
"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

author:Longnan Wudu released

At the beginning of the play, Gu Jia helped her husband Xu Huanshan to create a 5 million fireworks company together, and successfully moved into the 30 million river-view house in Shanghai.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles


1. The fuse of Gu Jia's transformation

After Gu Jia mixed into the wife's circle and helped her husband Xu Huanshan win a big order from a fireworks company, her psychology changed very much.

Her pursuit of a high-quality life caused her to quickly begin to swell in the wife circle.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

These actions reveal the financial pressures and social status that she has previously developed because the fireworks company is facing bankruptcy.

In the play, she raised money to buy 300,000 brand bags in the wife's circle, and even sold insurance in order to open a dessert shop.

These episodes slowly show that her personal mindset and behavior have shifted.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

On the other hand, Gu Jia's impulsive decision-making when running a tea factory exposed her blindness in business judgment.

In order to invest 3 million in the tea factory, she did not hesitate to ask the accountant of the fireworks company to pay her, but was intercepted by Xu Huanshan.

It can be seen that the Gu family at this time has been affected by the values of the wife circle, and it is not so simple to become fat in one bite.


2. The appearance and essence behind Gu Jia's ambition

Gu Jia's predicament is not a single source.

In the plot, the problem of the fireworks company seems to be because Xu Huanshan did not destroy all the blue fireworks, but in fact, this is only the tip of the iceberg.

The play reveals the structural problems of the company itself, starting from the contradiction between Xu Huanshan and Mr. Wan, and the problems within the company gradually emerge.

Although Gu Jia's performance in helping to win the order of the fireworks company in the wife's circle is regarded by many as a proof of his ability, it is actually a short-term strategic response and lacks a long-term corporate management vision.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

Gu Jia mixed in the wife's circle and obtained Mrs. Yu's order, which seemed to be a smart move, but failed to touch the core of the company's long-term competitiveness.

While her response has temporarily eased the crisis, it has not addressed the underlying problem.

In addition, Gu Jia mentioned in the play fired Li Ke because of the employee Li Ke hooking up with her husband.

On the surface, it solved a hidden danger, but in fact, it did not actually solve the root cause, Xu Huanshan later derailed Lin Youyou.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

She should find the reason from her husband, rather than blindly firing an employee without considering the company's performance and ability.

Men who want to cheat will come out in any way, and men with principles and bottom lines will keep their distance from them even if they face other women such as employees.


3. Gu Jia's choice between family and career

The reason why Gu Jia ended so miserably is that there is another important aspect, that is, the balance between family and career.

In the play, Gu Jia and Xu Huanshan are like a "mother and son" relationship, showing their different ways of dealing with family and workplace problems.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

When the company encounters problems, Xu Huanshan always relies on Gu Jia, expecting her to solve the problem, and Gu Jia's approach is often to try to cope through communicative means.

For example, trying to please Mr. Wan, mixing in the circle of wives, and using interpersonal relationships to solve problems, instead of looking for fundamental solutions and improving their own abilities.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

The road must be walked step by step, and it is not possible to reach the sky in one step by using the rich wife of the wife circle at once.

In addition, Gu Jia's character traits are also reflected in the play.

She is too strong, causing her pride and self-confidence to shine through, but at the same time it is also a blind spot in her decision-making.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

In the process of pursuing her ideal life, she neglected communication and cooperation with her family, which was especially evident in her family and professional life with Xu Huanshan.


Through Gu Jia's story, it shows the complex game between ideals and reality.

Gu Jia's role reflects the challenges faced by many modern people: how to recognize their own abilities and limitations while pursuing their personal ambitions, and how to find a balance between work and family.

"Thirty Only": Gu Jia, who has "broken his family", will never know why he lives in a 30 million river-view house, why the ending is not as good as Wang Manni, who eats 5 yuan instant noodles

Her experience has taught us that success requires not only ambition and determination, but also a deep understanding and rational evaluation of oneself and one's environment.

If you are Gu Jia, facing the ending of the family is ruined, will you have the courage to start again?

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