Li Tie refused. As soon as this incident came out, it aroused heated discussions and questions from all walks of life. People speculated about the reasons and inside story, and expressed dissatisfaction and condemnation of Li Tie's behavior.


It is understood that after Li Tie became the coach of the national football team, Wuhan Zall Club still had to pay him a huge salary of 30 million yuan after tax every year. This money was obtained after Li Tie had already taken the position of head coach of the national team, which was obviously not in compliance. Regarding this huge amount of money, Chen Xuyuan did not know anything about it before the media reported it. However, after the media exposed, he still expressed his attitude to the relevant people.

Chen Xuyuan once strongly persuaded Li Tie to return the money, believing that this was a private income obtained by Li Tie after he became the coach of the national football team, and should no longer be paid by Wuhan Zall Club. He emphasized the integrity and norms of the football world, and called on Li Tie to lead by example and set a good example. However, Li Tie did not heed this advice and refused to return the relevant money.

According to Chen Xuyuan's own introduction, he has repeatedly admonished Li Tie, emphasizing the importance of honest and honest politics. He also tried to persuade Li Tie through various channels, and even invited a prestigious old leader to mediate, but he was unsuccessful. Li Tie's attitude was very resolute, he believed that he had not violated the law and did not need to return the money.


When Chen Xuyuan asked the Ministry of State Management to persuade Li Tie to return the relevant money, Li Tie was not convinced, and even moved out of the fact that Guangzhou Evergrande Club paid part of Lippi's salary to Lippi after he took office in the national team to prove that his practice was not illegal. Li Tie believes that he, like Lippi, is the head coach of both the national team and the club, so it is reasonable to charge two salaries.

However, Chen explained that Lippi's contract with Evergrande was a complete contract, and Evergrande only helped the Football Association pay part of the salary when the contract was fulfilled. Li Tie's contract with Wuhan Zall Club is two contracts, one is a national football head coach contract with an annual salary of 8 million after tax with the Chinese Football Association, and the other is a five-year, 30 million after tax contract with Wuhan Zall every year. Therefore, the two contracts are not the same.


Although Chen Xuyuan tried his best to explain, Li Tie still went his own way and did not refund in the end. This also made Chen Xuyuan's attitude towards Li Tie clearer, and he no longer had too much communication and contact with him.

In addition to the entanglement between Chen Xuyuan and Li Tie, the incident also exposed the deep-seated problems in the Chinese football world. For a long time, there have been many problems in Chinese football in terms of management, governance and atmosphere. Unhealthy tendencies such as corruption, power rent-seeking, and benefit transfer are prevalent, which seriously hinder the development of Chinese football.


The incident of Li Tie and Chen Xuyuan has pushed the anti-corruption work of Chinese football to the forefront. People have called for measures such as strengthening supervision, improving laws and regulations, and strengthening system construction to fundamentally solve the problems of Chinese football. Only through comprehensive reform and innovation can Chinese football embark on the path of healthy development.

In order to solve these problems, the Chinese football community needs to take a series of measures. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen supervision, improve laws and regulations, establish a sound regulatory mechanism and institutional system, give play to the role of regulatory agencies, strengthen supervision and management, and severely crack down on illegal acts. At the same time, we should improve transparency, strengthen information disclosure and openness, prevent the occurrence of unhealthy trends such as power rent-seeking and benefit transfer, and make the operation of the football world more transparent and standardized. In addition, it is also necessary to strengthen education and training, improve the quality and ability level of the workers, and cultivate their sense of honesty and self-discipline and professional ethics. At the same time, encourage all sectors of society to participate in the development and management of football, strengthen media supervision and social supervision, so that more people can understand the operation and problems of football, so as to promote the solution and improvement of problems.

In addition to institutional and regulatory measures, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction of culture and morality, guide the football community to establish correct values and moral concepts, emphasize integrity, fairness, responsibility and other values, so that practitioners realize that their behavior is not only related to personal interests, but also related to the image and development of the entire football community, so as to consciously abide by professional ethics, actively fulfill social responsibilities, and contribute to the development of football.

It is also necessary to strengthen international cooperation and exchanges Xi, learn from advanced international management experience and institutional norms, and work with the international football community to promote anti-corruption work, improve the integrity and credibility of the entire industry, and create a good environment and conditions for the international development of Chinese football.


There is still a long way to go for Chinese football to embark on the road of healthy development, which requires the joint efforts and support of the whole society, and only through comprehensive reform and innovation can we promote the continuous development of Chinese football and make Chinese football shine on the international stage.

In this process, we need more professionals and people of insight to participate. We need to cultivate and bring in more excellent coaches, managers and players who have the professional skills and knowledge to contribute to the development of Chinese football. At the same time, we also need to strengthen football education and training, improve the level of grassroots football, expand the size of the football population, and provide more talent reserves for the development of football.

We also need to strengthen the development of the football industry and promote the sustainable growth of the football economy. By optimizing the structure of the football industry, strengthening the integration and development of the football industry and other industries, and improving the marketization of the football industry, we will promote the innovation and upgrading of the football industry and provide a solid economic foundation for the development of Chinese football.

We also need to strengthen the construction of football culture and enhance the image and influence of Chinese football. By promoting football culture, strengthening the popularization of football knowledge and skills, and holding a variety of football activities, more people can understand and participate in football, enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese football, and enhance the status and influence of Chinese football on the international stage.

In short, the development of Chinese football is a long-term and arduous task, which requires the joint efforts and support of the whole society. Only through comprehensive reform and innovation can we promote the continuous development of Chinese football and make Chinese football shine on the international stage. Let's work hard for the future of Chinese football together!

Finally, the editor has something to say: Li Tie, you are real iron, more iron than the iron of tears in the iron window.

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