
What should I do if pharyngitis recurs? 5 kinds of food are God-given "throat lozenges", keep eating them, and do not recur

author:Longnan Cheng County released

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What should I do if pharyngitis recurs? 5 kinds of food are God-given "throat lozenges", keep eating them, and do not recur
What should I do if pharyngitis recurs? 5 kinds of food are God-given "throat lozenges", keep eating them, and do not recur
What should I do if pharyngitis recurs? 5 kinds of food are God-given "throat lozenges", keep eating them, and do not recur
What should I do if pharyngitis recurs? 5 kinds of food are God-given "throat lozenges", keep eating them, and do not recur
What should I do if pharyngitis recurs? 5 kinds of food are God-given "throat lozenges", keep eating them, and do not recur

Source: Director Wang of the Department of Otolaryngology of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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