
Tang Bohu's philosophical poems in his later years told the world a lot of truths, and every sentence is a wise saying

author:Long Wind Literary History

There are so many film and television dramas about Tang Bohu, I have personally watched many of them, starring all kinds of male stars.

Probably when people watch movies and television, they usually want to relax themselves, prefer to watch comedy stories, and are not interested in tragic stories.

Therefore, the various versions of Tang Bohu are without exception the image of a suave and talented young man, which is simply the script of the cool male protagonist.

And he is also very popular with women, there are eight wives and concubines who have married into the family, all of them look like flowers and jade, and they are proper winners in life!

Tang Bohu's philosophical poems in his later years told the world a lot of truths, and every sentence is a wise saying

But if the TV series is filmed according to Tang Bohu's experience in real history, then few people may be willing to watch it, because his life is not smooth, and he is even more depressed in his middle and later years.

Tang Bohu was born in a merchant family, a farmer and a businessman, and his father let him study in order to get rid of his status as a merchant, hoping to participate in the imperial examination in the future.

Tang Bohu lived up to his father's trust, he was very sensitive to words since he was a child, learned knowledge very quickly, and became a local talent.

Under such circumstances, Tang Bohu would not have a problem taking the imperial examination.

But fate always likes to joke with people, Tang Bohu lost his father, mother, wife, brother and sister one after another at the age of 20, and his family quickly declined, and he was also in pain for a while.

Tang Bohu's philosophical poems in his later years told the world a lot of truths, and every sentence is a wise saying

Later, he continued to participate in the imperial examination with the encouragement and funding of his friends, and won the first place in the township examination with his talent, which made him a little "floating".

In 1499, Tang Bohu rushed to the capital to participate in the examination and met his student Xu Jing. Xu Jing's family is very rich, and he actually got the test questions under the money opening the road, but he was dismissed from his reputation after the East Window incident.

Tang Bohu was also reported to have been implicated in a fraud, and almost lost his life, and finally the imperial court deprived him of his qualification to participate in the imperial examination.

After many remedies and many ways to run, he still has no fame in the second half of his life, which means that he will never have a bright future, and Tang Bohu, who has no hope in his life, began to live a life of wandering.

"If you don't alchemy pills, you don't sit in meditation, you don't plough the fields for businessmen. Selling paintings and characters is Tang Bohu's only means of making a living, and if he can't sell it, he can only rely on his friends' funding, or go hungry, and finally finish his life in poverty and illness.

Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, this is the real Tang Bohu.

Tang Bohu's philosophical poems in his later years told the world a lot of truths, and every sentence is a wise saying

However, one thing is very correct, that is, Tang Bohu is indeed very talented, and he is proficient in poetry, calligraphy and painting.

Although he was no longer in the middle of his life, his artistic ideas were raised to several levels.

Most of his later poetry works have a very profound understanding of life, and are basically full of life philosophy, which is deeply loved by the general public.

For example, his eight poems in the "Warning World" group of poems are easy to understand and simple in meaning, and they are also wise sayings for life perception.

Today we're going to take a look at one of them:

The world is like a boat hanging a short canopy, or moving to the west bank or to the east.

Several times the moon is missing and the moon is still full, and there are several gusts of south and north winds.

People are not good for a long time, and the flowers in spring are red for a few days.

Right and wrong must be endured, half demented and half deaf.

The ups and downs of life made Tang Bohu more aware of reality and more insightful, and this poem is his use of a very deep tone to tell the world his attitude towards life and future life.

Tang Bohu's philosophical poems in his later years told the world a lot of truths, and every sentence is a wise saying

"The world is like a boat hanging a short canopy, or moving to the west bank or to the east. "Everyone lives in the world like a boat drifting on a river, sometimes floating on the west bank of the river, sometimes floating on the east bank of the river.

"Several times the moon is still full, and there are several gusts of south and north winds. "The world is impermanent, how can life be perfect, you see that the moon in the sky is cloudy and sunny, and the wind between heaven and earth also has east, west, north and south winds, and of course life will have ups and downs.

"People are not good for a long time, and the flowers in spring are red when they are red. "The years are long, no one can continue to be good, spring is about to pass, how many more days can the bright red flowers bloom?

"Right and wrong must be endured, half demented and half deaf. "Therefore, right and wrong in the world do not need to be taken to heart, pretending to be demented and pretending to be deaf and stupid is also a way to live.

For some things, we don't have to pay too much attention to them, and for some people who are right and wrong, we don't have to pay attention to him, and it is rare to be confused is the true meaning of life.

Tang Bohu's poem, every sentence is an insight, reflecting his transparent life of looking down on everything and not living for fame and fortune, which is very beneficial to read.

Tang Bohu's philosophical poems in his later years told the world a lot of truths, and every sentence is a wise saying

Mountains have peaks and valleys, people have ups and downs, if you often feel unsatisfactory in real life, please don't be discouraged, let alone give up.

At this time, we might as well let go of a little baggage, occasionally pretend to be a little confused, and treat the changes in the world with a normal heart, maybe there will be new discoveries in life.

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