
Coco Li's 37-second crying recording was exposed, and he couldn't sleep due to severe pain in his leg injury, crying and asking his friends for help

author:School to read history

Coco Li's left leg was seriously disabled, and the 37-second crying recording was exposed

On a November night, Coco Li was tossing and turning in bed alone. The pain in her left leg made it impossible for her to sleep at all, her face was covered with sweat, and her pillow was wet.

Coco couldn't help but reach out and touch his numb left leg, which was so thin that it was skinny and skinny.

Coco Li's 37-second crying recording was exposed, and he couldn't sleep due to severe pain in his leg injury, crying and asking his friends for help

"Why is my life like this?" Coco Li said to herself with red eyes, "I'm obviously still so young, and my dream has just begun, but I'm trapped in this bed and can't move."

She tried to get up, but her left leg was only limp and drooping, and she didn't listen to the call. Coco Li fell back to the bed in despair, tears streaming out of her eyes.

At this time, she suddenly thought that there was another person she could talk to - her friend Xiaofeng, who she hadn't contacted for a long time.

Coco Li choked and stopped, tears already wetting the pillow towel. She pressed the send button, and 37 seconds of voice flowed away. This night, Coco Li never fell asleep again, she sat on the bed, staring blankly at the moonlight outside the window, waiting for the dawn to come.

Coco Li's 37-second crying recording was exposed, and he couldn't sleep due to severe pain in his leg injury, crying and asking his friends for help

The next day, Coco got up with a blank face, knowing that there were countless such painful long nights waiting for her ahead.

The 20-second recording before Coco Li's death was made public, and friends questioned the cause of death

On the night of August 29, Coco Li's friend Li Jing was chatting with fans during the live broadcast.

After getting a positive response from fans, Li Jing played the 20-second recording. In the recording, Coco Li's tone was gentle and peaceful, saying that he had recovered well recently, and that he had the hope of appearing on stage, etc.

"Listen, this is the state of Coco Li before he died, how could it be that he is about to commit suicide?" Li Jing frowned and said, "I have known her for so many years, and I can say very responsibly that she is definitely not a person who will commit suicide."

Coco Li's 37-second crying recording was exposed, and he couldn't sleep due to severe pain in his leg injury, crying and asking his friends for help

As soon as her words fell, remarks such as "agree" and "Coco Li was killed" appeared in the barrage.

Li Jing glanced at the barrage and continued: "Have you noticed that when other celebrities died, a clear cause of death could be announced in less than a week, but Coco Li has passed a month, and the cause of death is still confused.

This is clearly not normal.

"And I also heard that Coco Li was told by a goddess that her death was definitely not a suicide. I believe in this statement, Coco Li did not commit suicide, she was killed!" Li Jing's last sentence raised in volume and her expression was excited.

Li Jing's doubts quickly fermented on the Internet, and "Did Coco Li really commit suicide" became a hot topic of discussion that night. The attention of public opinion seems to indicate that the death is far from being revealed.

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