
Heart disease to stay away from black tea? Doctors warn that if you want heart health, it is better to drink less of these teas

author:Lao Wang's Health Talk
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"Mr. Wang, your heart problem may be related to your tea drinking habits." The doctor said solemnly.

Wang Qiang, 50 years old, is a sales manager of a large enterprise. During this time, he always felt that his fingers were swollen and painful, and he thought that he was under pressure at work or suffering from rheumatism. So, he decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. It turned out that he had a serious heart condition.

Wang Qiang looked puzzled: "Doctor, I usually have a regular life, how can I have a heart attack?" ”

Heart disease to stay away from black tea? Doctors warn that if you want heart health, it is better to drink less of these teas

The doctor looked at the examination report and asked, "Do you usually like to drink black tea?" ”

Wang Qiang nodded: "Yes, I have to drink several cups of black tea every day, and I feel that black tea is refreshing and more energetic at work." ”

The doctor sighed: "Black tea does have a refreshing effect, but drinking too much is not good for the heart, especially if you drink a lot of it for a long time. ”

Wang Qiang was a little puzzled: "Doesn't black tea have a lot of health benefits?" How can it still affect heart health? ”

The doctor patiently explained: "Black tea contains a lot of caffeine, and excessive intake will increase the burden on the heart, resulting in faster heartbeat, higher blood pressure, and easy to induce heart disease in the long run." In addition, although the tea polyphenols in black tea have antioxidant effects, excessive amounts can also affect the viscosity of the blood, which is not conducive to cardiovascular health. ”

Wang Qiang suddenly realized that his habit of drinking tea for many years was one of the causes of heart disease.

Heart disease to stay away from black tea? Doctors warn that if you want heart health, it is better to drink less of these teas

The doctor continued: "Not only black tea, but also some other teas, such as strong tea, iced tea, and certain herbal teas, need to be treated with caution. ”

Wang Qiang hurriedly asked, "Then how should I drink tea?" ”

The doctor advised him to limit the amount of tea he consumed, not more than two cups of black tea a day, and try to choose weak tea. In addition, you can also choose some heart-friendly teas, such as green tea, chrysanthemum tea, etc.

After Wang Qiang returned home, he began to adjust his tea drinking habits. Instead of drinking black tea frequently, he switched to only one or two cups of weak tea a day and tried other healthy teas.

One day, Wang Qiang was walking in the park with a few old friends and chatting about his experience. Friends have said that they should learn from Wang Qiang, pay attention to tea drinking habits, and protect heart health.

However, Wang Qiang still has a question in his heart: "In addition to black tea, what other teas are bad for the heart?" ”

Heart disease to stay away from black tea? Doctors warn that if you want heart health, it is better to drink less of these teas

With this question, Wang Qiang consulted the doctor again. The doctor answered in detail:

"Mr. Wang, in addition to black tea, the following kinds of tea also need to be paid attention to."

"First of all, strong tea. The caffeine content in strong tea is higher, and excessive intake can easily lead to problems such as irregular heartbeat and increased blood pressure. ”

"This is followed by iced tea. Although iced tea is cool and thirst-quenching, it also has a lot of added sugar and caffeine, and long-term consumption of large amounts is also harmful to the heart. ”

"The third is certain Chinese herbal teas. For example, some traditional Chinese medicine teas that contain a lot of licorice, the glycyrrhizic acid in licorice will cause the loss of potassium ions and increase the burden on the heart. ”

"In addition, there are some high-sugar milk teas. The high sugar and creamer in milk tea not only increase calories, but also affect blood lipid levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. ”

After hearing this, Wang Qiang nodded again and again, and sighed: "It turns out that there are so many things to pay attention to when drinking tea, you really have to pay attention to it." ”

Heart disease to stay away from black tea? Doctors warn that if you want heart health, it is better to drink less of these teas

The doctor also reminded you: "Mr. Wang, you should pay attention to other living habits. For example, maintain a moderate amount of exercise, eat a balanced diet, and avoid overwork and chronic stress. Only by improving your lifestyle across the board can you better protect your heart health. ”

Wang Qiang kept the doctor's advice in mind and began to arrange his life scientifically and reasonably. He insists on a moderate amount of exercise every day, pays attention to his diet, has regular physical examinations, and maintains good living habits.

Wang Qiang's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Wang Qiang, arrange their lives scientifically and reasonably, and protect their heart health.

However, Wang Qiang still has a question in his heart: "In addition to drinking tea and living habits, what other ways can we better protect our heart health?" ”

Heart disease to stay away from black tea? Doctors warn that if you want heart health, it is better to drink less of these teas

With this question, Wang Qiang consulted the doctor again. The doctor replied in detail: "Mr. Wang, to protect heart health, you need to start from the following aspects. ”

"First and foremost, maintain your mental health. Long-term stress and negative emotions will increase the burden on the heart, it is recommended to learn to reduce stress, maintain an optimistic and positive attitude, and relax yourself by listening to music, reading, meditation, etc. ”

"Secondly, maintain a good routine. Adequate sleep is an important guarantee of heart health, and it is recommended to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day and avoid staying up late. ”

"Third, pay attention to a balanced diet. Eat more fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and eat less foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt. In particular, increasing the intake of unsaturated fatty acids, such as fish and nuts, is good for heart health. ”

"Fourth, regular medical examinations. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, it is recommended to have a comprehensive physical examination every year, especially the examination of the cardiovascular system, so as to achieve early detection and early treatment. ”

Through these methods, Wang Qiang became more aware of the importance of comprehensive health management. He decided to start with all aspects to improve his lifestyle and keep his body healthy.

Wang Qiang's story spread in the community, and everyone said that they should learn from Wang Qiang, arrange their lives scientifically and reasonably, and protect their heart health.

Heart disease to stay away from black tea? Doctors warn that if you want heart health, it is better to drink less of these teas

However, there is one more question to consider: in addition to the above-mentioned preventive measures, what other ways can we better protect our heart health?

In order to answer this question, we need to understand some other methods.

First, maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth to avoid bacterial infections. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between oral health and heart health.

Secondly, enhance physical fitness. Through moderate physical exercise, the body's immunity can be improved and the resistance to diseases can be enhanced.

Third, avoid overexertion. Long-term fatigue and stress weaken the body's immune system and increase the risk of disease. Pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and maintain adequate sleep.

Fourth, have regular heart check-ups. Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, it is recommended to have a comprehensive physical examination every year, including a cardiac examination, to achieve early detection and early treatment.

With these methods, we can protect our heart health more comprehensively and keep our bodies in good shape. I hope Wang Qiang's story can give you some inspiration, let us pay attention to health management, arrange life scientifically and reasonably, and protect our bodies.

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