
When you are pregnant, if you have "blocked fallopian tubes", it may be related to these 3 things, I hope you haven't done it!

author:Flying butterfly udvj

Preparing for pregnancy is a process that everyone who wants to have a baby goes through, but sometimes, months of hard work have not yielded results, and this is when it is necessary to consider whether there is a problem with the body. Among them, blockage of fallopian tubes is a common problem. So, what are the causes of blocked fallopian tubes?

When you are pregnant, if you have "blocked fallopian tubes", it may be related to these 3 things, I hope you haven't done it!

First of all, gynecological inflammation is one of the main causes of blocked fallopian tubes. Due to the effects of inflammation, the organs in the pelvis interact with each other, and if the inflammation is not treated in time, it can spread to the fallopian tubes, leading to blockages. For example, pelvic inflammation can cause blockage of the fallopian tubes.

When you are pregnant, if you have "blocked fallopian tubes", it may be related to these 3 things, I hope you haven't done it!

Secondly, abortion surgery is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Repeated abortion surgeries can not only harm the health of the uterus, but may also leave hidden dangers in the fallopian tubes. This is because the organs in the pelvis are interconnected, and abortion surgery can cause problems such as endometriosis, which in turn affects the function of the fallopian tubes.

Finally, endometriosis is also a significant cause of blocked fallopian tubes. If a woman has intercourse during menstruation or is hit hard by external force, the endometrium may be squeezed into the fallopian tubes, resulting in fallopian tube abnormalities and even ectopic pregnancy or infertility.

When you are pregnant, if you have "blocked fallopian tubes", it may be related to these 3 things, I hope you haven't done it!

Therefore, during the preparation for pregnancy, women should pay attention to their physical condition, especially gynecological problems. If inflammation or other abnormalities are found, they should be treated promptly so as not to affect fertility. At the same time, avoid multiple abortion surgeries and protect the health of your uterus and fallopian tubes. In daily life, maintaining a good Xi habits and diet, strengthening exercise, and improving physical fitness are also effective ways to prevent fallopian tube blockage.

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