
In fact, Guo Qilin is a "ruthless person" in his bones, and he is "more than good" than Guo Degang


Title: Behind the ruthless man In the entertainment industry, there is a name that almost everyone will be familiar with - Guo Qilin. He is the son of the famous Chinese cross talk actor Guo Degang, and he is also a talented young artist. However, unlike his father's humorous image, Guo Qilin hides a "ruthless" energy in his bones, even surpassing his father. This discovery shocked me, because we have the impression that cross talk actors usually give the impression of being humorous, kind, and amiable. However, compared to Guo Qilin's true character, these traits seem to be only a superficial illusion.

In fact, Guo Qilin is a "ruthless person" in his bones, and he is "more than good" than Guo Degang

I once had the privilege of participating in a performance of Guo Qilin and witnessed his "ruthless" side. That night, there was a tense atmosphere on the stage. The rehearsal went well, but in the last few minutes before the official performance began, the lights on the stage suddenly went out. There was an exclamation from the audience, followed by a crowd of people who left the venue. At this time, Guo Qilin did not panic at all, but calmly stepped down. I chased Guo Qilin backstage to find out what was going on. He looked at me indifferently and said, "The lighting problems on the stage are not something I can control, and the audience that leaves the stage is not something I can keep. However, I can only be myself. I was struck by this short sentence, and his fortitude and determination seemed to strike a force in my heart.

In fact, Guo Qilin is a "ruthless person" in his bones, and he is "more than good" than Guo Degang

I later learned that this performance was Guo Qilin's first attempt to host a large-scale event, and this unexpected situation almost pushed him to the edge of the cliff. However, he did not let himself be discouraged or compromised. On the contrary, he calmly analyzed the problem and quickly found a solution. Under his leadership, the show soon returned to normal and the audience returned to their seats. His perseverance and talent impressed me. However, Guo Qilin's "ruthless" trait is not only reflected on the stage. I heard some staff talking about him in private backstage, and some said he was cold and impersonal. I was curious about this and asked him in an interview what he thought about it.

In fact, Guo Qilin is a "ruthless person" in his bones, and he is "more than good" than Guo Degang

Guo Qilin sighed deeply, and then said: "My father is a great cross talk actor, and his humor and kindness have inspired me a lot. However, I also realized that kindness and humor alone are not enough in the entertainment industry. Sometimes, you have to have the strength to be resolute and decisive in order to be able to cope with all kinds of difficulties and challenges. His words made me ponder. In life, we often encounter a variety of dilemmas and pressures, and the ability to make decisive decisions in the face of danger is often the key to solving problems. However, when faced with problems, we are often susceptible to emotional and external interference, resulting in an inability to make rational decisions.

In fact, Guo Qilin is a "ruthless person" in his bones, and he is "more than good" than Guo Degang

Recalling Guo Qilin's performance on stage, I understand that his "ruthless man" is not only a performance, but also an attitude to life. His calmness and decisiveness allow him to keep a clear head and make the right choices in difficult situations. Guo Qilin's story has given me a lot of inspiration and triggered me to think about similar issues in my own life. Are we decisive enough in the face of challenges? Are we able to keep a cool head and think of solutions? Are we easily disoriented by external distractions?

In fact, Guo Qilin is a "ruthless person" in his bones, and he is "more than good" than Guo Degang

I believe that everyone has their own "ruthless" side. Whether at work or in life, we need to have a strong will and decisive action to deal with difficulties and challenges. Only in this way can we truly achieve our goals and embrace the uncertainties of life. Therefore, let's learn from Guo Qilin Xi strengthen our hearts, overcome difficulties, and show true courage and strength. No matter what the odds we face, we can move forward and move forward on the road to success. Let's find our own "ruthless" in life and become the one who bravely faces challenges and is indomitable.

In fact, Guo Qilin is a "ruthless person" in his bones, and he is "more than good" than Guo Degang

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