
Children often cough, more and more parents choose traditional Chinese medicine conditioning instead of hanging water injections?

author:Dr. Su, Hepatobiliary Surgeon

"Last month, Xiao Chen coughed again. It started with such an ordinary sentence, but for Ms. Li, it was not only a part of daily life, but also an important turning point. As a young mother, she used to be anxious every time her child coughed, busy taking Xiao Chen to the hospital to hang water and get injections, however, this time, she made a different choice.

At the suggestion of a friend, Ms. Li began to try Chinese herbal therapy. At first, she was skeptical of this traditional approach, after all, it was usually Western medicine that was quick and effective in her mind. But as time passed, Xiao Chen's cough was not only relieved, but his overall physical condition also improved significantly. This change has made Ms. Li deeply realize that the treatment of children's cough does not necessarily have to rely on the first aid method of Western medicine, and Chinese medicine conditioning can also play an amazing effect.

Children often cough, more and more parents choose traditional Chinese medicine conditioning instead of hanging water injections?

Uncover the real culprit behind the child's cough

When we hear a child coughing frequently, we usually immediately think of a cold or flu. However, there is much more to coughing in children than that. Understanding the multiple possibilities behind it is essential to choose the right treatment.

Colds and flu

This is one of the most common causes of coughing in children. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as nasal congestion and fever. Colds and coughs are usually caused by a viral infection, not bacteria, so antibiotics are usually not effective in this setting.


Many children are allergic to certain environmental factors such as dust, pollen, pet dander, etc. These allergens can cause an allergic cough in children, characterized by a persistent, dry cough that is sometimes accompanied by wheezing.


Asthma is a common chronic respiratory disease that triggers periodic or persistent coughs in children. Asthmatic cough tends to be worse at night or in the morning and may be accompanied by wheezing sounds and difficulty breathing.


Especially in winter, viral bronchitis is common in children. It usually occurs after the common cold and presents as a persistent wet cough, sometimes accompanied by sticky sputum.

Foreign body inhalation

Young children sometimes inhale small objects such as food fragments, small toys, etc., unintentionally, which can lead to sudden coughing episodes and sometimes even accompanied by choking or difficulty breathing.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Some children may be affected by the reflux of stomach acid into the esophagus, especially when lying down, which can cause a persistent, dry cough.

When dealing with your child's cough, it's crucial to understand the differences in these causes. For example, treatment for an allergic cough is very different from treating a cough caused by a cold. When choosing treatment, the first step is to identify the cause of the cough, which not only helps to relieve symptoms quickly, but also avoids unnecessary medication and its possible side effects.

Children often cough, more and more parents choose traditional Chinese medicine conditioning instead of hanging water injections?

Exploring Traditional Remedies: Why Do Children Cough Often Hang Up and Get Injections?

When a child has symptoms such as coughing, many parents and doctors usually prefer Western medicine treatments, especially water (intravenous fluids) and injections (injecting drugs). These methods are popular because of their rapid relief of symptoms, and partly because of their widespread medical application and general acceptance.

Dangling: Rapid relief, but not a long-term solution

Intravenous fluids, the so-called "hanging water," are ways of delivering fluids directly into the body through a vein. This approach allows for rapid fluid replenishment and adjustment of electrolyte balance, while delivering the drug to the lesion quickly. For example, in the treatment of dehydration or high fever caused by coughing, hanging water can quickly restore water and electrolyte balance in the body.

However, hanging water is not without side effects. Long-term or frequent use may lead to phlebitis, electrolyte imbalances, and even allergic reactions to medications. What's more, for some mild cough symptoms, over-reliance on dangling may neglect in-depth treatment of the cause, thus providing temporary relief rather than addressing the root cause.

Injections: Rapid results, but side effects need to be considered

Injections, especially those with antibiotics or antivirals, are another common form of treatment. Through injections, the drug can quickly enter the bloodstream and quickly relieve inflammation and infection symptoms. This is very effective for some serious bacterial or viral respiratory infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

But injections also have their limitations. First, the overuse of antibiotics can lead to drug resistance, which is detrimental to children's health in the long run. Second, the injections can cause local pain, tissue damage, and even allergic reactions. Therefore, when choosing an injection as a means of treatment, it is necessary to carefully consider the severity of the condition and the necessity of medication.

Balance treatment, taking into account individual differences

While hanging water and injections are effective in treating cough in children, they are not always the best option. For mild or uncomplicated coughs, oral medications or other non-invasive treatments may be more appropriate. Doctors and parents should choose the most appropriate treatment according to the child's specific condition and physical condition.

Children often cough, more and more parents choose traditional Chinese medicine conditioning instead of hanging water injections?

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning: a gentle treatment for children's cough

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning is not only a treatment method in the treatment of children's cough, but also a kind of care for the overall health of the body. Its core principles are based on the holistic and balanced philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine, which aims to harmonize the body's inner balance and enhance the body's ability to heal itself through the power of natural herbs. In this process, the selection and use of Chinese medicine is extremely particular, reflecting the deep understanding of the interconnectedness and interaction of various systems of the body.

Holistic concept: TCM treatment not only focuses on the alleviation of symptoms, but also focuses on finding out the root cause of cough, such as cold and heat imbalance, qi and blood deficiency, etc. This approach helps to address the root cause of the problem, rather than just addressing the problem.

The Gentle Effect of Natural Herbs: Compared with the quick relief of Western medicine, Chinese medicine emphasizes mild conditioning. The herbs it uses, such as licorice and fritillary, usually have few side effects and are suitable for long-term use, especially for children, who are sensitive.

Boost immunity: TCM also focuses on boosting your child's natural immunity and helping them defend against external pathogens. In the long run, this approach will help reduce the number of frequent illnesses in children due to weakened immunity.

Individualized treatment: TCM treatment emphasizes "individual differences", and the same cough symptoms may require completely different treatment options for different children. This personalized approach to treatment is more precise to meet each child's health needs.

Emphasis on both prevention and treatment: Chinese medicine is not only used to treat existing conditions, but is also often used for prevention. By regulating bodily functions, TCM can help reduce the likelihood of future health problems in children.

Traditional Chinese medicine conditioning has shown its unique advantages in the treatment of children's cough. It not only focuses on symptom relief, but also on the overall health and balance of the body. For more and more parents who are concerned about their children's long-term health and natural remedies, TCM conditioning is undoubtedly an option worth considering.

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