
A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

author:One Light Health Net
A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

Eating is something that everyone does every day, but what to eat every day and the eating pattern varies from person to person, some people prefer spicy and salty meat dishes, and some people prefer light vegetarian dishes.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

We get nutrients from our diet, but a poor diet can also lead to "illness from the mouth".

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

Each year, U.S. News & World Report invites a panel of health experts from a variety of fields, including diet, nutrition, obesity, dietary psychology, diabetes and cardiology, to evaluate the 40 shortlisted dietary patterns.

Seven aspects, including "short-term and long-term weight loss results, ease of daily implementation, prevention and treatment of diabetes, heart health, safety and nutrition", were selected to select the best diet list of the year.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

Among them, the "Mediterranean diet" topped the overall list of best diets, which is also the fifth consecutive year that it has won this crown.

What exactly is the Mediterranean diet, and what is so "special" about this diet?

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

What is the "Mediterranean diet"?

The Mediterranean diet generally refers to the diet of European countries on the Mediterranean coast, such as Greece, Spain, France, and southern Italy.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

The Mediterranean diet is recommended to be high in fiber, calcium, and antioxidants as much as possible, and the Mediterranean diet pyramid contains references for the frequency and amount of consumption of various dietary types.

It is characterized by "rich in unsaturated fatty acids, high in dietary fiber, moderate protein intake, and low level of food processing".

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

However, although the Mediterranean diet is good, it is based on the dietary Xi habits of Europeans, and direct copying will definitely not be suitable for Chinese, and if you want to use it, you must properly transform it into "Chinese".

Heart-Healthy Dietary Patterns (CHH) in China

Try this "Chinese Heart Health Dietary Pattern", which is not only in line with the dietary Xi habits of mainland residents, but also can well lower blood pressure and help control blood lipids.

1. Change the cooking method and reduce the intake of cooking oil

In this way, the energy supply ratio of fat can be reduced by 5%~8%, and low-temperature cooking methods such as steaming and stewing are used more to reduce frying.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

The cooking oil is controlled at 20~25 grams / day (1 spoon of porcelain spoon for drinking soup is about 10 grams of oil), and unsaturated fatty acids are used instead of saturated fatty acids (lard, palm oil, coconut oil, etc.). Alternatively, you can change whole milk to skim milk.

2. Increase your intake of whole grains

Replacing part of the white flour with whole grains, such as 1/3~1/2 of oat rice, corn, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat rice, red beans and mung beans, etc., can not only increase the intake of B vitamins and minerals, but also increase the intake of dietary fiber.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

The energy supply ratio of carbohydrates increased by 0%~5%, and the intake of dietary fiber increased by 2 times, from 11 g/day to 30 g/day, which could better meet the recommended intake.

3. Increase your intake of protein foods

Increase the intake of lean meat, legumes and milk, which are also high-quality proteins, with high absorption and utilization, which can increase the energy intake of protein by 3.5%~5.5%.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

When cooking, it is often paired with beef, chicken, dried tofu, tofu skin, northern tofu and other foods, and meat can be rich in N-3 series fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, yellow croaker, etc.

4. Reduce salt and increase potassium

When stir-frying, you should put less salt, you can put more green onions, ginger, garlic and thirteen spices to taste, and put salt out of the pot, and you can also replace the salt with low sodium and high potassium salt.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

This reduced total sodium intake from nearly 6,000 mg/day to 3,000 mg/day and increased potassium intake from < 1,700 mg/day to 3,700 mg/day.

5. Eat more foods that are high in magnesium

Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts are rich in magnesium.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

6. Increase your calcium intake

Eat more dairy products, beans and other foods that can supplement calcium, drink 300~500ml of milk every day, and if there is abnormal blood lipids, it is more recommended to drink skim milk.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

7. Don't drink alcohol

Alcohol consumption is an important factor in elevating triglycerides, and people with high triglycerides need to severely limit their alcohol intake, and it is best not to drink alcohol.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

8. Avoid trans fatty acids

For example, cakes, small desserts, chocolate substitutes for cocoa butter, ice cream, milk tea, wafers, etc.

Foods that contain margarine, margarine, non-dairy creamer, shortening, cocoa butter, creamer, malgea, etc., all mean they contain trans fatty acids.

9. Lowers cholesterol in the diet

Although dietary cholesterol intake has been shown to significantly affect serum cholesterol levels, the relationship between dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular events is inconclusive due to a variety of confounding factors.

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

However, after all, elevated serum cholesterol will increase the risk of atherosclerosis, so on the basis of recommending a healthy diet for heart health in China, it is recommended to control the intake of cholesterol for people with dyslipidemia, and the daily dietary cholesterol intake should be less than 300 mg.

What is the concept of 300 mg of cholesterol? The following table shows the amount of cholesterol corresponding to 100 grams of food, which can be used for reference. ▼

A "healthy eating pattern" that is more suitable for Chinese

In addition, if you want to control cholesterol, eat less animal offal, animal brains and other foods.


(Some of the pictures in the article come from the Internet)