
Some people say that green tea hurts the stomach, but black tea nourishes the stomach, is it true? How to drink tea healthily?

author:Professor Li of the Department of Urology

There is such a true story. Aunt Li, a retired teacher, said that drinking a cup of freshly brewed green tea every morning has been a Xi for many years. Recently, however, she has noticed that every time she enjoys this morning moment, her stomach starts to feel upset, sometimes accompanied by mild pain. This phenomenon made her wonder if long-term consumption of green tea was really the culprit of stomach pain?

This question not only bothers Aunt Li, but also a common question among many middle-aged and elderly people who love tea. Does green tea, which is synonymous with a healthy drink, really hurt our stomach? Relatively speaking, is there a scientific basis for the circulating "black tea nourishes the stomach"?

As a veteran medical expert, I will delve into the real relationship between these two types of tea and stomach health in this article. Together, we'll demystify green and black tea, explore their true effects on the stomach, and provide scientific, practical advice on how to enjoy every cup of tea healthily. Through this article, I hope to solve the doubts in your mind and help you enjoy the aroma of tea while also protecting your stomach health.

Tea and Stomach Health: Demystifying the Effects of Green and Black Tea

Green Tea: Friend or Foe?

Green tea, known as a healthy drink by many enthusiasts, contains active ingredients such as catechins and tea polyphenols, which have shown positive effects in boosting the spirit and promoting metabolism. However, when it comes to stomach health, the effects of green tea get complicated. Studies have shown that the higher tannin content in green tea may cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, especially when consumed on an empty stomach. This irritation can cause stomach upset or exacerbate existing stomach problems such as gastritis or excess stomach acid.

However, this does not mean that green tea should be avoided by all. In fact, drinking it in moderation, and after a meal, can reduce its potential damage to the gastric mucosa. Additionally, the antioxidants in green tea are beneficial for overall health, including stomach health.

Some people say that green tea hurts the stomach, but black tea nourishes the stomach, is it true? How to drink tea healthily?

Black Tea: Guardian of the Stomach?

Compared to green tea, black tea is fully fermented and has a milder nature. The catechins contained in black tea are converted into milder compounds such as theaflavins and thearubigins during fermentation, which are less irritating to the gastric mucosa. As a result, black tea is considered more stomach-friendly, especially for people with stomach sensitivities or symptoms of stomach upset.

Some people say that green tea hurts the stomach, but black tea nourishes the stomach, is it true? How to drink tea healthily?

In addition, the compounds in black tea may also aid digestion and reduce stomach upset after meals. Some studies have also found that drinking black tea in moderation can help maintain stomach health and prevent stomach diseases.

Some people say that green tea hurts the stomach, but black tea nourishes the stomach, is it true? How to drink tea healthily?

Smart Tea - Your Guide to Healthy Tea

When discussing how to drink tea healthily, we need to consider many aspects such as the type of tea, the drinking time and the personal physique. Here are some practical tips to help middle-aged and older people better enjoy the benefits of tea while protecting their stomach health.

1. Choose the right type of tea

Consider the relationship between the type of tea and the individual's constitution. For people with sensitive stomachs, shallowly fermented teas, such as green tea, may stimulate stomach acid secretion, especially on an empty stomach. In contrast, black tea, which is more fermented, is generally considered to be more stomach-friendly because of its mild nature.

Consult a professional, such as a dietitian or doctor, to choose the best tea for your physique.

2. Pay attention to the strength of the tea

The concentration of tea directly affects its irritation. Tea that is too strong may burden the stomach. It is recommended to adjust the amount of tea or brewing time to obtain the appropriate concentration.

Using weak tea, especially in the morning on an empty stomach, can reduce stomach irritation.

Some people say that green tea hurts the stomach, but black tea nourishes the stomach, is it true? How to drink tea healthily?

3. Pay attention to the time of tea

Drinking tea on an empty stomach may cause stomach upset. It is recommended to drink tea in moderation after meals, so that you can enjoy the aroma of tea and reduce the impact on the stomach.

Avoid drinking tea before bedtime to avoid caffeine affecting sleep quality.

4. Consider age and health

As we age, the body's tolerance and metabolic capacity may change. Middle-aged and elderly people should adjust their tea drinking habits according to their own health Xi.

Especially for people with chronic diseases such as abnormal glucose metabolism or increased systemic arterial blood pressure, it is particularly important to reasonably adjust the Xi habit of drinking tea.

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