
As the saying goes: "Wife Kefu, written on the face", when you meet these types of women, you are advised to stay away immediately!

author:The most character story says

As the saying goes, wife Kefu, this may sound like a small talk from our ancestors, but in fact, it is deeply rooted in our married life. Marriage, for many people, is not just as simple as a marriage letter, it is a collision of two worlds, and a big test of ideals and reality. We often say that 1+1>2, but in the practice of marriage, whether this equation is true or not often depends on the joint efforts of two people.

As the saying goes: "Wife Kefu, written on the face", when you meet these types of women, you are advised to stay away immediately!

When talking about successful men, we often hear the saying, "There is always a great woman behind a successful man." This phrase is both a celebration of women and a sincere affirmation of the mutual support between partners. There is no doubt that finding that suitable partner is no easy task. We are not only looking for harmony on an emotional level, but also about how we actually get along and adapt to each other in our daily lives.

Looking back on history, the concept of marriage in the feudal era still has implications for us today. At that time, the choice of wives often took into account factors such as family background and virtue, and the saying that "marrying a wife should be virtuous" was not only a requirement for women's virtue, but also a pursuit of the spirit and quality of both parties to the marriage.

However, the modern view of marriage has changed significantly. When choosing a partner, modern people often rely on the drive of feelings, and ignore the unity of the three views and personality matching emphasized in the traditional concept of marriage. While this change has brought more freedom and individuality, it has also brought new challenges.

As the saying goes: "Wife Kefu, written on the face", when you meet these types of women, you are advised to stay away immediately!

Let's talk about the concept of "wife kefu". Some types of wives, such as meanness, vanity, selfishness, can have a negative impact on the husband. This is not to say that these traits are unique to women, but in marriage, both partners should avoid such character flaws. In such relationships, men are often under tremendous stress, which not only affects their career progression, but also their mental health.

Therefore, we recommend that men should be vigilant when dealing with such women. Not all marriages are a godsend, and sometimes, staying away from the wrong person is the best protection for yourself and the other party. Remember, marriage is a part of your life, not the whole of it.

Of course, marital commitment and cohabitation are also non-negligible parts of modern relationships. According to the Pew Research Center, about 63 percent of married adults consider making a formal commitment to be a major factor in their decision to get married. In contrast, only about 23% of cohabitants moved in with their partner as a test of the relationship. These data show the importance of commitment and shared life goals for marital satisfaction.

As the saying goes: "Wife Kefu, written on the face", when you meet these types of women, you are advised to stay away immediately!

Marriage and happiness can also change over time. A long-term study in Psychology Today shows that marital satisfaction and relationship satisfaction tend to decline over time. This does not mean that marriage cannot bring happiness, but it reminds us that the quality of marital relationships has a significant impact on overall life satisfaction.

The link between marriage and health should not be overlooked. Married people typically require fewer long-term hospital stays and nursing home stays, in part because of informal care provided by spouses at home. Marriage has also been shown to reduce depressive symptoms in both men and women. These all highlight the psychological benefits of a stable marriage.

All in all, marriage is a complex and delicate topic. It is not just the union of two people, but the merging of two worlds. In this process, we need not only love and passion, but also understanding, respect and joint efforts. Remember, when you encounter someone who is not the right person, bravely staying away may be the best protection for yourself. After all, in this world, we all deserve a happy marriage.

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