
Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

author:Let's talk about life and family



With the prosperity of the economy and the development of science and technology, the footsteps of human beings continue to penetrate into the ocean. However, in developing and using the resources of the oceans, we have also brought great destruction. One of the most prominent issues is the large-scale whaling activities that the Japanese government has supported and participated in in recent years.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

This controversial practice not only seriously undermines the ecological balance, but also undermines human morality. This article analyzes the shortcomings of whaling by the Japanese government and calls on the international community to take action to stop this barbaric practice.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

1. Cruel predation, the whale population is on the verge of extinction

In recent years, Japanese fishing vessels have killed hundreds of whales each year in Antarctic waters and the North Pacific Ocean. This brutal hunting method has put tremendous pressure on the marine ecosystem. According to statistics, the proportion of pregnant whales killed is as high as 65%. This has led to a sharp decline in whale populations and the endangerment of the population.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

Yang, a well-known environmentalist, pointed out that whales are "important members" of the marine system, feeding on plankton and playing a key role in the marine food chain. If whales become extinct, the entire marine ecosystem will be out of balance. In addition, whales have extremely high IQs and have the most complex brains of any creature that humans have ever dissected.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

They have their own well-developed language systems and complex social relations. Sadly, the Japanese whalers tortured these highly intelligent creatures. Eyewitnesses have recorded that captured whales let out terrible screams before they die, and they will circle around their mothers, reluctant to leave. This heinous cruelty is a source of sorrow for the whole world.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

Second, tradition covers business, and interests are supreme and inhumane

The Japanese government justified its support for whaling, citing "cultural traditions." But in fact, commercial interests are the real motive for whaling in Japan. Whale meat, bones, skin, and liver can be made into a variety of commodities, and the market value is extremely high. Among them, the meat of a sperm whale can be sold for millions of yen. Behind these profiteering behaviors are cold business calculations, trampling on and desecrating life.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

In addition, in order to build momentum for the country's tourism industry, Japan has deliberately exaggerated the so-called "national tradition" of eating whale meat, packaging it as a peculiar custom. Every year, a large number of Chinese and Korean tourists come to Japan to taste whale meat, only to fall into the commercial trap of the Japanese government. It can be said that the Japanese government is taking advantage of the blindness of tourists from other countries to encourage its own cruelty.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

Third, taking the opportunity to explore territorial resources, the ambition is clearly revealed

In addition to commercial interests, geopolitical calculations are also important factors in Japan's support for whaling. There is evidence that some of the "scientific research fleets" funded by the Japanese Government are in fact disguised military exploration teams, whose mission is to smuggle intelligence and survey the terrain of other countries' territories. This kind of espionage under the banner of "scientific research" is extremely despicable and clearly violates international law.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

In addition, in order to compete for marine resources, Japan has also actively infiltrated into the Antarctic and Arctic regions. The real purpose of Japan's dispatch of a large number of so-called "scientific expeditions" to strategic locations in areas where commercial whaling is prohibited is deeply worrying.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

Japan's two-faced dual policy has already indignant the whole world. We have reason to suspect that if Japan is allowed to develop, it will become a model for a future maritime hegemonic power. We must guard against such ambitions.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

In summary, Japan's support and funding of large-scale whaling has become a serious threat to global ecological security. We therefore call on the international community to take decisive measures to sanction Japan's cruel and predatory practices and to safeguard the future and dignity of humanity.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

User Comments:

Some netizens said: "It's really infuriating to see this kind of behavior! We must take action to sanction Japan and boycott their whale products!" Another netizen said: "The root of the problem lies in the lack of environmental awareness and moral bottom line." From the perspective of all human beings, we need to reflect on how to establish an ethical relationship of harmonious coexistence. ”

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

Some netizens said: "Simple boycott and condemnation will not solve the problem, we need deeper international cooperation." Negotiate and negotiate to get the Japanese government to stop supporting whaling. ”

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

In any case, this is a serious global problem. It is not just about a particular country or population, but about the future of humanity as a whole. We must reflect deeply in our thoughts and actions.

Why does Japan insist on killing whales? It is not for meat, but for the real intention, all countries in the world must be vigilant

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