
At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

author:Wanhua and cultural creativity
At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

I've always felt like I'm not doing well, I'm 55 years old, widowed, childless, and no one to rely on. Every day is spent alone, and there is always an indescribable loneliness and emptiness in my heart. I don't have much pension, I don't have my own house, and I have a hard time living on it. Sometimes I fantasize that if I could find someone with a pension, maybe my life would be better.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

One day, while I was walking around the neighborhood, I overheard a conversation between a couple. The man's name is Li Ming, and the woman's name is Wang Li, and they are discussing their plans for retirement. I couldn't help but pray secretly in my heart, hoping that I could also have someone like Li Ming who could spend my old age with me. When I walked up to them, I took the initiative to greet them. I chatted with them for a while and learned that they were planning to get married.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

They introduced some of their friends, some of whom were also single. I'm a straightforward person, and I made no secret of what I thought: I hope that I can also find someone with a pension to live with. They were understanding and agreed to introduce me to some people. I appreciate their kindness.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

A few days later, Wang Li asked me to visit her house. She introduced me to a person, Song Hua, a retired teacher. We had a very speculative conversation, and he was also a widow. We have similar experiences and feelings. He invited me to a meal and we talked a lot about retirement and got along very well. Perhaps, this is fate.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

There are not too many mental barriers between me and Song Hua, we can be honest with each other and get to know each other bit by bit. Gradually, I found myself starting to develop a crush on him. We made an appointment to meet again and go for a walk in the park together.

Gradually, I found Song Hua to be a thoughtful and empathetic person. I felt comfortable around him, as if I had found the warmth I had lost. We started socializing and taking care of each other. Our relationship slowly deepened......

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

My relationship with Song Hua seemed to be smooth sailing, but since I introduced him to my friend, the situation has bothered me a bit. One day, I received a call from a friend who told me that someone was talking about my relationship with Song Hua behind my back, thinking that he was only with me because he was interested in my pension. I was very angry and sad to hear that. I began to suspect Song Hualai.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

I rummaged through photos and chats between me and Song Hua at home, trying to find some clues. However, all I found were traces left by the happy times when we were together. I felt lost and helpless.

At the same time, Song Hua seemed to be aware of my doubts. At a meeting, he took the initiative to confess the ins and outs of these rumors to me. It turned out that it was my friend who accidentally revealed some personal matters about me on some occasion, and it was used as a rumor. Song Hua said that none of this mattered, he really liked me and was willing to face all this with me.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

I felt so sorry and guilty because I almost believed the rumors that were made up out of nothing. Song Hua and I had a heart-to-heart conversation again, and our relationship became closer and more stable than before.

Although I have encountered some misunderstandings and conflicts, I understand that when two people truly love each other, mutual trust is the most important thing. I really hope that I can go on with Song Hua and enjoy my old age together.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

Half a year later, my relationship with Song Hua became more and more stable, and we began to plan for the future. I confessed my fears to him, and I was afraid that I would be a burden to him and a drag on his life. He smiled and said that as long as we support each other, we will not feel a burden. I am grateful for his understanding and support.

However, just as we were about to discuss deeper issues and plan to get together, I got a phone call. The voice on the other end of the phone was my niece, and in the middle of the phone, she said in a hurried tone that her father, who was also my brother, had a failed business and owed a large amount of debt, and needed my help and support.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

I was stunned all of a sudden, Song Hua and I had just stabilized our relationship, and now we had to face this kind of family challenge. I sat on the couch and my mind was in a mess, not knowing what to do. I felt like I was caught in a dilemma, on the one hand, Song Hua made a lot of generous concessions to me, which was an extension of our feelings, the trust and dependence that we had built between us. On the other hand, it is the responsibility and obligation of the family, and I have always put the family first. Now that this family responsibility has become a difficult problem to solve, which one should I choose? I closed my eyes in frustration, I really didn't know what to do.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

We got along more and more well, and I slowly began to get used to the warmth. However, by chance, I discovered something I didn't expect. That day, I went to Song Hua's house to bring him some snacks that I had made myself. When he knocked on the door, he saw him standing with a woman, talking and laughing affectionately. I felt a little uneasy and walked in. When I looked at the woman's face, I was shocked to find that she was Song Hua's ex-wife. They are reconnecting and preparing to get back together.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

This scene made my heart twist, and I was stunned and at a loss. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I didn't want to believe that it was all true. Is everything between me and Song Hua just a moment of loneliness and a moment of comfort? I desperately told myself not to lose control, not to explode, but the impulse in my heart could not be controlled. I fled his home, tears blurring my eyes. I felt a sense of despair and loss, and I didn't know what I was going to do.

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

When I got home, I began to think seriously about my relationship with Song Hua. I kept asking myself if I was too naïve, too easily moved, and yet I really missed him. I don't know if I have to face all this, whether I should talk to him face to face?

At the age of 55, I am widowed and have no children, and I want to find someone with a pension, is it easy to find?

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