
In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

author:See the world as a side dish

2024 has arrived, and the Spring Festival is approaching, but I don't feel a little comfort, but I am thinking about whether the money in my pocket can support the holiday.

Fireworks have been completely banned for 7 years. With the improvement of the environment and the improvement of green technology of fireworks, fireworks are beginning to appear in front of the public with a special means of fireworks.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Originally, setting off fireworks during the Chinese New Year was the most ordinary right to happiness that everyone enjoyed, but now it is being deprived layer by layer.

Now fireworks have become the core program of major tourist attractions around the world, why, because the people like it, they have to pay for it if they want to see it.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Because fireworks are expected and expected, ordinary people are now not qualified to set off fireworks, and the emotions that have been suppressed for many years are constantly released, and the call for banning fireworks is getting higher and higher.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Is there already a lot of families in the new year, on Chinese New Year's Eve, take their wives and children to the playground to feel the unique Chinese New Year flavor of fireworks and lanterns.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Is the decline in the flavor of the New Year now because everyone is happier and doesn't feel happy anymore? Or have they changed from each other?

Now for the Chinese New Year, especially when you go home, most people's feelings are that they don't want to celebrate the New Year anymore, when can they end the holiday, it's too tiring.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Twenty years ago, the Chinese New Year's Eve three-piece set: watch the Spring Festival Gala, reunion dinner, and set off fireworks.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

A family who had been busy with work for a year gathered for the Chinese New Year's Eve vigil. When the firecrackers sounded, no matter how tired the state of mind was, he instantly got some comfort.

Watching the show in front of the TV together, the children played around the adults, and from time to time they could hear the sound of firecrackers from each house, and they felt that the new year had hope and a head.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Now the old-fashioned three-piece set has basically faded out of everyone's sight. The taste of the New Year is getting weaker and weaker, and the Spring Festival holiday has become a festival for every family to lie down at home.

The only good thing is that it's not like the seven aunts and eight aunts who visited the door like before, not to mention the big expenses, and they were busy from head to foot all day long.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

In the morning, I had to rush to the door in the morning, and I had to rush to the evening in the afternoon, day by day, more tired than going to work, many families, even when it came to work time, until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, were still busy at night to find time to visit relatives and friends.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

For the door, it is also a few sorrows, a few sorrows, a year, due to the current work pressure is very high, usually scattered in various places, the struggle of the north and south, in order to maintain a normal state of life is very difficult.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Relatives get together inevitably parents are short, nothing more than the topic of children's learning and Xi, the unmarried talk about the problem, and the taller point is who buys a car, buys a house, and so on.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Sometimes these topics really don't fit to be said on such occasions.

After all, in today's society, people's opportunities and abilities are distanced by this fast-paced era.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

The feelings between people have also played a subtle role, not so frank as before, on the contrary, they have each family's careful thoughts.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Now the Chinese New Year's Eve three-piece set. For women, it is: hairdressing, manicure, new clothes. It's been a year, and I've been dressed up beautifully and followed my husband to the door, and I also have face on my face. For women, beauty is inseparable from any era.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

After all, the three-piece suit for men is all: smoking, drinking, playing cards, or the kind that doesn't get drunk and doesn't go home. It's the same as always liking 18-year-olds, huh. It seems that men are still more single-minded.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

The child's three-piece set has changed from the previous one: setting off firecrackers, having snowball fights, and watching animations, to the current mobile phone, mobile phone, and mobile phone. And it's one person and one mobile phone, each playing its own way, and there is no interactive communication.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

For our 80s and 90s, there is at least a little bit of childhood play between peers, and for our next generation of children, many of them may not know each other's names, let alone expect them to communicate and interact.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

So I feel that the New Year is very boring, and now I think about the New Year is nothing more than thinking about being able to rest at home, and I don't want to go anywhere.

In addition to some subjective factors between people, in fact, the lack of traditional culture is also imperceptibly affecting the flavor of the New Year.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

For example, on behalf of Chinese elements, fireworks, lanterns, and annual meetings. Now it's also going to be lost.

In the past, during the Chinese New Year, the streets and alleys sold goods and rushed to the market, and the road was full of lanterns at night, and the sound of fireworks and firecrackers came everywhere.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

The pedestrians on the road are all family-oriented, leading children to wear new clothes, holding sugar gourds in their hands, walking all the way, throwing firecrackers. That lively atmosphere has more or less affected the people around me and increased the atmosphere of the festival.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

It's not like the current high-pressure work environment. Let the festival become a mechanized form. Basically, it's just going to the mall and taking the kids to buy and buy in a hurry. After buying it, hurry up and rush to the next party.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Now, due to the importance of environmental issues, the reduction of funds, the construction of civilized cities, etc. The small merchants and hawkers have been driven away, and some cities with lanterns can no longer be arranged on the streets, and the annual meeting has quietly left the venue in recent years, and more have gathered in specific commercial scenic spots.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

People feel this casual and natural atmosphere, and then gradually commercialized, and now each city has its own artificial "ancient city"?

