
The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

author:Wenbo said food

In late autumn and winter, the weather begins to cool down and the air becomes drier. During this season, the body's metabolism will gradually slow down, and the resistance will be lower than in summer. In order to enhance physical fitness, adapt to seasonal changes, it is recommended that you make appropriate adjustments in your diet, eat more healthy seasonal vegetables, and today we recommend four kinds of healthy vegetables in early winter: mustard greens, cabbage, celery and lettuce, which are rich in nutrition and have significant therapeutic effects, especially suitable for eating in early winter.

1. Mustard greens: clear away heat and detoxify, enhance immunity

Mustard is a brassica plant in the cruciferous family, commonly known as kale, mustard, etc. It is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene and other nutrients, known as the "treasure house of civilian nutrition". Long-term consumption of mustard greens can play a good role in health care.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Clear away heat and detoxify, enhance immunity. The mustard oil, brassinin and ascorbic acid contained in mustard greens have strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which can clear away heat and detoxify and enhance human immunity. In the early winter when the climate is dry and cold, there will be more germs in the air, and if the resistance is poor, it is easy to catch a cold and fever. Moderate consumption of mustard greens can improve the body's immunity to pathogens and reduce the likelihood of colds.

Improve the body's ability to withstand cold. Mustard greens are rich in vitamin C, which can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels and improve the body's ability to adapt. Eating mustard greens is also very helpful in improving the body's ability to withstand cold. In early winter, the weather is getting colder, and if you eat some mustard greens regularly, you can make your body more resistant to low temperatures and less prone to colds.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Aids digestion and improves constipation. Mustard greens have a bitter taste, which can enhance the body's yang energy and help digestion. If you often have problems with stomach bloating, poor appetite, and indigestion, eating a moderate amount of mustard greens can help promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis and help digestion. In addition, the dietary fiber contained in mustard greens can also promote intestinal peristalsis, soften stool, and improve constipation.

2. Cabbage: nourish yin and clear heat, nourish beauty and beauty

Cabbage is also known as Beijing cabbage, tight cabbage, cabbage, etc., and it is named "cabbage" because the head is tightly wrapped. Cabbage is cool and sweet, rich in protein, dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, carotene and other nutrients, and is a good health vegetable in early winter.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Clear away heat and detoxify, dissipate cold and relieve cough. The early winter in the north is dry, which can easily irritate the skin and respiratory mucous membranes, causing problems such as dry cough. Cabbage is rich in protein and vitamins, which can clear away heat and detoxify, moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Nourish yin and beauty, lose weight and slim down. Cabbage is cool and sweet, rich in vitamins and minerals, which can help moisturize the skin, nourish and whiten the skin. In early winter, the weather is dry, and many girls will have dry skin, so you can eat more cabbage or cabbage soup to moisturize the yin and dryness. In addition, cabbage is not high in calories, and it is also rich in dietary fiber, which can play a role in dissolving fat and reducing swelling.

3. Celery: invigorate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, strengthen muscles and bones

Celery, also known as parsley, celery, celery, etc. It contains nutrients such as protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, etc. Early winter is the season when celery is abundant, so it is a good vegetable to eat regularly.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Celery contains a certain amount of volatile oil and other components that can promote blood circulation, eliminate small blood clots, and prevent thrombosis. Cold in early winter, the body's metabolism slows down, it is easy to have cold legs and feet, numbness of hands and feet, at this time eat more celery, can play a good role in prevention and treatment.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Calcium supplementation strengthens muscles and bones and enhances cold resistance Celery is not only high in calcium, but also has a high absorption rate of calcium. Eating celery is good for children with rapid bone development, or adults who want to strengthen their bones. In addition, the consumption of celery also enhances the body's tolerance to cold. Therefore, eating celery in early winter can not only replenish calcium, but also make the body more resistant to frost.

4. Lettuce: clear away heat and benefit the kidneys, delay aging

Lettuce is a wild vegetable of the lily family, commonly known as wild bamboo shoots, mountain shoots, etc. It contains a variety of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, etc. Since early winter is the production season of lettuce, the price is relatively favorable, so it is recommended to eat it appropriately.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Clears away heat and detoxifies, anti-aging. Lettuce can clear the eyes, clear heat and diuretic, it contains isoniazid and uracil, can slow down the aging process of the human body, is a good anti-aging food. In the winter when the climate is dry, eating more lettuce has a very good anti-aging effect, which can make people feel more energetic.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Delay the decline of kidney function . The kidney is the main bone marrow, and the bone marrow can produce red blood cells and white blood cells in the bones, which is an important place for hematopoiesis. Osteoporosis and anemia are often caused by the decline of kidney function, and the consumption of lettuce can play a role in strengthening the kidney and tendons, and delay the decline of kidney function.

The early winter is cold and dry, so it is recommended to eat more than four kinds of healthy vegetables, which have many benefits and are good for the body

Mustard greens, cabbage, celery, and lettuce are the four most suitable seasonal vegetables to eat in early winter. They are not only delicious and affordable, but also have high nutritional value and medicinal value, and eating them regularly is very beneficial to the body. It is recommended that when buying and cooking these vegetables, you can mix them appropriately, such as mustard greens can be fried with meat, lettuce can be added to soups and claypot rice, etc., so that not only the taste is better, but the nutritional combination is also more reasonable, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

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