
In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

author:The heart of the car is spoken

In winter, everyone will encounter such a problem when using electric vehicles, obviously the battery is sufficient, but when the electric car is driving on the road, the fuel gauge will show two bars of electricity when it accelerates. And the distance traveled by electric vehicles has also decreased compared to the summer. Using an electric car in the winter requires frequent charging and not far away. So, what is the reason for the rapid power loss of electric vehicles in winter? and how to improve the situation? This article will analyze in detail the reasons for the fast power loss of electric vehicles in winter, and introduce 4 improvement methods to help you solve these problems.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

Analysis of the reasons for the rapid power loss of electric vehicle batteries in winter

The effect of low temperature on battery performance: There are two main types of batteries used in electric vehicles: lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries. The optimal temperature for both types of batteries is 25 degrees, and the battery capacity drops by 0.8% for every degree of temperature drop. When the temperature drops to zero, the electrolyte inside the battery becomes viscous, resulting in an increase in the internal resistance of the battery, a decrease in capacity, and a shorter charging time, and the battery capacity is about 70% of that in summer.

This situation is even more intense when the temperature drops to minus ten degrees, resulting in battery capacity being only 50% or even lower than in the summer. Although we use a charger to charge the battery, the low temperature causes the actual capacity of the battery to become smaller, and the fuel gauge shows virtual electricity. Therefore, as soon as the battery is accelerated, the capacity will be insufficient, and the fuel gauge will show 2 bars of power.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

High current demand when starting an electric vehicle: There are two main reasons why the battery dies quickly when it accelerates in winter. First of all, when an electric vehicle is first started, the motor needs an instantaneous high current to operate. In winter, the capacity of the battery will be reduced due to low temperature, and the high current consumption required for the rotation of the motor will cause the battery voltage to drop sharply, and the power meter will show that there will be a drop of two bars of electricity. Secondly, the conversion of the chemical energy stored in the battery into electrical energy can also be slowed down due to the low temperature. Under the superposition of these two factors, the battery will lose power quickly when the electric vehicle accelerates at the beginning of starting.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

To avoid this, here are 4 things we can do to improve

1. Charging in a warm place: When using an electric vehicle in winter, we need to pay attention to some details in order to ensure the charging effect and battery life. First of all, do not charge it outdoors or at night. Because during these hours, the temperature is very low, which can adversely affect the performance of the battery.

Specifically, the lower the temperature, the more viscous the electrolyte becomes, resulting in an increase in the internal resistance of the battery, which reduces the capacity of the battery. If it is charged in a cold environment, it will further affect the life of the battery. Electric vehicles using lithium pools should never be charged outdoors below zero, because lithium dendrites will form inside the lithium battery at zero degrees, and once the lithium dendrites grow, they may puncture the separator, causing a short circuit inside the battery to cause fire and combustion.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

The right thing to do is that when we come back from using the electric car, we should push the electric car to a warm room for charging as soon as possible. The reason for this is that the battery generates a certain amount of heat during use, when the temperature of the battery is higher and the electrolyte is relatively thin. When the EV is moved indoors, the warm indoor environment keeps the electrolyte thinner, reducing the internal resistance of the battery. As a result, the battery capacity is significantly increased, it is better able to absorb power, and the charging effect is better.

2. Extend the charging time: The charging process of the electric vehicle charger is generally divided into three stages, namely constant voltage charging, constant current charging and trickle charging. During the charging process, the charger's red light will turn green, and it will enter the trickle charging state.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

At this stage, the charger will continue to charge the battery at a lower current, and although the battery is close to full at this time, a moderate extension of the charging time can charge the battery with more power. For example, when the charger's red light turns green, you can continue to charge for another 1 hour or so, which maximizes the battery's capacity and extends the range.

It is important to note that overcharging can also cause damage to the battery, so be careful when extending the charging time and do not overcharge the battery. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the temperature of the charger and battery during the charging process to avoid overheating and causing potential safety hazards.

3. Use a battery with good low temperature resistance: If your electric vehicle uses a lead-acid battery and has been used for more than two years, then under the influence of low temperature in winter, the capacity of the battery will be seriously insufficient, resulting in fast power failure. In order to solve this problem, you can consider replacing a graphene battery with better low temperature resistance.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

If you're planning to switch to an electric vehicle in the winter, then I recommend you consider the latest sodium battery electric vehicles on the market right now. Brands such as Yadea, Tailing, and Xinri have all released their own sodium battery models. These electric vehicles can travel more than 100 kilometers on a full charge in winter and have a long range.

Compared with traditional lithium batteries, sodium batteries have better low temperature resistance. Sodium batteries can remain fully charged at minus 10 degrees Celsius and 93% at minus 20 degrees Celsius. This means that sodium-battery electric vehicles will not be affected by low temperatures in winter and can maintain good endurance performance.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

Of course, when choosing an electric vehicle, you also need to consider other factors, such as price, brand reputation, after-sales service, etc. However, if you're looking for a better EV experience during the winter months, then a sodium-battery EV is an option worth considering.

4. Carefully inspect the vehicle to ensure that the lubrication of each component reduces resistance, reasonably plan the route, and maintain a constant speed: the better the lubrication of each component of the electric vehicle, the less resistance the electric vehicle will experience when driving, and the power consumption will be significantly reduced. If your electric car has been in use for several years, it is advisable to check the front and rear wheel bearings of the electric vehicle during the winter months, or remove it and apply butter to make sure there is enough lubrication to make it run faster. At the same time, the front and rear disc brakes or drum brakes should also be checked to ensure that the resistance of the tires when turning is minimized. As a result, the electric vehicle consumes less power while driving, and the battery is discharged for a longer time, which helps to extend the range.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

In addition, electric vehicles usually have three speed gears: high, medium and low. Although you can run faster with high gear, the battery will also discharge faster and the discharge time will be shorter. On the contrary, if you use medium gear and keep driving at a constant speed, the battery will always be in a state of constant discharge, and the long discharge time will naturally be far away. In addition, you should plan your route in advance before setting off and reduce the frequency of using the brakes, which can reduce the starting time of the electric vehicle, reduce the power consumption, and also help to increase the range.


In winter, the problem of fast power loss of electric vehicles often plagues many car owners. The main reasons for this phenomenon include the degradation of battery performance in low temperature environment, the increase of electrolyte viscosity, the increase of internal resistance, and improper charging and use Xi.

In order to solve this problem, we can take: charging in a warm place, extending the charging time, replacing batteries with good low temperature resistance, checking all parts of the vehicle to keep them lubricated to reduce drag, and maintaining a constant driving speed when driving the vehicle.

In winter, the electric car will drop 2 bars of electricity as soon as it accelerates, and it can't run far, so come and try these 4 improvement methods

By taking these measures, we can effectively solve the problem of fast power failure of electric vehicles in winter, improve the service life and mileage of the battery, and let electric vehicles maintain good performance in winter.

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