A week ago, I was still watching short videos on the Internet. Seeing that it is almost Chinese New Year's Eve, I want to take my wife and children to join in the fun.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

If you want to see a fireworks, this ticket starts at 200. Basically, the playground starts charging from 1.2m, and even some even charge more than 1.1m, two adults with two children, and the ticket alone costs thousands of yuan.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

For most of the middle-aged people who live in small counties and receive a salary of 3,000 yuan, they are under pressure. After all, whether it is a child or we middle-aged people, the color of life cannot be missing, in fact, the main thing is that I also want to play, and I am willing to be chic by borrowing the child's eloquence.

Adults are really tired, and they also need to experience the long-lost happiness as children.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Think about what parents nowadays buy for their children. How much is it when I was a child, I didn't get it, and now I buy it all for my child, and the child doesn't want it, and you may have to trick him into liking it...

Are you among them?

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Many of the playground facilities are not fully open in winter. And many devices have height restrictions.

The focus is also on the various operations of the playground, below 1.2m you can come in for free, come in to see that most of the equipment must be more than 1.3m to play. Well, I went in for free, and I put up with it.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

The kids have to eat, good fellows, a grilled sausage 20, a pancake with a little minced meat is also 20, and a small bowl of vermicelli soup 25. The family ate a meal and half a full meal and started at 200.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Forget it, I'm going to eat Western hamburgers, there should be a suitable set meal. Good guys, close to 200 yuan of the package, served three small hamburgers, a belt of chicken rice, three cups of Coke, a roast wing, and all fried in advance, and it was almost cold when served.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

The four of them were stunned that they were not full, and then they thought that the fireworks would be set off at 9 o'clock or 12 o'clock at night, and they had to eat a meal at night to keep warm. After watching the fireworks at 12 o'clock, you can't find a small hotel to stay in! Looking at your deflated trouser pocket, he shivered.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Now on major festivals such as New Year's Eve and Spring Festival, if you want to see fireworks and join in the fun, you have gathered in the playground. As a result, ordinary people have to relax during the festival, but they also have to spend high ticket prices and eat high-priced and low-cost scenic food.

It's like a mechanical program, it's no longer so arbitrary to be arranged.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Do you want to join in the fun to watch fireworks, you buy tickets, you can't bring your own snacks when you enter the door, there are high-priced items everywhere after entering the door, you don't eat and there is nowhere to solve it, you see what your child likes, you don't buy it, what are you doing?

Originally, setting off fireworks during the Chinese New Year was the most ordinary right to happiness that everyone enjoyed, but now it is being deprived layer by layer.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

On the contrary, now abroad. Due to the popularity of short videos now, coupled with the boost of various Internet celebrities, many foreigners have also felt the Chinese elements.

For example, the recent hot ones on the Internet: Northeast flowers, Hanfu, flying fish costumes, and even Warring States robes, which make foreigners' eyes shine.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Looking at ourselves, traditional culture is disappearing into ordinary families, and more is spreading in the more open-minded and economically open classes. Ordinary people want to continue this traditional culture, and the cost is getting higher and higher.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Even the fireworks that once flew into the homes of ordinary people are now only appearing in extraordinarily large events and performing arts venues. You ordinary people have been ruthlessly deprived of even the right to enjoy fireworks.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

In recent years, the fireworks bought on the market have changed from all kinds of miscellaneous small manufacturers to fireworks made in Liuyang.

As for the current pollution properties of fireworks, I don't think there should be any problem. Higher-specification technology has gradually made fireworks green.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Now there are also many people who have proposed that the ban on fireworks cannot be one-size-fits-all. It is necessary to choose the right time and place to set it up at the right time to ensure that ordinary people can enjoy the joy brought by this celebration.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

In fact, the opening of fireworks and firecrackers will also have a slight impact on the special industries formed in recent years, such as the unit that contracts sanitation projects, which is bound to increase the cost; spending 2.8 billion yuan on outsourcing sanitation but can't remove clean snow?

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

However, for promoting traditional culture and increasing people's happiness, I support the setting off of fireworks at a specific place and time. After all, the essence of social development should be to serve people.

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

The creation of a civilized city is also to make the people's lives more comfortable, rather than whiter faces. What do you guys think?

I don't know if we can see fireworks this year, it's not that we can't afford it, but it's more cost-effective to watch fireworks in the playground. No, it's more cost-effective to watch fireworks on TV...

In this era, watching fireworks has also become a luxury?

Do you think it is necessary for the people to set off fireworks during the New Year holiday?

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